The fresh bamboo shoots are peeled off to reveal the white bamboo shoots, cut into pieces and blanch in water for 15 minutes, remove and slice, and you can make delicious dishes.

The most common ways to cook bamboo shoots are stir-frying, braising and stewing. Stir-fried bamboo shoots, stir-fried bamboo shoots with bacon, cold bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots with pork belly, pickled pork with preserved vegetables... which one doesn't make people drool.

But Gu Liang can forget about it here, where meat was common in ancient farmers. A few days ago, I asked Gu Dani when she last ate meat, but it turned out that she could only eat meat during the Chinese New Year last year, and she couldn't remember the last time.

But Gu Liang was still not giving up. He walked to the stove and looked up to ask Grandma Gu how she was going to cook.

"Aren't bamboo shoots usually fried or boiled in soup? How can they be cooked?" Grandma Gu replied.

"You can stew soup with ham and bacon, or braise pork belly and pour soy sauce on it. It's shiny and delicious," Gu Liang said greedily.

Before Grandma Gu could reply, Second Aunt spoke first.

"Where did you know this method, nephew? I haven't even heard of it. Did you eat dragon meat secretly to think of this method?" Li thought that Grandma Gu doted on Gu Liang and that Grandma Gu secretly gave Gu Liang a lot of delicious food, so she said sarcastically.

Gu Liang realized that he seemed to have let the cat out of the bag when he heard Second Aunt's sour words. People here may not have eaten pickled pork with preserved vegetables. For a while, he couldn't think of a good answer.

At this time, Mrs. Gu retorted: "You think everyone is as ignorant as you. Just because you haven't eaten a dish doesn't mean you haven't seen or heard of it. It's just ham and bacon stew, how come it's dragon meat? I'll buy some tomorrow and stew it for my grandson. As for your second daughter-in-law, if you give me a grandson one day, even if you really want to eat dragon meat, I'll think of a way for you."

Li pursed her lips and thought: "It's just because I don't have a son, you treat the eldest son like a treasure all day long. When I give birth to ten or eight children one day, let's see if you still have this face." However, Li didn't dare to really say it. The family was still headed by Mrs. Gu. If she offended Mrs. Gu, she might not get a share of the family property in the future. Li had to remain silent.

"Aunt, I heard about this dish from Li Erdan in the village. He went to the county town to eat it and showed off to us. We are all family members. How can I eat it if you haven't eaten it?" Gu Liang responded after reacting.

Li knew that she was in the wrong and did not reply. She lowered her head and started to make a fire.

At noon, the Gu family still had stir-fried bamboo shoots. Although there was no complicated method, the bamboo shoots were still very delicious with their own sweetness and crispness. The whole family enjoyed it very much.

At the dinner table, Mrs. Gu spoke up and prepared the whole family to go to the mountains to dig bamboo shoots. The men of the Gu family continued to stay at home to plow the fields and prepare for spring ploughing, while the women went to dig bamboo shoots. Gu Liang continued to pick grass for pigs. After all, Gu Liang was young and could not help much.

The whole family had no objection to this. Bamboo shoots were not only delicious and rare, but also easy to preserve after drying. It would be no problem to keep them for one or two years. The most important thing was that dried bamboo shoots could be taken to the town or county to exchange for money. Although the money was not much, it was not easy for farmers to exchange money. Farmers had the most valuable food throughout the year, but they also had to eat it themselves and could not sell too much, so farmers were naturally active in doing things that could be exchanged for money.

As for Gu Liang, he didn't care. After all, he had been to the bamboo forest behind for several days in a row. It was not convenient for him to do anything when his family went there, so he might as well do something else.

After dinner, the whole family went to do their own things. No one takes a nap in spring. The temperature is right and the sun is not shining. It is the most suitable for farm work. If you still take a nap in spring, you will be easily scolded as a lazy man by the villagers.

So even if everyone has spring sleepiness, they dare not sleep. Everyone is working hard in the fields to prepare for the autumn harvest.

Gu Liang didn't need to go to the bamboo forest again this afternoon, and he was not in a hurry to cut pig grass, so he wandered around in the wild. In fact, Gu Liang was not wandering around, because he was looking for wild vegetables that could be placed in the space.

After all, the first thing brought about by the famine is famine, and Gu Liang wants to solve this problem. These wild vegetables can be eaten by people now, not to mention after the famine.

When Gu Liang was a child, his grandmother told him that when they were hungry, they ate everything, tree bark, Guanyin soil, grass roots, whatever they saw. At that time, Gu Liang was still young, and he asked if he could eat vegetables if he ran out of food. His grandmother told him that there was no grass roots to eat, and the fresh and juicy wild vegetables had been eaten up long ago. His grandmother smiled and said,

Jokingly talking about others saying that goats can eat the land clean, in fact, when people are hungry, they are more powerful than goats, and they can eat the soil clean.

Since Gu Liang knew the tragedy that would happen in the future, he tried his best to avoid this situation. Now he is not strong enough and his words are not important, so he can only do what he can. For example, now try to find some wild vegetables to store in the space.

Now the temperature is getting higher and higher, and wild vegetables are also starting to grow rapidly. Gu Liang walked on the ridge of the field, and from time to time he could pick a few purslane and dandelions. Most of them are shepherd's purse, but now the weather is hot, many shepherd's purse have grown stalks and are ready to bloom, but Gu Liang does not dislike it. After all, shepherd's purse can be eaten even if it is a little older, and it is pure green and pollution-free. In ancient times, there was no need to worry about pesticides.

After picking on the ridge for half a day, Gu Liang came to the wild land at the foot of the mountain, where many wild vegetables such as bitter melon, wormwood, bitter melon and amaranth grew. Gu Liang picked wild vegetables for a long time. Although these wild vegetables cannot compare with grain, they taste good. They can fill the stomach in times of famine. It is better to have them than nothing, right?

Gu Liang picked a full basket of wild vegetables and realized that it was getting late. So he found a deep grass and put the wild vegetables in the basket into the space in different categories. He put one kind of wild vegetables in a pile, and there were seven small piles. In the future, he can put more wild vegetables in a pile, and accumulate them day by day.

It was getting late. After finishing the space, Gu Liang hurriedly picked a basket of pig grass and went home.

When he just got home, there were only a few sisters at home. When they heard that Gu Liang was back, they all came out to play with Gu Liang. Dani listened to her family very much. When the adults were not at home, she would bolt the door and not sneak out. She would stay at home to play with her two sisters. When she saw her brother coming back, Dani complained to him that Erni was playing games and cheating, and she didn't want to play with him anymore. Er Ni also cried to Gu Liang and complained that it was Dani who bullied him while playing games, which made Gu Liang laugh and cry, and he could only rub their heads.

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