The money was so much that she had to sell it in the sun.

Li felt so angry that her forehead was about to explode. This was the hard-earned money she had earned from kneading ice jelly by hand for so many days and selling it in bowls under the sun!

But his brother was actually ready to take it away without saying a word.

Li yelled, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Li Dezi heard Li's deafening voice and said in a daze, "Sister, why are you yelling so loudly? I'm holding a white flour cake. If it doesn't work, I'll just take two and give the rest back to you."

Li saw that her brother was still hiding something and continued to yell, "I asked you what you held in your other hand?"

Li Dezi saw that he had been caught taking his sister's money, so he said with a smirk, "Sister, I see that you have made a lot of money from selling ice jelly these days, so I'll use it to buy some delicious and fun things. We are all family, so what's yours is mine, isn't it?"

Li was furious at her brother's shameless words at this time. He even called it stealing, which was clearly stealing. Fortunately, she found out early, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. It was all her life and property in it. Without it, she couldn't open the stall tomorrow.

Li didn't say anything more and rushed to grab it, but she was fat and Li Dezi was slippery. After several attempts, she failed to grab it. She could only hold her brother tightly.

Li continued to shout for her brother to return the wallet to her. But Li Dezi didn't want to return it to his second sister. In his world, his family made money for him, especially his two sisters. Everything was given to him since he was a child. He left it for his two sisters when he didn't want it anymore.

Li could only threaten her brother and said, "Give it to me quickly, or I will call for help. There are supervisors and yamen runners on this construction site. If they find out, you can't run away."

Li Dezi didn't believe that his own sister dared to do such a thing. Where have you heard of a family reporting a crime internally? Isn't she shameless?

But at this time, Li didn't care so much and shouted directly, "Come on, catch the thief!"

Li Dezi didn't expect that Li would dare to really shout, and even regarded him as a thief. At this time, there were already many onlookers. After all, Li's stall has always been popular. When they saw Li shouting to catch the thief, they surrounded her more tightly, and seemed ready to take action at any time.

Seeing this situation, Li Dezi was afraid that the yamen runners would be called over, so he quickly backed off and threw the purse in his hand to Li, then walked into the crowd and disappeared, taking the five white flour cakes with him.

Seeing that her purse was saved, Li quickly hugged it tightly, kissed it non-stop, and then stuffed it into her clothes, not daring to leave it.

At this time, Gu Laohan, Gu Changping, and Gu Changan also came. The workers in their village were slower than those in Li Dezi's village, so they arrived later.

Seeing many people surrounding Li, they hurriedly asked what happened. Li's brother from her mother's family did such an ugly thing, so she naturally didn't dare to tell her father-in-law, although she had decided in her heart to stay away from her brother and no longer bring him food in the future, and to see him as little as possible.

So she quickly changed the subject and said that she had made coarse flour cakes and asked them to eat quickly.

So Gu Laohan and his friends didn't think much about it, picked up the coarse flour cake and ate it, and then said to Li that she didn't expect that she didn't cook, but her cooking skills were quite good, catching up with Gu Laotai.

However, Li's words sounded like a compliment, but to Gu Liang, it was undoubtedly a mockery. After all, Gu Liang had eaten so many delicious cakes and pastries in modern times, and Gu Laotai's cake-making skills could only be said to be barely swallowable.

And today, Gu Liang prepared to make his own cakes, because he couldn't eat the cakes made by Gu Laotai every day. Every time Gu Laotai made a cake, it was very firm, even stronger than naan, especially after it was cold, it felt like a helmet when knocked, and I didn't know whether it was a problem of craftsmanship or the flour was too coarse.

In view of the fact that the Gu family's ingredients were relatively scarce and there was no meat, Gu Liang prepared to make Tujia sauce-flavored cakes.

It just so happened that this cake did not need fillings, only flour and oil were enough, and it did not need yeast to ferment. Because in ancient times, the dough was kept by the family, the quality was uneven, and it was difficult to control the amount. Gu Liang's cooking skills were not yet able to do what he wanted, so this was just right.

Pour a certain amount of flour and add a little salt to increase the base flavor, half of the noodles are boiled, and the other half are cold water.

As a southerner, Mrs. Gu had never seen this method of mixing noodles with boiling water and adding cold water. When she saw her grandson doing this, she was shocked.

I thought my grandson was playing.

But the boiling water had already been poured on, so I could only let Gu Liang mess it up. But Gu Liang didn't think he was messing up. This was his favorite roadside snack in the past. He even asked how it was made. It just happened to come in handy today.

After the noodles were mixed, they should be left to rise. This was the perfect time to make the sauce. But the materials were scarce, so I could only make a low-end family version. The Gu family made their own smelly bean paste, soy sauce, garlic, onions, chives and sesame seeds, and a little bit of sugar.

These were fried in oil, and Grandma Gu was supervising on the side. She felt bad when she saw Gu Liang pour so much oil. I originally thought that my grandson wanted to make meat patties, and the lack of meat at home could just avoid it. I didn't expect that he also neglected to use oil.

But now that things have come to this, Grandma Gu can only close her eyes and pretend she didn't see it. But Gu Liang still has to use oil next, because the secret to making the sauce-flavored patties crispy and layered is to use oil puff pastry.

Oil pastry is a mixture of flour and oil, which is evenly spread on the rolled dough, and then the center of the dough is connected to the surroundings and cut. Stack them up layer by layer, and the largest piece is stacked on the top to wrap all the dough.

The last step is to fry it, and oil has to be poured again. This made Mrs. Gu angry and swore that she would never let this bear grandson go to the kitchen. It would not be enough to open an oil press at home a few more times. I really don’t know whether this cake is made of flour or oil, and why oil must be added in every step.

After frying in the pan until it is almost done, you can apply the sauce. After applying the sauce, the little smell will come up immediately. Even Mrs. Gu, who has been complaining about Gu Liang using too much oil, smelled the fragrance at this time and her appetite was moved.

It must be said that as long as the sauce-flavored cake is well-flavored, it will not be unpalatable. As long as the sauce is not too dark, it will complement each other.

The hot sauce-flavored pancakes that had just been made were crispy and tough, with the aroma of flour, oil and sauce fully blended together to create a flavor that people couldn't stop eating.

Gu Liang originally planned to keep these sauce-flavored pancakes for the next day when he went to Dahei Mountain to collect herbs, but he didn't expect them to be so popular that a pot of sauce-flavored pancakes was snapped up as soon as they came out of the oven.

Gu Liang could only helplessly make the second pot, after all, it was the dry food for tomorrow's mountain trip. Eating the tasteless white flour pancakes every day made Gu Liang feel that he worked hard to collect herbs and make money for nothing.

Now Gu Liang and his uncle go deep into Dahei Mountain, and every time they feel that they don't have enough time, most of the time is spent on the road, and every time they find herbs, they don't have enough time. In the past, they were at the foot of Dahei Mountain, and time was just enough.

For now, Gu Liang wants to live in the mountains. As long as he lives in the mountains, he can get up to find herbs without worrying about time. The longer he spends looking for herbs, the more money he makes, and the more food in the space. There are already several thousand kilograms of grain in Gu Liang's space, as well as ten taels of silver from selling bamboo shoots. Gu Liang plans to find time to use the money to buy salt.

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