The old man was very tired.

Gu Liang thought of this and went in without hesitation.

After Gu Boxi finished picking the mulberry on the tree, he found that Gu Liang was gone. He was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat. Could it be that there was an accident? Did the wolf take it away? Did the tiger eat it? Or...

So Gu Boxi could only come down in a hurry and start looking for Gu Liang. He first looked for the boulder below, wondering if he had fallen down and didn't hear it.

He came down in a hurry to look, but found no trace. Then his eyes were also attracted by the stone wall under the boulder, wondering why there was a stone wall in this ghost place.

Then he also found the entrance to the cave, so he prepared to go over and find out. As soon as he arrived at the cave entrance, Gu Boxi found some movement inside. He thought it was some wild animal. Maybe Gu Liang was bitten by the wild animal inside, so he tightened his knife in his hand.

At this time, the big bear that had been following Gu Boxi also called out several times inside.

The cave was very dark, with only some light at the door, and because it was in the forest, the light shining in was not strong. It was estimated that the thing was moving inside. Looking inside, there was floating dust, and it was impossible to see anything.

After a while, a thing with black hair and unknown meaning came out. Gu Boxi thought it might be a wild boar, so he held the hatchet more tightly and raised it up to wait for it to come out and then swing the knife to chop it down.

Just when Gu Boxi was about to start, thinking that he could eat meat tonight. Take a closer look, no, why is this thing wearing clothes?

After Gu Liang half of his body came out, Gu Boxi realized that the "thing" inside was his own nephew Gu Liang. Gu Liang was also startled when he saw his uncle raising his knife. He hurriedly thought that he should not have revealed that he was not Gu Liang from this world, so why did he still want to kill people?

At this time, Gu Boxi was scared. He thought it was a wild animal in the mountains, but he didn't expect it to be his nephew. If he really did it, it would be no joke. Maybe the novel would end here.

So Gu Boxi said anxiously: "Didn't you go down to pick Coriolus polygoni? Why did you climb here? I have been looking for you for a long time. I thought you were taken away by a wolf!"

"Hehe, I was curious, so I went in to take a look." Gu Liang smiled embarrassedly, thinking that he made his uncle worried.

Gu Boxi looked at Gu Liang with a smirk on his face and quickly reminded him: "You are so brave that you dare to go into any hole. What if there is a bear, a tiger or a worm in the hole? Aren't you a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?"

Gu Liang didn't think about these things when he went in. He was simply curious about why there was a hole in it and what was inside.

However, he didn't find anything big after he went in. The space inside was not big. It was just a protruding boulder, and someone surrounded it underneath. It was just a little bigger than an ordinary bedroom. Gu Liang's height just touched the ceiling, and people like Gu Boxi could only kneel down to go in.

"What's inside?" Gu Boxi suddenly asked, and he was actually very curious about why there was a stone house in this place.

Gu Liang replied, "There's nothing inside, just a few broken jars, none of which can be used. They look like the medicine jars in the pharmacy. I didn't find anything else. I just heard Da Xiong calling outside, so I came out."

It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time, at least 20 to 30 years. It was full of dust and there was nothing much to find.

Seeing that Gu Liang said that there was nothing inside except a few broken jars, Gu Boxi lost interest and said, "Forget it, let's pick the remaining mulberry yellow and leave. It is estimated that someone lived here before. I heard from the villagers that someone lived in Dahei Mountain before, and the people there sometimes came to our village, but I have lived in Lanxi Village for so long and have never seen anyone come out."

At this time, Gu Liang's little head was spinning. This stone house seemed to be specially built for him.

Yesterday he was still thinking about living in Dahei Mountain. Today, when he was picking herbs, this stone house appeared. How could he let go of such a good thing? After all, God's arrangement is the greatest.

Gu Liang told Gu Boxi about his idea, saying that he wanted to stay overnight on the Dahei Mountain every time he went to collect herbs, and then go back the next day to collect herbs.

Gu Boxi now felt that his nephew was really brave. Let’s not talk about whether there were ghosts in the deep mountains and old forests. Just talking about living on the mountain, no one in Lanxi Village would have the courage to do this.


People in the village live together for safety. In the past few years when the harvest was not good, wolves entered the village several times. People living in the village have to close the door at night to prevent wild animals. Gu Liang was not so bad. He rushed to the wolf's den.

Gu Boxi told all these to Gu Liang, but Gu Liang felt that wild animals were not so bad. People were the most terrible things, both openly and secretly.

Besides, there is a stone house. Someone has lived there before. It should not be a big problem for you to live there. You can live in the stone house at night, block the small exit with a stone slab, and light a fire at the door. How can wild animals dare to come up and harass you?

So Gu Liang got entangled with his third uncle Gu Boxi. After much persuasion, Gu Boxi finally agreed under the temptation of making more money.

In fact, the reason why Gu Boxi agreed was mostly because he wanted to make more money. If he did corvee in the future, his family would not go.

Since Gu Boxi agreed, this stone house became the most suitable place to spend the night.

Gu Liang and the other person prepared to go into the stone house together to take a closer look and clear some things inside to prepare for living in it later.

First, there were some peeling stones, then severely weathered straw, and then some broken pottery pieces, which were small and sharp and had to be cleared out to avoid explosion injuries.

"Hey, Gu Liang, look at this oil lamp, only the bottom one is broken, but the top one can be used, keep it." Gu Boxi found a hole dug out on the wall of the stone house, and a broken oil lamp lay there quietly.

Gu Liang was cleaning some hay in the innermost part of the hole, and the ground here was very flat, which seemed to be well taken care of by the previous residents.

After cleaning the hay, there was a flat stone underneath, with a lot of dust on it, and it seemed that there were words.

So Gu Liang hurriedly brushed off the dust on it, and saw that it was written on it————The weather is turbulent, and my way is prosperous.

Because it was in traditional Chinese, Gu Liang didn't react for a while, what was written. Then he read it word by word. Although there were still two words that he didn't recognize, when they were connected, Gu Liang was still quite familiar with them. The words above were clearly————The heavens are vast and my way is prosperous.

Ah, this, Gu Liang always thought that this sentence was a line from the script of Xianjian, but he didn't expect that this sentence actually existed in ancient times.

"Gu Liang, look here, there is something here." Gu Boxi's voice sounded behind him. Gu Liang hurried to see what his uncle had found. Just next to the oil lamp he had just found, there were two books hidden in the closet dug out of the cave wall.

Gu Liang took them out directly and shook out the dust on the ground.

Gu Liang looked at the name of the first book. Although the color of the book was a little yellow, the big words on the cover were still clearly visible. The name of the book was "Dongxuan Lingbao Jing".

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