The first step is to lay the straw that you have brought with great effort, but before that, you have to drive away the insects. This is very simple. Find a few fresh pine branches, lay a pile in the cave, put flammable dry grass underneath, and then light it. Fresh pine branches are difficult to burn, so a lot of thick smoke will come out. Soon the cave is filled with white smoke, and a few unknown insects crawl out of the cave entrance, which looks a bit disgusting. After a quarter of an hour, when no more bugs crawled out, they covered the stone slabs and blocked the air outlet, so that the remaining bugs inside could be smoked to death.

Taking advantage of this time, Gu Liang and his team continued to look for medicinal herbs around the stone house and surveyed the surrounding situation.

They found a small stream about a hundred meters away from the stone house, and a pool of about two square meters formed at a boulder. There were also some ferns and stone calamus growing around the pool.

The appearance of this pool just solved their water problem. It seems that this stone house is really a Feng Shui treasure land.

They went down along the small stream, because in the mountains, the vegetation species beside the stream are the most abundant and the most suitable for finding medicinal herbs.

Within an hour, they found some epimedium, polygonatum and polygonum multiflorum, filling a small backpack.

They were a little tired after searching for so long, so they could just go back to the stone house to rest. The fire in the stone house had gone out. When the stone slab was opened, a puff of white smoke came out. It seemed that the stone house was well sealed. A few cracks had to be opened for ventilation at night.

The stone house was so smoky that they could not enter for the time being, so they simply had a bite outside. They ate the sauce-flavored pancake that Gu Liang taught Mrs. Gu to make last time. This time, Mrs. Gu learned to make it herself. However, because Mrs. Gu was reluctant to add oil, the taste was a little worse than that made by Gu Liang, but it was much better than the pancakes made before.

Gu Liang also gave a piece to Daxiong when he ate. Since he forgot to bring a dog bowl for it, he picked a few paulownia leaves to pad it. Daxiong was much bigger than when he first came to Gu's house, and Mrs. Gu did not treat him badly, so he was a circle bigger than dogs of the same age, almost close to the size of an adult dog.

After eating, Gu Boxi swept out all the pine needles after burning and confirmed that there were no sparks left. Then they started to make the bed. They had to finish it early so that they could sleep conveniently when they came back at night. After all, it was dark in the wilderness and there was no light.

Spread the straw they brought to the innermost part of the house, spread it evenly, and then cover it with bamboo mats. A "bed" was made simply and without much effort. After all, they were all grown men and rough people from the countryside, and they were not so delicate.

After laying it, they put the medicinal herbs they collected in the morning into the house to prevent wild goats and the like from eating them. After all, goats like epimedium very much. It would be foolproof if the cave entrance was covered with a stone slab. Gu Boxi also tidied up the cave entrance to make it neater and the stone slab just blocked it.

After finishing all this, they had to look for medicinal herbs in the afternoon. There were several Polygonum multiflorum growing in the area they came to. They looked a bit old, so they were just right to dig them.

Although the price of Polygonum multiflorum is not too expensive, these few are old and should be able to sell for a good price. In the past, the old people often said that if you dig up Polygonum multiflorum that looks like a human body, it will become a magical grass, just like ginseng. However, Gu Liang has never seen a Polygonum multiflorum that looks like a human. It is basically the same as the sweet potato dug out of the ground, and it is a little bit more numb.

Although it looks like a sweet potato, raw Polygonum multiflorum is poisonous and can damage the liver. A small amount can detoxify, eliminate carbuncle, stop malaria, and moisten the intestines. However, after processing, it can nourish the liver and kidneys and benefit the essence and blood.

When Gu Boxi was digging Polygonum multiflorum, Gu Liang was watching. He saw some black things like sticks in the soil dug out by his uncle, which were slender like Cordyceps sinensis, but black. Gu Liang picked it up and looked at it, and thought it looked like black-stemmed carbonaria.

At this time, Gu Boxi had already dug out the Polygonum multiflorum here and was ready to dig another place. Gu Liang hurriedly asked Gu Boxi to continue digging down. Although Gu Boxi was a little puzzled, he still did it, because since he followed Gu Liang to find medicinal herbs, he had witnessed all kinds of strange

The strange medicinal herbs grew in different places, so he did whatever Gu Liang asked him to do.

After a few hoes, the soil dug out was different. It was no longer as hard as before, but a little loose, and even some holes appeared underneath.

Gu Liang asked his uncle to stop digging here and change his small hoe. It seems that there is indeed an abandoned termite nest underneath. Gu Liang looked at the walls of the dug hole and found that they were very smooth. It was not formed naturally at all, so Gu Liang confirmed it.

The abandoned termite nest and the black-handled carbonaria growing on the ground can determine what medicinal herbs are growing underneath. There must be the medicinal herb Wuling ginseng growing underneath.

As we all know, the wooden horse is not a horse, and Wuling ginseng is not ginseng. It is not a plant rhizome like the common ginseng, codonopsis, and adenophora. It is a sclerotium formed by a fungus, which can also be regarded as a kind of "mushroom". Wuling ginseng looks similar to Cordyceps on the ground, and the part in the termite nest is a thing shaped like a water drop.

In this termite nest, Gu Liang and his team indeed found black ginseng. There were more than a dozen of them, big and small, dark and round. The big ones were as big as a child's fist, and the small ones were about the size of chestnuts.

After digging up the black ginseng, they also dug up a few asparagus, which can be used to nourish yin and moisten dryness, clear the lungs and reduce fire. The roots of this thing underground are like spindles, and can also be sold at a good price.

After searching for almost a full basket of medicinal herbs, the sky gradually darkened. The forest is not like the village. As soon as the sunlight weakens, the forest begins to darken, which makes people feel a little scared.

So Gu Liang and his team gave up the search. Anyway, they live in the mountains, and they can get up early tomorrow morning to continue looking for medicinal herbs. And although they arrived at the mountain an hour later today, since they didn't have to go down the mountain, the time to collect herbs was actually longer than before, which can be seen from the amount of medicinal herbs they found.

It was late, and they had returned to the stone house, collected some dry branches, and the fire was lit.

I have to say that this stone house is really a Feng Shui treasure land. It is not far from the water source, and the sun is strong in summer. It is dark in the woods at night, but there are many stones around this stone house, so there are no trees, and it is much brighter than the surrounding area.

After the fire started, Gu Boxi got a can of water and put it on the fire, and boiled a can of hot water for drinking at night. The sauce-flavored cakes at noon had been eaten long ago, and what they could eat at night was the taro brought from home. Put the taro in the fire, cover it with some sand, and wait for half an hour before eating.

Although a few taro are a bit shabby, it is very good to be full. After all, many people here have difficulty in getting full. Gu Liang was somewhat fortunate that he did not come here in a famine year. In this year of good weather, many people still cannot eat enough. Otherwise, if there was a famine at the beginning, Gu Liang would have starved to death. You thought that the environment was good in ancient times and there was food everywhere. When that time really came, you couldn't even compete with others for Guanyin soil, let alone those barks and leaves. When you are still complaining about the poor quality of the food, others have already finished eating and are staring at the food in your hand.

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