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Since they have spent more time collecting herbs in the mountains recently, the types and values ​​of the herbs Gu Liang and the others collected are getting higher and higher.

In the beginning, the two of them could only earn a few hundred taels of silver each time they went to sell medicine. Now, they can earn three to four taels of silver every time they go to sell medicine. If they are lucky, they can even earn up to five taels of silver at a time. This is Because they found a Dendrobium officinale outside a cliff in Dahei Mountain, they were able to sell it at such a good price.

Dendrobium officinale has been artificially cultivated in large quantities in modern times, but its price is still relatively expensive, not to mention that in ancient times it could only be found in the wilderness and cliffs.

The Taoist classic "Tao Zang" in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty listed dendrobium officinale, Tianshan snow lotus, Sanliang ginseng, 120-year-old polygonum multiflorum, 60-year-old poria, cistanche, Ganoderma lucidum, sea pearls, and Cordyceps sinensis as the nine great immortals of China. Grasses, among which Dendrobium officinale ranks first because of its remarkable effect in nourishing yin and replenishing deficiency.

And Gu Liang has more and more money on hand. Including the money from selling bamboo shoots, Gu Liang now has a total of nearly thirty taels of silver. Now that the rice has begun to turn yellow, Gu Liang wants to wait until the new grain matures and the price of the old grain drops before buying it. This way he can save a lot of money and buy more grain. Anyway, his space will not be lost due to the passage of time. Go bad.

These days, I continued to search for medicinal materials deep in the Daheishan Mountains during the day, and rested in the stone house at night, but nothing went wrong. Although there are many wild animals in the mountains, most of them avoid people and flee whenever there is any movement. I often hear various calls and roars at night, which sound a bit scary, but they are still quite far away and I haven’t really encountered them.

Not only is Gu Liang good at picking medicine these days, but the dog Big Bear is also very good. I don’t know whether it’s because I dare to run around when I grow up, or because the hound gene in my body has awakened. I often run all over the mountains and fields while they are resting or cooking, and often bring them back some gifts, such as pheasants and hares. Sometimes It's turtledoves, squirrels and the like.

Big Bear's gift brought some fun to their boring life of collecting herbs in the mountains. Gu Liang sometimes made a bet with his third uncle Gu Boxi, guessing whether Big Bear would come back empty-handed this time, and what would he hunt when he came back?

That afternoon, they packed up the medicinal materials they collected and prepared to go down the mountain to go home. Because there were so many medicinal materials, they even dried them in advance to make it easier to carry them home.

Big Bear ran off to nowhere after lunch. They stayed in the mountains for two nights this time, so they stopped collecting herbs this afternoon and planned to go home early.

They had just packed up and were about to call Big Bear home when Big Bear appeared right in front of them, holding a gray rabbit in his mouth and sitting upright on the ground, as if waiting for praise from Gu Liang and the others.

At this time, of course Gu Liang and Gu Boxi had to 'pamper' the big bear. After all, this was meat they got for free, so why not make people happy!

Since I was going home, I didn't deal with the rabbit and just hung it on the back of the basket and went down the mountain.

Before they even reached the village, Gu Liang and the two found that the village was much livelier than the previous days, and there were many more people in the fields. The people working in the fields were no longer the old, weak, sick, and disabled, but all strong laborers.

"Boxi, you're going to the mountains!" A lean old man who was draining rice fields in the field greeted Gu Boxi.

"Second uncle, why are you back? Didn't you go to Jiangzhou?"

"Isn't he back? If he doesn't come back, your second uncle will probably have to lie down and come back."

"Are you the only one back? Or..."

"Not only me, everyone in the village is back, your father and your brother are also back."

"Really? Thank you second uncle, I will take the time to go back and have a look."

After learning that their family members were back, Gu Boxi and Gu Liang quickened their pace and rushed home. The two of them trotted all the way, not caring about the weight of the baskets on their backs. They ran so fast that they missed Old Man Gu and the others very much after not seeing them for a long time.

Along the way, they passed many fields and houses. They greeted Gu Boxi and Gu Liang when they saw them. After all, they have been working outside for so long, and when they return home, everything feels so safe and comfortable. When they see someone they haven't seen for a long time, they feel very good, and they can't help but want to say hello. It's like a wanderer who hasn't been home for a long time. When he returns home and sees the rhubarb at the end of the village, he wants to go up and say hello. He no longer holds grudges about the rhubarb barking at you before.

When Gu Liang arrived home, Old Man Gu and Gu Changping were turning over the herbs they had dried at the door.

When the two of them saw Gu Liang and Gu Boxi, they were excited and busy.

came forward to greet them. Even Gu Liang's father, Gu Changping, who was always calm, almost knocked over the dried herbs due to excitement.

It was only a little over a month since we last met, and Old Man Gu looked like he had aged ten years. His body was more hunched than before, his face was more vicissitudes, and especially his body, which was much thinner than before. And Gu Changping next to him was not much better. He was just 30 years old this year, and he would still be a big boy in modern times. After this trip, he is now a standard middle-aged man, and his face is sunburned red and black.

Since they have returned, they have been hungry and sunburned for so long outside, so they naturally have to recuperate and replenish their bodies when they return home.

Old Lady Gu also killed an old hen for the first time on this day to stew chicken soup for Old Man Gu and Gu Changping. In the eyes of these rural people, chicken soup is the best thing, and stewed chicken soup is also the highest standard dish.

Since he wanted to replenish his body, the medicine Gu Liang had just dug up came in handy. Gu Liang put all the Polygonatum odoratum, Asparagus cochinchinensis, Codonopsis pilosula, and Astragalus membranaceus in it. These are all excellent Chinese medicinal materials, which are the best for replenishing qi, just in time to make up for the deficiency of Gu Laohan and his family. Especially Astragalus membranaceus, which is the best for replenishing qi deficiency. There are very few wild Astragalus membranaceus in the south. Gu Liang dug for so long and only found this only Astragalus membranaceus, which is just right for use. Anyway, they are all family members, so it doesn't matter if they eat it.

Today, the Gu family had dinner early, and all the dishes were good. Gu Liang heard from his uncle that the dishes were more abundant than last year's New Year.

The square table was filled with chicken soup stewed with medicinal materials, braised rabbit meat, braised eggplant, scrambled eggs, and stir-fried vegetables. It looks like there are only five dishes, but there are many meat dishes and the portions are large, which actually filled the entire table.

When they sat down, Gu Liang suddenly found that his uncle and his wife were missing. When he came back, he didn't see his uncle and aunt, thinking that they were busy with farm work. But they were still missing until dinner time. Gu Liang was very confused and asked, "Grandpa, where did the aunt and uncle go? Why didn't they come to dinner?"

When Gu Liang mentioned Gu Changan and Li, the corners of Gu's mouth immediately rose, and he said proudly, "Your aunt is doing a good business in Jiangzhou. Every time, it is sold out. She wants to stay there to sell ice jelly until the construction site is finished. Your uncle also stayed with your aunt."

"It seems that your aunt is quite good at doing business. She can stay there!" Gu Liang originally thought that his aunt Li was selling ice jelly there, and it was good enough to support herself. Unexpectedly, his aunt's business was so good that she didn't want to leave.

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