After all, the two sides of the family were in a mess.

Since Gu Liang started collecting herbs, Li has always felt that Gu Liang is a bit smart. After the incident of selling ice jelly, Li has become more and more impressed with her nephew, and her attitude has also changed 180 degrees. Especially since Gu Liang did not pursue the matter of her leaking the secret recipe, she was very enthusiastic about Gu Liang.

After hearing that Gu Liang had a solution, Li said to Gu Liang with a smile on her face: "Oh, my eldest nephew is here at the right time. You will give whatever Second Aunt wants. Could it be that you were the timely rain in your previous life? No, could it be that you were the reincarnation of Guanyin, the Goddess of Childbirth, and you give whatever others want."

Gu Liang was very upset. What kind of words did his Second Aunt say? It's fine if she said she was the timely rain, but why did she think she was Guanyin? The gender doesn't match.

Gu Liang didn't care about these details so much. He asked Li to bring a jar, and then asked Da Ni to pick a few persimmons from the opposite field.

There are not many other fruit trees in Lanxi Village, but there are so many persimmon trees. Basically, every household has to plant one or two. The Gu family planted four trees under the ridge of their own field. The persimmons are not red yet in this season, but you can see that the trees are full of persimmons from a distance.

Persimmons are not as delicate as other fruit trees. As long as you fill the soil with the persimmon cores you have eaten, you will definitely see it sprout in the second year. The most important thing is that it is drought-resistant and waterlogged, has few diseases and pests, grows fast, bears many fruits, and looks prosperous and festive. Unlike oranges, plums, and peaches, if you don't take good care of them, the trees are always full of fruits, and only a few are left when they are ripe. You can basically harvest as many persimmons as you can. The most important thing is that it does not pick varieties. Any persimmon is extremely bitter before it is ripe, but once it is ripe, it is very sweet, without the sour taste of other fruits.

This made it very popular among farmers in ancient times. After all, pure sweet things were too rare in ancient times. Sucrose is too expensive, honey is too scarce, and only persimmons are the most readily available things for farmers. The most important thing is that persimmons were used as food to feed many poor people during famine years.

In a blink of an eye, Li brought over a jar that was almost as big as a bucket, and Dani also picked about ten persimmons from the tree and brought them back in her clothes.

Li didn't quite understand what Gu Liang was going to do. The persimmons were just turning yellow now. If she wanted to pick them and wait for them to ripen automatically, it would be too early. Only those persimmons that were almost yellow on the tree could be picked and softened and turned red automatically. Now the persimmons were yellow with green. Even if they were left for many days to soften, they would still be very astringent and unpalatable.

Gu Liang looked at the second aunt who was hesitant to speak, and hurriedly explained to her: "Second aunt, I have a special way to make these persimmons less astringent."

"My nephew, I'm not saying anything too much. These persimmons are too green. If you put them in the jar like this, they will only rot, not ripen." Li finally expressed her concerns.

Gu Liang felt that it was useless to talk more, and he had to do it first. He picked a large handful of spicy Liao grass in the backyard against the mountain. This grass looks ordinary, but it will be pungent if you tear it off, and the branches and leaves will turn red in autumn.

Put the persimmons in the jar, pour clean water to cover the persimmons, then put the spicy Liao grass in, cover the lid, and then leave the rest to time.

Li watched the whole process and felt that Gu Liang had a sense of being as fierce as a tiger, with a record of zero and five. Can this simple operation really ripen persimmons? Why has no one done this before.

"Second Aunt, wait ten days, Er Ni can eat persimmons."

Li still asked puzzledly: "Gu Liang, is this method really feasible? Why haven't I seen others do this?"

Gu Liang asked the second aunt to move the jar into the house, and continued to answer: "Second Aunt, don't worry, this is the method I read in the medical book. After ten days, the persimmons will not be astringent at all, but crisp and sweet!"

Seeing that Gu Liang said so confidently, Li also believed this method. After all, she knew that Gu Liang would not talk nonsense without confidence. So after she believed Gu Liang's words, another layer of her mind became active.

She thought that her daughter wanted to eat persimmons so early, so there must be many people who wanted to eat persimmons so early. If someone wants to eat, someone will naturally pay to buy it, so can she sell persimmons!

Li quickly told Gu Liang about her idea. Gu Liang didn't expect that his aunt, after a trip to Jiangzhou, actually awakened her business mind and reacted so quickly. The product hasn't been made yet, so he thought

to sell it for money. Since Li wanted to do it, Gu Liang certainly thought it was okay, and quickly asked Dani to pick some more from the persimmon tree, filling up a whole jar.

But it’s not that Li didn’t want to sell ice jelly, it’s really hard to sell. Lanxi Village is full of neighbors, and whoever wants to eat ice jelly can come here to get a bowl by relying on their status, who will buy it.

And in Lianhua Town, although they are all town people, not many people spend money to buy it, which is not comparable to Jiangzhou. Although there are more people going to the market, the weather is not as hot as before recently, and the market is in the morning. People prefer to eat hot fried cakes and soup cakes, and don’t want to eat this cold ice jelly. So at the end of the day, except for a few workers working at the dock, they can’t sell many bowls of ice jelly a day, and it’s not enough for manpower, so Li didn’t do it. The appearance of persimmons just gave Li another choice.

Ten days passed in Li's expectation. Early in the morning, Li pulled the sleepy Gu Liang to see how the persimmons were doing.

After ten days of fermentation, there was a not very pleasant smell when the jar was opened, but it didn't matter. What mattered was how the persimmons were doing.

After ten days, the persimmons became more golden in color, but they were still hard. Gu Liang took out one, cleaned it, cut it twice with a knife, and handed a slice to Li. Li felt a little scared when she touched the still hard persimmon. After all, who knows how unripe persimmons are? That feeling is simply unbearable.

Li was still hesitating whether to eat it or not. Erni saw the cut persimmons quickly, raised her little hand, grabbed a slice of persimmon and ate it. After eating it all in one breath, she said it was delicious while continuing to take the remaining persimmons.

Li saw that her daughter said it was delicious, so she stopped hesitating and immediately stuffed it into her mouth. As Gu Liang said, it was crisp and refreshing with a little sweetness, and there was no astringency at all.

It happened that today was the market day, so Li took out all the persimmons in the jar, washed them to remove the strange smell of fermentation, and prepared to sell them at the market.

Gu Liang also happened to be selling medicinal herbs today. This time, he and Gu Boxi found two more Dendrobium officinale plants, and the three of them went to the town with Li.

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