Chapter 28

"Lucifer Morningstar? What a weird name" Ying Ying said rudely.

Huang Li elbowed Ying Ying.

"Ow! What was that for, big Brother" She yelp in pain.

"You were being rude to our savior, Ying Ying" He said sternly.

"But his name is really weird, Big Brother" She insisted.

Huang Li elbowed Ying Ying again.

"Alright I'll stop" She pouted.

"So sorry about my sister Lucifer, please tell us if you need anything as an apology" Huang Li apologize.

"Then can you tell me which Sect are you in" Michael said to them.

"We are from one of the 5 major Sects of the Flame Empire, The Vermillion Sect" He answered.

'I don't even know the 5 major Sects of the Flame Empire, even more the Vermillion Sect' Michael sweated in his mind.

"So which Sect are you in, Lucifer?" Huang Li asked him.

"I'm from the Azure Sect" Michael said.

"Azure Sect? That's great!" Huang Li said excitedly.

"What's Great about that?" Michael asked confusingly.

"Didn't you know that the Azure and Vermillion Sect is related?" Huang Li said in confusion.

"I'm new to the Sect so I don't know very much about it, hahaha" Michael laughed nervously.

'Did I just dug my own grave? I said to them that my name is Lucifer Morningstar so that they won't know my real name, but now looking at the future, it doesn't matter anymore, they will find out anyway' Michael thought depressingly.

"Well the reason the two Sects are related is because the Sect Master of the Azure Sect and the Sect Master of the Vermillion Sect are siblings" Huang Li explained.

"Siblings? That old man has a sibling?" Michael mumbled quietly.

"Hmm, did you say something?" Huang Li asked him.

"N-no nothing" Michael replied nervously.

"Are you sure? I thought I heard you say something" Huang Li said getting suspicious.

"No, really, I did not say anything" Michael said after calming down.

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"If that's what you say, then okay" Huang Li said after hearing that.

"Anyway, I'm going to the Demon Sect, do you want to come with me?" Michael invited them.

The two look at each other and nodded.

"Okay, were trapped here anyways" Huang Li replied.

"But big brother how are we going to get out of this Valley?" Ying Ying asked.

"That's right! Even with you in our side we'll still be trapped in this Valley" Huang Li said.

"Don't worry about that, I already took care of all the Beast in this Valley" Michael said confidently.

"But what about that beast that almost killed us earlier?" Ying Ying asked suspiciously.

"Okay okay, maybe not, but still almost all the Beast in this Valley is dead, trust me" Michael confessed

"Are you sure?" Huang Li asked suspiciously.

"Of course"

"Alright but first show me your badge" Huang Li said while stretching his arm to Michael.

"Are you sure we need to do that? You can trust me, it's fine" Michael said nervously.

""Stare"" They both stared at him.

"Alright alright, here" Michael finally gave in.

Michael gave them his Core Disciple badge. Both Huang Li and Ying Ying looked at it and saw that the name he said earlier and the name in the Badge is completely different.

"Why is your name so different in this Badge?" Huang Li asked suspiciously.

"Sorry, my name isn't really Lucifer Morningstar it's Michael Wilson" He apologize.

"Doesn't really matter, it's still weird" Ying Ying said rudely.

"Ying Ying!"

She looked away and snorted "Hmph"

"Anyway, why did you said Lucifer Morningstar is your name?" Huang Li asked.

"Well you know that giving strangers your true name is really bad right? Hahaha" Michael said nervously

"Okay that's a good reason" Huang Li nodded.

"So can we go now?" Michael asked them.

"Okay let's get out of this hell hole" Huang Li said in confidence.

"Alright let's go"






Demonic Summon POV

"I need to tell this to Master, the Devil is here" The Demon said in tiredly.

The Demonic Summon that Michael slayed earlier is still alive and he saw the Devil Form that Michael took Form in earlier.

'That monster! In just one snapped of his fingers he almost killed me' The Demon thought in terror.

"I need to reach Master before that Devil goes after- argh" As he was about to finish his sentence, his heart exploded inside his body causing him to fell down.

"I n-need to t-tell m-master" He tried to stand up but it was futile, because his body is already cold.

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