The Wuxia Phone

36 Fang Chong



"What did you just say!?" Fang Chong threw his cup at the wall and shouted.

Fang Chong is an extremely obese man, weighing over 500 pounds and has a fetish in maid costumes.

"He said that, you have to come there yourself or else he will be the one coming here" The Maid who Michael strangled earlier said in bitterness.

"That arrogant bastard! If he wants me knocking on his door, then so be it" Fang Chong said angrily.

"Where is his room!?" Fang Chong said to the Maid.

"I'll show you the way, sir" The Maid lead him to Michael's room.









"Zzzz" Michael snored soundly as he slept on his new bought Silk bed comfortably.




Three knocks came from the door but the knocking couldn't wake Michael up.

"You bastard! Come out!" An angry voice sounded behind the door.

Michael's eyelids moved before he disappeared from his bed.

"If you won't come out, then I will have to destroy this door" The angry voice said.


As he was about to punch the door, a blade pierce the door in front of him and went through his side of the face before piercing the wall behind him.

Fortunately for him he manage to dodge, even though barely.

Fang Chong started sweating like pig. "Hah, you think a single blade can kill me?" He boasted.

"Ho, then how about 10 of those" Michael said behind the door but the drowsiness is still evident on his voice.

Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing.

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"Eh" He said before 8 Blades pierced the door and pierced each of his limbs with 2 blades. Another 2 blades pierced the door, but strangely the other one was slightly diagonal in it's direction.


The diagonal direction blade deflected the other blade, directing it through his ass and pierced his anus.

Fang Chong's eyes widened before he squealed like a pig.


"Second Elder!" The Maid ran to his side.


The door opened slowly as it revealed Michael. He look like someone who just woke up from a bad alarm.


He yawned before saying drowsily "You really came? I thought you guys is in war with the Black Sect from the Lightning Empire?" He asked.

He got no response from the Elder because he already fainted from the blood loss.

"Don't worry Second Elder, I'll carry you to the Sect Clinic!" The Maid bravely said as she carried him on her back.

Michael felt that this Maid is really faithful to her Master, even though she knew he can kill her with a flick of his finger.

"Just a little bit more!" The Maid said even though the Sect Clinic was still miles away from her position.

"This is just sad" Michael said as he look at the scene in front of him. He walk towards the Maid and carried the Second Elder with one hand.

"I saw that you were struggling from carrying him, so I thought 'this is just sad' so I will be carrying him from here, until we reach the Sect Clinic" Michael felt embarrassed for some reason.

'Its not bad helping someone once in awhile, even though I was the one who caused this whole situation' He thought.

The Maid look shock when she saw her enemy helping her, she felt a warm feeling entering her body for some reason but she ignored it for now.

"I could've done this myself!" She said in a tone full of irritation.

"Don't make me laugh, you were obviously struggling from carrying him, by the time you reach the Sect Clinic he will already be dead by then" Michael said amusingly.

It was quite silent for awhile before she spoke again "My name is Su Xi" Su Xi introduced herself.

Michael look surprise for a moment before saying with a charming smile "Su Xi? What a beautiful name"

Su Xi blushed before looking away "Don't think I will forgive you just because you said that" She said to him.

"Yes yes" He still smiled charmingly.

"Why are you smiling like that, it's creeping me out" She said in irritation.

"Don't worry" Michael still kept his charming smile.

"Stop that!" She yelled.

While they were talking, Fang Chong is still bleeding from his wounds and his eyes rolled back to his head.

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