The Wuxia Phone

39 War at Dawn


"It's okay, don't worry" Michael said in a carefree voice.

"Don't be so Carefree, Master" The Wuxia Phone said in a cold voice.


"Back in the Demon Sect, when you were fighting that demon, didn't you get a surprised attack because you were playing with that woman for too long?" The Wuxia Phone said to him coldly.

"A-about that, y-you see i-I... I got nothing" Michael gave in.

"YOU were blasted miles away from an afterimage, from an AFTERIMAGE!? How do you get blasted off by an afterimage? If you were hit directly by one of its attacks, how would you have survived it? Huh? How?" This is the first time he heard the Wuxia Phone so angry.

"I'm sorry, okay? Next time I will be more careful" Michael apologized.

"Good, be more careful, because if you were to die I will die, okay?" The Wuxia Phone said.

"Yes" Michael said as he turned off the Wuxia Phone and laid down on his Silk bed and put on his headphones, which is connected to the Wuxia Phone and played a song at full blast, named:Love Is A Beautiful Pain by M*iko N***Mura.


Currently with the Sect Master

"Sect Master! The Black Sect's Disciples reached the number of 14,000! Not even counting the Elders and the Patriarch!" The First Elder said in panic.

"That's impossible! Haven't I told you to order some Core Sect Disciples to infiltrate their Disciples? What happened to them?" Lin Kun asked seriously.

"They were discovered after 2 Hours of infiltration and they were killed at the spot" The First Elder replied.

"Dammit! I also ordered you to order some Disciples to attack them, what happened to them?" Lin Kun asked.

"They were ambushed and all of them died" The First Elder replied.

"Dammit! What do I do?" Lin Kun asked himself.

As he was brainstorming of what to do, the door on his office opened with a bang.


And a Disciple walk in holding an arrow and said "Sect Master, the Black Sect sent a letter via this arrow"

"Give it to me"

Lin Kun grabbed the Letter from the Disciple's hand and opened the letter.

The Letter


The Black Sect has decided to cooperate with the Blossom Flowers Sect. Tommorow we will attack with over 20,000 Disciples in our force. I'm writing this Letter because I want you, by tommorow, to surrender to the mighty Lightning Empire. If you don't surrender by tomorrow, we will kill everyone in your Vermillion Sect. That is All.

Written by: Sect Master Kong Zu


"20,000!? Our Vermillion Sect can't handle that kind of number! And Blossom Flowers Sect? Aren't they the all woman Sect in the Lightning Empire? It was said that their seductiveness is number one in the whole continent! Our Disciples can't handle that!" The First Elder said in panic.

"Calm down, there is no benefit in panicking, right now we need to think of a strategy to defeat them or at least fend them off, to buy more time for reinforcement to arrive" Lin Kun said calmly.

"You're right, panicking right now is not an option, but their strength is still overwhelming and not just that, they have both the quality and quantity, which right now is something we lacked" The First Elder calmed down.

Lin Kun nodded and said "The reinforcement from the Central Capital is gonna arrive 3 days from now, so we have to fend them off to buy that time"

"I'm gonna tell this to the Disciples and other Elders" The First Elder said.

"No, I'll be the one to tell them" Lin Kun said as he look outside of his window and saw that it was already night before he took out a yellow talisman and activated it.


It made a loud noise that spread throughout the whole and woke everyone up... Well except for Michael because he's wearing a headphone and listening to his music while asleep.

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The Disciples and Elders who got woken up by the loud sound did not do anymore nonsense and prepared their stuff before going out to the Central Sect Area, even though it's already night.

"The Sect Master probably has a good reason to wake up us all" One Elder said as he sat at the Elders Chair.

"It's probably about the War that's gonna happen with the Black Sect" Another Elder said.

"Yeah, the tension has been pressuring me this whole time"

"Un, this tension of war is making my hair fall off" A seductive voice entered the Elder's Room.

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