The Wuxia Phone

42 Men Are Dumber Than Women


In the Plains Of Battlefield, a giant Blue Phoenix emerge from a man.

The Plains Of Battlefield is where the invading army of other Empires go through to invade other Empires, because it was the entrance of an Empire. Every Empire has an entrance, which they will have to go through or else, the Central Forces will come for them.

The Central Forces is the one who controls the 5 Empires behind the scenes. Though they allow the other Empires to invade or try to conquer each other, but they have to follow 5 rules to invade an Empire.

(I'll be telling the rules later in the story: By Lazy Author)

And the reason they picked the Vermillion Sect first to be invaded, is because they are the nearest Sect.

"Don't think you can beat me with that puny tricks, Little Girl" Lin Kun said inside the Phoenix.

The Phoenix blew a huge amount of blue flames at them.


But the 10 beautiful Elders of the Blossom Flowers Sect used their whips like spinning shield and almost deflected it, but the Elders of Vermillion Sect did not stay idle.

They too started to attack.

"Claws of the Phoenix!" Zhu Jingya's arms turned into a phoenix claws before sweeping the Elders of Blossom Flowers Sect away with her claws.

"Now!" She yelled at her fellow Elders.

The other 3 Elders attacked using their techniques.

"Ice Breath Of The Ice Phoenix!" The Scholar looking Elder yelled his technique. He blew an icy wind through his mouth, which freezed the enemies for a moment.

"Flaming Silver Wings!" Another Inner Sect Elder yelled. His entire wingspan turned into a fiery silver Wings before he flew to the skies and shot down to the opposite Elders.

"Fiery Cannon!" A blast of fire came out of the Elders palm. It targeted the opposite Elders.

In this whole time the opposite Elders did not move, but one of them is holding a shining Talisman, it was as if a the talisman was protecting the Elders.

The Opposite Elder who was holding the Talisman laugh cockily and said "Hahaha, this is the Talisman of Protection, it can protect anyone from a Nascent Soul Cultivator and below, but it only last for 10 Minutes before it crumbles" As she was speaking, the talisman in her hand crumbled.

Her fellow Elders look at her blankly.

"It crumbled... Don't worry I still have 2 of those" She said as she took out another talisman.

"What do we do? They still have 2 more of those talismans" The Scholar looking Elder said.

"Keep attacking then till they run out!" Zhu Jingya said to her fellow Elders.

"""Right!""" They all nodded before dashing to their opponents.


At Lin Kun's side of the battlefield.


The 2 Sect Masters, Kong Zu and Yu Ren, is right now, panting.

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"Ha...ha...ha, you didn't tell me that he has a transformation!" Yu Ren said to Kong Zu in anger.

"Ha...ha...ha, I thought you already knew, that's why I did not tell you about it" Kong Zu explained himself.

"You two still have the courage to talk in the middle of the battlefield!?" Lin Kun's voice sounded in front of them.

They look at him and saw that he was flying at them furiously. He generated thousands of Azure Fireballs and made them chase after the two of them.

Both Kong Zu and Yu Ren ran away from the raging fireballs as it chased after them.

"Isn't this a bit overkill?" Yu Ren yelled as she ran away from the Fireballs.

"We are in no position to say that!" Kong Zu yelled.

They tried to ran away from the Fireballs but it was as if it's speed keeps getting faster as they try to run away.

"What's up with this fireballs!? They keep chasing after us!" Yu Ren said while running away from the fireballs

"That doesn't matter! We need to think on stopping this fireballs before they reach us!" Kong Zu said as he keep thinking of a way on how to stop this fireballs.

Yu Ren suddenly got an idea. She turned around and took out her whip and spinned it to an incredible speed to protect her from the fireballs and get rid of the fireballs both at the same time. Truly a 2 birds in one stone tactic.

"Hohoho, men are truly more dumber than

women" She said cockily.

But she made one tiny miscalculation, she forgot about the impact.

And as a result in a few seconds later, her hair turned into a burned afro.

Kong Zu smirked as he saw her state and said cockily "Who's the dumb one now?"

"Shut up" She said in irritation.

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