The Wuxia Phone

44 A Monster Who Kills


"Eh, what happened?" Kong Zu asked as his body was separated in three pieces. The Light in his eyes began to go out, until there is nothing left.

"Sect Master!" 7 Elders tried ran to his side, but they were cut off when Michael appeared in front of them with a smile.

Fwoosh Fwoosh

He spread his arms and caught the returning Chakrams and before the Elders could react, he slashed them with his Chakrams, killing 2 of them instantly.

He threw away the Chakrams and took out his blades in both of his hand, before he used it like a duel wielder and cut them in a thousand pieces.

After he finished cutting them like animals, he look towards the Disciples with the same smile on his face.

The Disciples trembled as they saw him looked at them with that creepy look.

"Please have mercy on me!" A Disciple said as he kowtow.

The other Disciples saw this and copied him.

"Please have mercy on me!"

"Please don't kill me!"

"Please! I have a family to feed!"

"Yes, me too"

"My mother is sick and if I don't do something she will die by the end of this week!"

"If you have anyone to kill, than kill those people in the Blossom Flowers Sect!"

"Hey! Don't implicate us into your problem!" The Blossom Flowers Sect Disciple said.

"We are not implicating you guys to our problem, we are just being a gentleman, you know the saying 'Ladies first'?"

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"Ladies First my pretty ass, we don't want to die, ya know!"

"Yeah! Screw you gentlemen!"


"Don't worry, you can all die together" Michael said as he prepared his blades.

"Who do you think you are!? Just because you killed Kong Zu doesn't mean you have the rights to ignore me!" Yu Ren said.

Michael look at her face closely before asking "Who are you?"

"I'm the Sect Master of the Blossom Flowers Sect!" She replied.

"There was one more Sect Master? I thought you were that guy's wife, hahaha" He laugh softly.

"Wife? Wife!? You thought I was that guy's wife!?" She yelled at him.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore, because you're going to die anyway" Michael said with a smile.

"Hmph, do you think I'm like that Kong Zu? You'll be shock of what I can do" She said confidently before she took out her whip.

Michael just smiled before he disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of Yu Ren.


"Die" He simply said as he gripped her face so tight, that he almost crushed her face.

"Worthless trash like you should be crush" He said harshly as he look into her eyes with his abyss like eyes.

He flooded her mind with his killing intent, making her hallucinate of the scariest things.

She saw it... a monster that takes a human form... a monster hiding inside a Human's skin... a monster who kills.

She gasp for breath as she says her last words.



Her head exploded as he crushed it with his hands.

"You think I don't know that?" He said as he smiled crazily inside his mask.

He look at the Disciples and Elders, madness evident in his eyes.

"Now that she's dead, there will be no one to protect you all" He said as he directed his killing intent at them.

"Aahhh! Help me!!" A Disciple tried to run but he was killed instantly by his blade.

"All of you will dance with me, a dance with the Devil" He said as he amplified his killing intent ten times more than the usual.

The killing intent made them unable to move, which right now is very dangerous for them.

His Horns started to show as he took off the talisman, making him look like a bloodthirsty Devil.

"Aahhh! Help me!"

"Help us god!"

"Please save me from this Devil!"


"I can't stand this anymore!" Swish! "Gah!" A Disciple killed himself because of his killing intent.

All of the Disciples and Elders stood no chance as he slaughtered them. Be it men or women, he spared no one.

That day, the sea of blood on the ground made the heavens turn red.

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