The Wuxia Phone

49 Mademoiselle


"Just drink slowly, Lin Fen" Lin Kun instructed her.

She continued to drink while ignoring her father.

"Cough cough" She coughed.

Lin Kun immediately rush to her side and said "Are you okay? Is there any pain in your body? Does something hurt?"

"No...I'm...okay" She said in a hoarse voice.

"Are you sure?" Lin Kun asked worriedly.

"Yes" She replied.

At this point she was getting annoyed with her father, though she couldn't say that, well because, she knew what he went through to heal her from her coma.

"Can...I have... more...water...please?" She asked her father while her voice is still hoarse.

"Grand Elder! More water!" He ordered the Grand Elder.

"Yes, Sect Master!" The Grand Elder left the room to get some water.

"Michael come over here, I'm gonna introduce you to my daughter!" But when he look at Michael he was stunned. Michael was wearing a black tuxedo with a ribbon on his neck and he has a rose on his mouth.

"Hello Mademoiselle, I am Michael Wilson" He said gracefully.

"Um, hi...Michael" She said in a hoarse voice.

"Your voice is a little hoarse, here take this" Michael took out a pill and flicked it to her mouth.


The pill went directly into her mouth before it dissolve inside her mouth. The pill healed her dry throat.

"How do you feel, Mademoiselle?" He asked her.

"My throat doesn't hurt anymore and I feel a lot better now, what was that?" Lin Fen asked him in curiosity.

Michael put up his finger in her lips and said "That's a secret, Mademoiselle"

She blushed when he did that.

"Secret my ass!!"

Suddenly out of nowhere Lin Kun came with a flying kick, hitting Michael in the head. Michael flew out of the Mansion after Lin Kun kicked him to oblivion.

A huge hole appeared in the wall of the room because of Lin Kun.

The First Elder stared at them blankly before the door opened and the Grand Elder came in with a tray full of glass water.

The Grand Elder almost dropped the tray full of glass water after he saw the mess inside the room.

"What happened here!?" The Grand Elder shouted in confusion.


A cutting of the wind was heard from the huge hole. 1,000 Blades came out of the hole, targeting only Lin Kun.

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Lin Kun widened his eyes when he saw the large amount of blades targeting him.

Lin Kun brought out his hands and made a big shield made out of his flame.

The moment the blades touched the shield they melted.

"Heh, not bad, for a little boy" Lin Kun said with a smirk.

Michael came out of the hole with his head bleeding all the way to his face.

He dusted off his shoulders and said with a smirk on his face "That was rude, father"

"Huh!? Who are you calling father!?" Lin Kun said with a tick mark on his face.

"Soon I'll be your son-in-law, but not yet, am I right Lin Fen?" He winked at her.

Lin Fen cupped her face before she blushed and said "Yes" She immediately realized her mistake when she said that. "I-I m-mean no"

"This is not true. This is not reality. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare!" Lin Kun said with a look of despair on his face.

"Admit it, it's the truth, father" Michael said with a smug smile on his face.

"Noooooooo!" Lin Kun shouted in despair.

Meanwhile back with the Grand Elder.

"I think we should stop this" The First Elder said.

"You're right" The Grand Elder agreed.

They walked towards Lin Kun and said "Sect Master, you should not act this way, it's bad for your reputation"

"B-But my baby girl" Lin Kun almost cried.

"Don't worry about her, she's going to be alright" The Grand Elder said.


Lin Kun was about to reply, when Michael suddenly grunted in pain.

"What's wrong?" He asked him.

"My head, it's hurting" Michael said as he gripped his head in pain.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to go" He said as he left the room.

"What happened to him?" Lin Kun asked them but they just shrugged.


At Michael's Room


He took out his Phone and ask it "What's happening to me? I know it's not the kick earlier that's causing this"

"The Wuxia Phone has detected something in this world" It said.

"What is it?" He asked it while still gripping his head with one hand.

"It seems like, you are not the only "You" in this world, Master"

"What do you mean?" He asked it confused.

"There is an another "You" in this world, but the thing is, he's already dead" It said.

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