The Wuxia Phone
63 City Of Grass
The entire City Of Grass is surrounded by long thin grasses, the grass is growing on the plains surrounding the City.
The City Of Grass has walls surrounding it on their perimeter. The walls around the City Of Grass is around 10 Meters tall. It serves as protection from any strong and weak Demonic Beast. Sometimes when a Demonic Beast ride attacks the City, it usually protect the residents from being eaten by the Demonic Beast.
But the Demonic Beast can easily climb over that wall, which is why they set up another protection on top of the wall. Protective Talismans are the ones they are using to guard the upper part of the wall, it produces a transparent shield that can withstood a Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators attack.
Michael and the two girls both ride on the back of Chang Ying to get to this City for a few days. After reaching the end of the forest of trees and seeing the The City Of Grass from afar, Michael jump down from Chang Ying's back and landed on the middle of a road.
Chang Ying followed suit and landed in a patch of long thin grass.
Daiyu and the little girl, who he now know as Jing Fei, hopped down to the ground.
\"Michael I'm hungry\" Jing Fei said as she pat her small tummy.
\"Do you have any food on you, Daiyu?\" Michael asked her.
Daiyu shook her head and said \"No, our entire food supply was on that caravan, and since we left the caravan, the forest animals must've ate it\"
Michael sighed and said \"Since you two obviously don't have any food, then I'll take some from my storage ring\"
Before he realized that the City was only 17 Kilometers away from them, he can dashed there while holding the two on his shoulders. He obviously can't use Chang Ying to go there, it will cause a huge commotion from the residents living there.
\"Why don't we just go to the City to eat?\" Michael asked them with a small glint in his eyes.
\"But I want to eat now!\" Jing Fei whined.
\"The young miss wants to eat now, and walking to the City is going to take a long time\" Daiyu said stubbornly.
\"Who said anything about walking? I will carry you two on my shoulders and dash there\" Michael said with a smirk.
\"No you can't!\" Daiyu suddenly shouted.
\"Why?\" Michael asked.
\"W-Well, it's inappropriate to touch a lady you know\" She said while blushing.
\"Don't worry, this won't take long\" Michael said before he grabbed the two of them and dashed to the direction of the City.
\"Wai- Kyah!\" Daiyu screamed.
\"Hahahaha!\" Jing Fei laughed loudly as she felt the wind going through her face.
Michael created thousands of afterimage as he ran so fast, that the road he was stepping on had deep footprints mark.
It look like thousands of people were running behind him, but they were just afterimage.
After about 2 Minutes, he reached the gates of the City Of Grass.
The gates was tall as the walls on the city, it had a 20 meters wide entrance that even a big caravan can fit through.
Michael put down the girls on the ground.
The two of them ran in a nearby tree as soon as they were put down and vomited on the base.
Michael watched them in amusement, as they vomited at the tree.
The two of them returned to him after vomiting. The change in speed was too much for them, as a result their stomach turned upside down and they vomited.
Daiyu knelt down in front of Jing Fei and wiped the little girl's mouth with her handkerchief, that she took out from her pocket.
\"Now you should be clean, young miss\" She said softly at Jing Fei.
\"Thank you, Daiyu\" Jing Fei thank her with an innocent smile.
Fan Daiyu smiled softly at the little girl's innocent before she glared at Michael.
\"Did you really have to do that? Something could've happen to the young miss\" Daiyu said calmly but her voice was full of anger.
\"I'm sorry for that, but your young miss said that she wanted to eat, so I brought her here, the city\" Michael apologized.
\"Even so, you should be careful around the young miss, if something were to happen to her, you will never receive your money\" Daiyu warned him.
Michael raised the both of his arms and said \"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I won't do that again\"
\"Anyway, let's find a restaurant to eat\" Michael said as they walk towards the gate, but suddenly the guards protecting the gate, blocked them on their path with their spears.
The guards were wearing standard iron breastplate and iron faulds with a silver cap on top of their heads.
\"What's the meaning of this?\" Daiyu asked them coldly.
\"Pay the entrance fee, only then will you be able to enter\" Guard 1 said with a smirk.
\"Don't you know who this is?\"Daiyu pointed at Jing Fei.
\"How are we going to know a worthless brat? The only thing that matters here is whether you pay up or not\" Guard 1 said arrogantly.
\"Tch, here\" Daiyu was about to give them the money, when Michael grabbed her hand and opened it.
\"2 Silver Coins? Why is it so expensive? Lower it\" Michael said coldly after he saw how much was inside Daiyu's hand.
\"Why would we? The Miss here was just about to pay up, why did you have to ruin it?\" Guard 1 said annoyingly.
\"Yeah\" Guard 2 agreed.
\"So you won't change it?\" Michael asked coldly.
\"Of course, you can't do anything but to pay up\" Guard 1 said smugly as he stretched out his right palm to them.
Daiyu saw that trouble was brewing in front of her, so she said \"Just let me pay, Michael\"
\"Listen to your lady friend\" Guard 1 said smugly. They were just scamming this people because, 2 Silver Coins were big for commoners, and they can buy delicious food or clothes for themselves.
Michael wanted to end this, but his pride kept getting in the way. Because he knew that they were being scammed by this people.
He look at the hungry little girl and finally gave in. He gave two silver coins to the guards before walking in, when suddenly one of the guards said.
\"Wait! Give the lady to us, were gonna need her for some... private lessons\" The Guard said lecherously.
The guard suddenly felt... odd. He saw Michael sheathing a long black sword on his waist.
Thousands of cut marks appeared on the guard's entire body, but not just him, every guard who was present, had cut marks on them.
Their bodies fell apart in a dice meat like manner. It look like tiny cubes. but you can see fresh blood coming out of them.
Michael look coldly at the minced bodies of the guards before saying \"You're all pushing your luck, for that, you deserve nothing less than death\"
Daiyu quicky covered Jing Fei's eyes with her hands, for if she saw this kind of scene, it may leave more traumas in her innocent mind.
\"Let's go, people like that deserves to die\" Michael said coldly before he walked away.
Peoples quickly gathered in the place where the guards were killed, and created a huge commotion.
\"Did you see how those guards were killed?\" One bystander asked.
\"No, and apparently they were scamming people again, but this time they took it way too far, and they were killed by that young man as a result\"
\"I don't care how they were killed, but what I do care is that no one will ever scam us of our money again\"
\"Yeah, this guards have been too overbearing to the people here in the slums lately, that's what they deserve\"
Apparently many people hated the current guards and the Chief Guard had managed to hide that from the City Lord for far too long.
Michael and the two walked in the bustling crowds of the streets. Almost all the houses they see is made from dried mud, rough stones, and woods.
Most of the houses they see is shape in square, rectangular, or oval. They had thatch roof (e.g of straws or Reed bundles) supported by wooden poles, the foundation holes for which are still somehow visible.
Michael rarely see a nice house, and when he means nice house, it is made from stones, nice woods, and the roofs were made of steel, presumably owned by some well off family.
Michael saw a small restaurant, a few meters away from them. Though it isn't indoors like the restaurant he went before, it was quite nice, he felt like at home whenever he look at that small restaurant.
\"Let's go to that restaurant, Daiyu\" Michael said to Daiyu.
Daiyu shook her head and said \"No, I can't let the young miss eat at a place like that\"
\"C'mon, It's a nice restaurant, and even more, it's an outdoor restaurant. How many restaurants have you seen like those\" Michael insisted.
\"I've seen hundreds of those, and usually they are harassed by some thugs or they have huge debts coming from the loan sharks\" Daiyu said uncaringly.
\"Then the more reasons to go. It's quite fun harassing bad guys, ya know?\" Michael said in a carefree voice before he went towards the small restaurant.
\"Hey wait!\" Daiyu grabbed his right hand to stopped him from going into the restaurant.
Michael glance at her and said \"What?\"
\"Why are you so interested about that restaurant, when we can just eat at that large restaurant five houses away from us\" Daiyu pointed at the rich looking restaurant twenty meters away from them.
Michael just sighed and gave in \"Fine, we'll go there\". Michael went towards the rich looking restaurant, while Daiyu held Jing Fei in her hand.
Jing Fei stared at the small restaurant for a moment, before she followed them to the rich looking restaurant.
The restaurant had a pair of Lion statues made from gold in front of their entrance, twin pillars that supports the entrance, and a small staircase that leads towards the entrance.
They also had a second and third floor, coming from the top of the entrance.
They all went inside the restaurant.
When they entered, they saw tables made from a fancy wood, chairs made of steels, the tiles were made from black colored marbles, and the walls was covered in a smooth black marbled tiles.
There were many people dressed in fancy clothings sitting in almost all of the tables, except for one. A VIP table.
Michael approached the clerk in the counter and asked \"Can you give me that sit over there?\" He pointed at the VIP sit in the VIP section.
The clerk look at them boredly and analyzed their clothings. The masked Man was wearing a cheap black robe, with a belt on his waist. The woman was wearing a Knight armor that exposes her refined stomach, and coupled with her faulds, looks extremely sexy.
The little girl was the only one that has a decent clothing out of the three of them. She had a blue colored noble garb with a hood and cape in it.
\"It will be 20 Gold Coins\" The clerk said boredly as be stretch out his palm.
\"Here\" Michael took out 20 Gold Coins from his storage ring and gave it to the clerk.
The clerk counted it before saying \"Please follow me\". He leaded them to the VIP section, and went to the empty table.
There were three sits around the table, it was perfect for the three of them. They sat around the table and ordered a menu.
The clerk called a waiter from a nearby table and told him what they ordered.
The clerk left and after a few minutes, the waiter came with a menu in his hand.
The entire City Of Grass is surrounded by long thin grasses, the grass is growing on the plains surrounding the City.
The City Of Grass has walls surrounding it on their perimeter. The walls around the City Of Grass is around 10 Meters tall. It serves as protection from any strong and weak Demonic Beast. Sometimes when a Demonic Beast ride attacks the City, it usually protect the residents from being eaten by the Demonic Beast.
But the Demonic Beast can easily climb over that wall, which is why they set up another protection on top of the wall. Protective Talismans are the ones they are using to guard the upper part of the wall, it produces a transparent shield that can withstood a Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators attack.
Michael and the two girls both ride on the back of Chang Ying to get to this City for a few days. After reaching the end of the forest of trees and seeing the The City Of Grass from afar, Michael jump down from Chang Ying's back and landed on the middle of a road.
Chang Ying followed suit and landed in a patch of long thin grass.
Daiyu and the little girl, who he now know as Jing Fei, hopped down to the ground.
\"Michael I'm hungry\" Jing Fei said as she pat her small tummy.
\"Do you have any food on you, Daiyu?\" Michael asked her.
Daiyu shook her head and said \"No, our entire food supply was on that caravan, and since we left the caravan, the forest animals must've ate it\"
Michael sighed and said \"Since you two obviously don't have any food, then I'll take some from my storage ring\"
Before he realized that the City was only 17 Kilometers away from them, he can dashed there while holding the two on his shoulders. He obviously can't use Chang Ying to go there, it will cause a huge commotion from the residents living there.
\"Why don't we just go to the City to eat?\" Michael asked them with a small glint in his eyes.
\"But I want to eat now!\" Jing Fei whined.
\"The young miss wants to eat now, and walking to the City is going to take a long time\" Daiyu said stubbornly.
\"Who said anything about walking? I will carry you two on my shoulders and dash there\" Michael said with a smirk.
\"No you can't!\" Daiyu suddenly shouted.
\"Why?\" Michael asked.
\"W-Well, it's inappropriate to touch a lady you know\" She said while blushing.
\"Don't worry, this won't take long\" Michael said before he grabbed the two of them and dashed to the direction of the City.
\"Wai- Kyah!\" Daiyu screamed.
\"Hahahaha!\" Jing Fei laughed loudly as she felt the wind going through her face.
Michael created thousands of afterimage as he ran so fast, that the road he was stepping on had deep footprints mark.
It look like thousands of people were running behind him, but they were just afterimage.
After about 2 Minutes, he reached the gates of the City Of Grass.
The gates was tall as the walls on the city, it had a 20 meters wide entrance that even a big caravan can fit through.
Michael put down the girls on the ground.
The two of them ran in a nearby tree as soon as they were put down and vomited on the base.
Michael watched them in amusement, as they vomited at the tree.
The two of them returned to him after vomiting. The change in speed was too much for them, as a result their stomach turned upside down and they vomited.
Daiyu knelt down in front of Jing Fei and wiped the little girl's mouth with her handkerchief, that she took out from her pocket.
\"Now you should be clean, young miss\" She said softly at Jing Fei.
\"Thank you, Daiyu\" Jing Fei thank her with an innocent smile.
Fan Daiyu smiled softly at the little girl's innocent before she glared at Michael.
\"Did you really have to do that? Something could've happen to the young miss\" Daiyu said calmly but her voice was full of anger.
\"I'm sorry for that, but your young miss said that she wanted to eat, so I brought her here, the city\" Michael apologized.
\"Even so, you should be careful around the young miss, if something were to happen to her, you will never receive your money\" Daiyu warned him.
Michael raised the both of his arms and said \"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I won't do that again\"
\"Anyway, let's find a restaurant to eat\" Michael said as they walk towards the gate, but suddenly the guards protecting the gate, blocked them on their path with their spears.
The guards were wearing standard iron breastplate and iron faulds with a silver cap on top of their heads.
\"What's the meaning of this?\" Daiyu asked them coldly.
\"Pay the entrance fee, only then will you be able to enter\" Guard 1 said with a smirk.
\"Don't you know who this is?\"Daiyu pointed at Jing Fei.
\"How are we going to know a worthless brat? The only thing that matters here is whether you pay up or not\" Guard 1 said arrogantly.
\"Tch, here\" Daiyu was about to give them the money, when Michael grabbed her hand and opened it.
\"2 Silver Coins? Why is it so expensive? Lower it\" Michael said coldly after he saw how much was inside Daiyu's hand.
\"Why would we? The Miss here was just about to pay up, why did you have to ruin it?\" Guard 1 said annoyingly.
\"Yeah\" Guard 2 agreed.
\"So you won't change it?\" Michael asked coldly.
\"Of course, you can't do anything but to pay up\" Guard 1 said smugly as he stretched out his right palm to them.
Daiyu saw that trouble was brewing in front of her, so she said \"Just let me pay, Michael\"
\"Listen to your lady friend\" Guard 1 said smugly. They were just scamming this people because, 2 Silver Coins were big for commoners, and they can buy delicious food or clothes for themselves.
Michael wanted to end this, but his pride kept getting in the way. Because he knew that they were being scammed by this people.
He look at the hungry little girl and finally gave in. He gave two silver coins to the guards before walking in, when suddenly one of the guards said.
\"Wait! Give the lady to us, were gonna need her for some... private lessons\" The Guard said lecherously.
The guard suddenly felt... odd. He saw Michael sheathing a long black sword on his waist.
Thousands of cut marks appeared on the guard's entire body, but not just him, every guard who was present, had cut marks on them.
Their bodies fell apart in a dice meat like manner. It look like tiny cubes. but you can see fresh blood coming out of them.
Michael look coldly at the minced bodies of the guards before saying \"You're all pushing your luck, for that, you deserve nothing less than death\"
Daiyu quicky covered Jing Fei's eyes with her hands, for if she saw this kind of scene, it may leave more traumas in her innocent mind.
\"Let's go, people like that deserves to die\" Michael said coldly before he walked away.
Peoples quickly gathered in the place where the guards were killed, and created a huge commotion.
\"Did you see how those guards were killed?\" One bystander asked.
\"No, and apparently they were scamming people again, but this time they took it way too far, and they were killed by that young man as a result\"
\"I don't care how they were killed, but what I do care is that no one will ever scam us of our money again\"
\"Yeah, this guards have been too overbearing to the people here in the slums lately, that's what they deserve\"
Apparently many people hated the current guards and the Chief Guard had managed to hide that from the City Lord for far too long.
Michael and the two walked in the bustling crowds of the streets. Almost all the houses they see is made from dried mud, rough stones, and woods.
Most of the houses they see is shape in square, rectangular, or oval. They had thatch roof (e.g of straws or Reed bundles) supported by wooden poles, the foundation holes for which are still somehow visible.
Michael rarely see a nice house, and when he means nice house, it is made from stones, nice woods, and the roofs were made of steel, presumably owned by some well off family.
Michael saw a small restaurant, a few meters away from them. Though it isn't indoors like the restaurant he went before, it was quite nice, he felt like at home whenever he look at that small restaurant.
\"Let's go to that restaurant, Daiyu\" Michael said to Daiyu.
Daiyu shook her head and said \"No, I can't let the young miss eat at a place like that\"
\"C'mon, It's a nice restaurant, and even more, it's an outdoor restaurant. How many restaurants have you seen like those\" Michael insisted.
\"I've seen hundreds of those, and usually they are harassed by some thugs or they have huge debts coming from the loan sharks\" Daiyu said uncaringly.
\"Then the more reasons to go. It's quite fun harassing bad guys, ya know?\" Michael said in a carefree voice before he went towards the small restaurant.
\"Hey wait!\" Daiyu grabbed his right hand to stopped him from going into the restaurant.
Michael glance at her and said \"What?\"
\"Why are you so interested about that restaurant, when we can just eat at that large restaurant five houses away from us\" Daiyu pointed at the rich looking restaurant twenty meters away from them.
Michael just sighed and gave in \"Fine, we'll go there\". Michael went towards the rich looking restaurant, while Daiyu held Jing Fei in her hand.
Jing Fei stared at the small restaurant for a moment, before she followed them to the rich looking restaurant.
The restaurant had a pair of Lion statues made from gold in front of their entrance, twin pillars that supports the entrance, and a small staircase that leads towards the entrance.
They also had a second and third floor, coming from the top of the entrance.
They all went inside the restaurant.
When they entered, they saw tables made from a fancy wood, chairs made of steels, the tiles were made from black colored marbles, and the walls was covered in a smooth black marbled tiles.
There were many people dressed in fancy clothings sitting in almost all of the tables, except for one. A VIP table.
Michael approached the clerk in the counter and asked \"Can you give me that sit over there?\" He pointed at the VIP sit in the VIP section.
The clerk look at them boredly and analyzed their clothings. The masked Man was wearing a cheap black robe, with a belt on his waist. The woman was wearing a Knight armor that exposes her refined stomach, and coupled with her faulds, looks extremely sexy.
The little girl was the only one that has a decent clothing out of the three of them. She had a blue colored noble garb with a hood and cape in it.
\"It will be 20 Gold Coins\" The clerk said boredly as be stretch out his palm.
\"Here\" Michael took out 20 Gold Coins from his storage ring and gave it to the clerk.
The clerk counted it before saying \"Please follow me\". He leaded them to the VIP section, and went to the empty table.
There were three sits around the table, it was perfect for the three of them. They sat around the table and ordered a menu.
The clerk called a waiter from a nearby table and told him what they ordered.
The clerk left and after a few minutes, the waiter came with a menu in his hand.
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