The Wuxia Phone

74 Shinobi Village


-A Few Days Later-

Michael thought that Jing Fei would calm down after a few days, but he was wrong. It got worse. She ordered an artist to draw some known faces of Phantom Thieves Members, for her to use them as target practice.

She did not stop no matter what he told her, so Michael gave up on her. He tried to teach her but she refused saying that, he who failed to save her father has nothing to teach her. It pained Michael to hear that from Jing Fei because he treated her already like a sister.

This continued for days until Michael was finally fed up and left the City Of Grass. He decided maybe she will calm down after a few months but from his experience, he had no hope of that coming.

So Michael traveled to the western part of the Flame Empire to find an adventure. Where he can go and do something freely. He hated staying in a civilized area because it restricts his freedom.

For Michael freedom is the most expensive gift that humans ever had, and they just throw it all away for unnecessary needs like, ****, murder, stuff like that. Of course, Michael is thinking about the earth, his previous home.

There, you don't have enough freedom to do something you want, even though it's not illegal. Like saying whatever you want online or in public places and chances are when you say those things, you will offend someone.

Michael hated those easily butthurt people, they just get offended by almost anything. I mean there was a guy who got reported to the police because he was 'jacking off' while staring at a girl but in actuality, he was just hiding his severe third-degree burns from his past, under his coat near his pants because he was shy about it. And as a result, his life was ruined. Everytime he would go out, someone would always point him out of the crowds and say 'He's that molester!' or 'Don't come near him, he will molest you' Everyday something like that is happening, even if you don't notice it.

Anyway, enough about earthly talks. Let's go back to the story.

Michael watches his map on his phone to see if there is a place interesting to go to. He suddenly saw a name on the map and it says.

(Village Hidden In The L**ves)

\"Fuck, who owned such big balls to put that in here?\" Michael cursed as this is basically copying the name of K*noha. Wait... This is not copying, I'm just taking inspirations. Yes, that's it, Hahahahaha.

Michael was bewildered what this village is, he will check if this is truly a shinobi village. Maybe he will find N*ruto and S*suke there.

Michael quickly ran through the large sea of trees to find the village.

After a few hours of running, he finally found the perimeter of the village. Though he is still quite far away from the village.

But when he took his first step on the perimeter, 10 ninjas appeared, surrounding him in all position and they all had their ninjato blades near his neck.

Michael looked around and saw ten masked shinobis pointing their swords near his neck.

Their attires consist of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spikes for traveling into mountainous regions, three ninja pouches on their back-waist and a spiral tattoo on their shoulder.

Michael knew that these shinobis must be the 'Anbu Black Ops' that's in N*ruto.

\"Who are you, Intruder?\" The one with the dog mask asked him while his blade was shining threateningly.

\"Hmm, that is a very hard question maybe you could answer it for me?\" Michael asked with a simple smile.

\"Don't joke around! We will cut your throat the moment you do something suspicious\" A female anbu with a sparrow mask said threateningly.

Michael examined their cultivation and saw all of them were either in the Gold Core level ten stage or Soul Wandering level 3 stage.

When he saw their cultivations he deemed them \"Weak\" Michael said out loud.

\"What did you say?\" The dog mask anbu asked.

\"Nothing, I was just thinking out loud,\" Michael said.

\"And by the way, when are you guys going to lower your weapons? I'm quite tired of people pointing their blades at my neck and I will tell you this, it is annoying\" Michael spoke to them casually like they've been friends for years.

\"Shut up and tell us who you are or else will cut your throat open\" The sparrow masked anbu threatened him again.

Michael simply smiled and jumped out of their circled blades before he landed gracefully on the branch of a tree.

The wind blew on his face, thus making his hair wave in the wind as he looks down on them coldly.

\"Hmm, why don't I take some hostages for you guys to guide me to the village,\" Michael said with a cold and sadistic smile.

\"You dare!?\" The dog masked Anbu yelled.

\"Hmph\" Michael snorted before he appeared beside the female anbu with the sparrow mask. He put his right arm on her neck as the blade is in his hand is pointing at her neck.

\"Now, guide me to your village,\" Michael said as he threatened her with the blade.

You can say that Michael, is just doing this for fun but for the shinobis, this was not fun. The other anbus looks at each other before nodding and charged at Michael with their tantos.

Michael was caught in a moment of a surprise because he didn't expect them to abandon their teammate like that. The dog masked anbu obviously looked disappointed at his teammates because he cared about his own comrades unlike them.

The other 8 anbus attacked Michael and the female anbu. As they were closing in Michael just stomped on the ground to make an earthquake that will shake and distract them for a moment.


The entire ground where they were standing on looks like a spider web after Michael stomped on the ground. Their entire bodies shook as they felt the extreme shockwave of that stomp.

Michael took this chance and dashed behind them before throwing small needles on the back of their necks to make them fall asleep. You forgot, huh? Michael is also an acupuncture expert.

The one with the dog mask was petrified at his position as he saw what happened to his teammates. He never thought that his elite teammates will fall in just a quick throw of a needle. But he knew this is just natural when you don't know the skills and powers of your opponent.

\"So, are we just going to stand here or...\" He was knocked out from his stupor when Michael spoke to him.

He looks at his clothing and saw that it consist of a black hoodie and a black pants. He knew that this guy can kill him with a single flick of his finger, so he decided to just cooperate. He will just figure it out when he returns to the village and meet the Hakage. (That is not a typo, it literally means 'LeafShadow')

\"Come, let's meet the Hakage to decide what to do with you next,\" The dog mask anbu said as he jumped on a tree.

\"Finally you decided to cooperate with me\" Michael yelled out with enthusiasm.

\"Hai hai, let's go\" The dog mask anbu jumped on different branches of trees to travel to the village.

Even though it would cost him a lot of Qi, Michael decided to just fly while following the Anbu.

Michael released the girl he was holding to the ground as he followed the dog masked Anbu.

She crashed into the ground when Michael dropped her to the ground. Her pearly white teeth were full of dirt when she fell to the dirty ground.

She angrily shouted \"You!!\" She followed them while stepping hard on the ground and jumping to the branch of a tree to follow them.

-Meanwhile back in the City of Grass-

Two men with bamboo hat and a black cloak walk into the Grass Inn where Michael stayed for a few days.

The entire place is bustling with a lot of people, some were drinking, some were gambling or eating foods they ordered in the cafeteria.

They walked in and looked around as if they were trying to find someone. They went to the owner of the Inn, who is right now is serving foods to the customers.

The owner looks like he is in his 60s, he has a short white beard, short gray hair, and eyes that confirms his elderly status.

They tap the owner's left shoulder. The owner turned around and ask \"What can I do for you two gentlemen?\"

They pulled out a paper with a face on it, it was Michael's face who is in the picture.

\"Have you seen this man?\" One of them asked the owner.

The owner looked closely on it and said \"Yes, I've seen this lad, he stayed here for a few days before he left the City\"

\"Tch, we got here too late. The boss will not be happy with us, Fei Tian\" Fink Su irritatingly said behind under his bamboo hat.

It was the two Phantom Thieves members, Fink Su and Fei Tian. They were here to investigate Michael and find him, but it seems like he was already gone from this city and in short, they were back to square 1.

Fei Tian suddenly got an idea and asked the owner \"Do you know what direction did he go to?\"

\"Ah yes, he said he was traveling to the western parts of the Flame Empire to find more adventures\" The old owner suddenly remembered.

Fei Tian looks at Fink Su with a knowing look on his eyes and said \"The western parts of the empire are where the shinobis usually lived in, maybe he is in that village\"

\"Village? Is it The Hidden Lea-\" He was cut off by Fei Tian who suddenly covered his mouth.

\"Don't say the name of that village, somebody might hear it,\" Fei Tian said silently.

\"Why?\" Fink Su is confused as to why it needed to be kept secret.

\"Shinobi Villages names hold a deep meaning to their secrets, they don't want anyone knowing the names of their villages or else we will get hunted down by someone in the Kage level\" Fei Tian warned Fink Su.

\"Even if we say it here, no one will know that we said it,\" Fink Su said.

\"Dumbass, look around you,\" Fei Tian said to him.

Fink Su did as he was told. He looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary when he suddenly saw a man staring at them with a knowing look. No, it was not only him, there 5 more people staring at them with a knowing look.

Fink Su stared at Fei Tian for an answer. Fei Tian saw that look and explained.

\"Shinobi villages usually sends out highly trained jonins to spy on certain Cities like this one, and when someone or somebody talks about something they don't want to hear, they report it to their Kages, in which their strength and cultivations are always around Ensoulment Stage level 1 to 3\"

\"What!? But that is strong as an Ancestor of a Major Sect! How are they so strong?\" Fink Su asked Fei Tian.

\"Kages are extremely gifted at fighting skills and cultivations, but they are rare, so they only change their Kages every one thousand years and since then it became a tradition for other villages to do that\" Fei Tian answered him.

\"Wow, this is the only time I see you speak this many words,\" Fink Su said amazed.

\"Because, before I joined the Phantom Thieves I used to be a genius shinobi at that Village, Genin by 6 Chuunin at 12 Jonin at 16 and an Anbu at 17\"

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