As soon as Xia Yang's hand touched the fruit knife, the sound of Xiao Man came from a distance.

"Ah Xia, do you want to break the anklet secretly? It's really bad and you have to be punished!" Xia

Yang was taken aback, stood up and put the knife in his hand aside, and hurriedly explained.

"I didn't... Hmm~ Woo!!"

Before the words were finished, Xia Yang could only grit his teeth and insist, his legs were slightly weak, and he slowly fell to the ground.

This time, Xia Yang was not unconscious, and instantly stretched out his hand to support himself on the ground!

Maybe it was because he had been electrocuted too many times, and there was resistance, and the moment the current disappeared, Xia Yang stood up forbearantly.

"Why do you want to punish me? I didn't do anything this time! You can check the surveillance, I don't believe there is no surveillance in such a room!" Xia

Yang's chest rose and fell for a while, he didn't know if he was angry or electrified, and looked at Xiao Man very dissatisfied.

Once, Xia Yang's fists never hit women.

Now, Xia Yang is sure that if he can fight, he must tie up the other party, teach him a good lesson, and show no mercy!"

I'm sorry!" Xia

Yang whispered with disdain, imitating Xiao Man's voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry~ I'll call you to try....

Xia Yang's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Xiao Man in disbelief.

"What did you just say?" Xiao

Man lowered her head, as if she was like a child who had done something wrong, and said embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry I punished you for no reason.

Xia Yang nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, let me call you once, and I'll forgive you

!" "Okay!"

Xiao Man turned around and ran up to the second floor, taking out a boxy box.

The box that Xia Yang recognized, sure enough, the anklets on his feet were premeditated by the other party.

One anklet is not easy to explain, but two anklets speak for themselves.

Xiao Man directly held the electronic anklet with his hand, and then faced Xia Yang. Xia Yang had a question mark on his face, and he didn't know what Xiao Man was going to do with the handcuffs in his hand.

Xiao Man looked at Xia Yang's expression, realized something, and immediately spoke.

"Hit around this chain!" Xia

Yang took a few soup spoons, raised his hand without saying a word, and put it down again when he was about to fight.

"You're not going to take revenge on me, are you! If you're going to punish me later, then I'll forget it. "

It's okay! It's my fault first, and I should be punished!" Before

the words fell, Xia Yang directly took the soup spoon and hit it on the anklet in his hand.

"Toot, toot!"

Xiao Man's hand shook instantly, and Xia Yang saw Xiao Man's hair fluttering up instantly, and his body trembled slightly.

After a few moments, everything was back to normal.

Just when Xia Yang wanted to sigh whether Xiao Man's physique was human or not, Xiao Man staggered to his knees, but quickly stood up and pretended to be nothing.

If it weren't for Xiao Man's messy hair, Xia Yang really couldn't see it, and he really couldn't imagine that the power of this electricity was so huge.

"Are you alright?" Xia

Yang asked cautiously, for fear of angering him.

"You asked for it, you can't blame me.

"I'm fine, Asha is angry.

Xia Yang nodded frantically.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's gone!" Xiao

Man saw Xia Yang's neck at this time, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"What's the matter with this wound?"

"I accidentally scratched it, it's fine!" Xiao

Man casually straightened his headgear, pulled Xia Yang to sit on the sofa.

"Why are you so careless, you just stay here and take care of the rest.

Xiao Man turned around and wanted to clean up the kitchen.


Xiao Man!" Xia Yang suddenly stopped Xiao Man and glanced at the sickness value that had dropped to 60%.

In Xia Yang's heart, there is now one more possibility. After all, I thought about such crazy ideas just now, and although I gave up halfway, I always feel great courage when I think about it carefully.

After all, he even had the determination to die just now, why would he be helpless against a woman who loves him?

Xiao Man turned back suspiciously, and asked.

"What's the matter, is there anything else?" Xia

Yang smiled calmly, as if he had let go of some burden in his heart.

"Come and sit, now I want to talk to you.

Xiao Man looked at Xia Yang with a serious expression, so he ran to the side and sat down.

"I see that you are a lot calmer now, can you talk to me calmly about some problems?"

Xiao Man's eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he began to look at Xia Yang with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Is Asha thinking of some kind of idea again? Be careful... "

No, I just really want to talk to you!" Xia

Yang directly refused, interrupting Xiao Man's speech.

"And what does Asha want to talk about?"

"Although I want to ask you what I think of me, it is clear that the question is impractical and useless. There

was a slight pause.

"So I just want to ask you a question, if I use the same method you used on me, on you, would you be willing?"

Xiao Man looked happy, her legs groped tightly, her small mouth was slightly open, she was breathing rapidly, and her chest was heaving.

Holding his arms tightly with his two hands, he looked at Xia Yang with a slightly red cheek, and a trace of sickly excitement flashed in his eyes.

The corners of Xia Yang's mouth twitched three times, and he complained silently in his heart.

"Shake m? even if you are sick, you are still a shake m!!"

I thought that I could at least hear a normal sentence, so as to judge whether I could use words, but now looking at the other party's expression, this answer is probably a little improper.

"I like Xia Yang, I like it very much! If Ah Xia becomes the same as I love Ah Xia, no matter what I do, I will like it! I want Ah Xia to become the shape I like, so even if I become Ah Xia's shape, I like it the same!"

Xia Yang frowned tightly as he listened, this answer was a little unexpected by Xia Yang, it seemed a little too advanced, so that Xia Yang didn't know how to deal with it.

"When did you like me?"

"I don't know, inexplicably, when I react, I only have Ah Xia in my

eyes! I really love it! I love it!" Xiao Man's eyes flashed with a hint of expectation, staring directly at Xia Yang.

Xia Yang weakly wanted to lean on the sofa, but the pain in his back made him dare not lean back, so he could only close his eyes and meditate.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly a sentence came out.

"Your hobby is extreme, so if I do this to you every day in the future, do you really want to?"

"Of course...!"

"Toot!toot!toot......! "

The alarm suddenly sounded in the room, followed by. The iron railing outside the window suddenly and slowly descended, forming a closed state.

The TV screen suddenly switched, and the screen showed more than a dozen women, walking towards the gate, well-trained, and ready at first glance.

Xiao Man looked at the TV screen with a gloomy face, Xia Yang had some doubts, judging from the other party's actions, it seemed that the person who came was not good.

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