Fox Demon No. 1 Garbage Point is busy.

Hu San, the ruler of Moor Town, looked at the baskets of leaves, clothes, broken magical instruments, silk threads and other items in front of him, and inadvertently grinned wildly.

I didn’t expect that this garbage spot really has something to offer.

"Boss, I found something good."

Parker, who had white hair on one side, shouted excitedly. He was wearing a white sweatshirt and gray hair, looking like a wretched old man.

"What is it? Is it spiritual flesh?"

"Look at this!"

As he spoke, Parker took out a...long and thick...rope.

"What did I say? Parker, what's so strange about a broken rope?"

Next to him, Jerry looked disdainful. He and Parker were both leaders of Hu San's subordinates and did not deal with each other.

"What do you know? My rope is..."


Suddenly, a long blast of a car horn interrupted Parker's defense.

Hu San hurriedly climbed up a rock and looked into the distance. He saw a large group of scavengers in the distance, dragging steel pipes, kitchen knives, car doors and other weapons, approaching with shouts.

In front of the team, a banner made of advertising cloth had several large words written in trash talk:

"Anyone who offends our town will be punished no matter how far away they are."

Seeing this, Hu San didn't understand what was going on and stopped being the boss. He quickly summoned all the ministries to fight against him.

"Who do I think is here? It turns out to be these cowards from Kerr Town! Boss, it looks like they want to regain their position, and they are quite aggressive."

Jerry looked at the group of scavengers in front of him carrying scraps of scrap metal and laughed with his arms akimbo. Hu San and other leaders of Moore Town also showed disdain.

At the front of the team, Xiao Yang looked helpless. He had promised Sun Tzu's Art of War to take them by surprise, but as a result, the quality of the people under his command was too low, so he had no choice but to carry on.

"The one talking in front is Jerry, a gold-type superpower. The black-haired guy next to him is Hu San, the boss of Moore Town. The white-haired guy next to him is Parker, an earth-type superpower. The one in the back is The one with the pockmarked face is also a fire element user."

Next to Xiao Yang, Mary introduced several superpowers in Cole Town to her one by one.

"Mary? What do you mean by Kerr Town? Do you want to have a fight? Don't say it will be cool until I beat you down."

Hu San raised his chin and pointed at Mary and shouted.

"Where's Tom? I heard that he has evolved to the second level. Let me see if he has improved."

"Keep your mouth clean. Tom is dead. Now Kerr is covering me up. If you know better, get out of here. I hate killing people."

Xiao Yang took a step forward without fear.

"It's just you? A first-order evolver. It seems like Tom is really living like a dog. Sure enough, waste is waste."

Hu San laughed, and the people below also laughed.

Xiao Yang took out a scroll, thought about it, felt a little distressed, then put it back, took out two kunai, and turned his head to ask Mary.

"Mary, are everyone on the other side here?"

"That's almost it. Those who can get the number will be at the front."

Seeing that this couple dared to despise him, Jerry was furious and wanted to show them some humiliation.

But Xiao Yang's figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of them, with his left and right hands firing.

"No, hide quickly!"

Thinking it was some kind of ultimate move, several people evaded it.

But all I saw were two pieces of iron stuck weakly on the ground, with a yellow paper charm tied to the end, which was blown by the wind, and that was all.

"Damn it, you scared me."

Jerry wiped the sweat from his head.

"The speed is good, but the skill of throwing darts is terrible. If you kowtow to me and admit your mistake, maybe I can spare your life."

Seeing that the dart made no movement, Jerry and others jumped out and activated their taunting skills.

Only the leader Hu San's temples were pounding.

Because, he felt that on the yellow paper of the dart, a strong wave of fire power was about to come out.

"You idiot, run!"

Hu San's pupils tightened, but unfortunately it was too late. He just raised his left leg when he heard a bang from both sides.

Two huge flames bloomed in the crowd, swallowing up the surrounding evolvers and making miserable screams. Those further away were directly blown away by the shock wave of the explosion.

In the world of Naruto, the power of the detonating talisman is no less than that of a jounin's fire escape ninjutsu. Even in battles that rise to the shadow level, there are still application scenarios, which shows its power.

Jerry, who was at the center of the explosion, was directly blown into several pieces. At the other center of the explosion, his pockmarked face was also seriously injured, leaving him with only one breath left.

This wave directly took away seven or eight evolvers, and the remaining ones were all more or less seriously injured.

"Come on! Beggar Taiya!"

Seeing that their boss was so awesome, the scavengers in Kerr Town rushed over as if they had been given a shot of blood.

The battle between the two villages has officially begun!

While many evolvers were stunned by the explosion, Xiao Yang pulled out his short sword and instantly hacked one of the evolvers to death.

The next moment, another person was stabbed to death, and the other person didn't even have time to react.

All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed.

The reason why Xiao Yang struggled to beat Tom was because Tom had a strong shield in his hand that could defend against its blade. These people's evolutionary level is not as high as his, and they have some junk in their hands. Xiao Yang, who uses the teleportation technique, is naturally like a kid with one knife.

"F*ck you!"

Hu San was furious, got up from the ground, and spit out the fragrance.

A fireball as big as a table came over, but Xiao Yang narrowly avoided it.

Low-level fire attacks have a characteristic, the speed is very slow, and it is easy to judge the attack trajectory.

With the help of the instant body technique to dodge, the opponent's fireballs passed by Xiao Yang several times. After growing to the peak of the first-level superpower, Xiao Yang's instant body technique became more and more smooth, not only the launch time was slower, but also the duration was longer.

He was constantly approaching Hu San.

As a second-level fire ninja for so long, Hu San naturally has a big move, but he is not sure of hitting, so he can only watch the opponent jump.

"Damn it! I didn't expect this new leader of Keer Town to be so difficult."

On the other side, the battle situation between the scavengers was also very clear. Both sides were ordinary people with little combat quality, and they could only fight a favorable battle.

On one side, watching their leader chop down several evolvers and suppress the opponent, the momentum was high. On the other side, watching their boss can only passively take the beating, everyone was thinking about how to escape if they can't win.

Obviously, Moore Town is going to lose.

However, at this moment, a wretched white head secretly poked out from behind a half-meter-high stone wall. It was Parker.

When the detonating talisman was shot at him, he had already activated his supernatural power and hid behind the stone wall, so he was basically not injured in the subsequent explosion.

Although Parker was timid, he never defected.

Seeing that Hu San was in a bad situation, he decisively threw a long and thick rope from his back.

"Good baby, let's go!"

The rope seemed to have life, flying towards Xiao Yang like a snake, unexpectedly and at a very fast speed...

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