The years I spent picking up garbage to eat in another world

Chapter 3 The excrement-collecting youth (1/2)

Chapter 3 The young man who scoops out feces

"Hurry up, you trash, pack up all this shit."

At the bottom of the garbage slope, a stubby green-headed man wearing pink pajamas stood on an overturned Rolls-Royce and cracked his whip.

At his feet, a dozen skinny figures were holding large and small snakeskin bags, carefully bagging the black mud on the ground.

"Are you blind? This is the excrement of devil bugs. A handful of excrement can buy the lives of you garbage pickers."

The skinny scavenger seemed to be exhausted and fell to the ground. He accidentally scattered some black mud and was immediately whipped.

Seeing his companion beside him scream as he was being whipped, Xiao Yang burst into tears and mechanically scooped up a pile of black feces and put it into a bag.

How can the word "miserable" be used?

As for why he ended up like this, we have to start with that pile of excrement falling from the sky...

At that time, after Xiao Yang was knocked unconscious by the insect excrement, he was dug out by a group of beggars who were picking up rags.

The group of young men seemed to be very happy after seeing the black feces. They cheered as if they had won the lottery and kept shouting "Beg Tai Ya, Beg Tai Ya". They simply wished they could take a dip in this pile of feces.

However, not long after, another group of heavily armed people rushed over and after some intimidation and threats, they took over the place.

There was no resistance during the process, the process was extremely smooth, and even Xiao Yang, an outsider, naturally became a shit shoveling coolie.

"It's so hard for me!"

Which of the other time-travelers is not the Golden Three Chapter? It’s full of details. It requires a system and a system, and it requires a grandfather and a grandfather.

Why did he become...a young man who dug out shit as soon as he traveled through time?


I'm not convinced!

"That fool, go over there and dig with him!"

(Sound: This is given to Duo, Kuba, and Gaitaiya.)


Although Xiao Yang didn't know what kind of bird language they were talking about, he could probably understand the meaning of the gestures, and he was so sensible that it made people feel heartbroken.

It's not that he doesn't resist, there are too many people coming from the other side, they have all the guys, and the most important thing is that the leader still has a gun.

Where is your knife? He was smashed away without even covering up the heat.

Xiao Yang walked over slowly.

The person who works with him is an average-looking, dark-skinned, energetic young man with a black buzzcut, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He was the one who dug half of his body out of the giant insect excrement. Although it might have been by chance, Xiao Yang was still very grateful.

Through the previous simple gestures, I learned that his name is Zhang Daqiang (transliteration).

At this time, Zhang Daqiang looked depressed and disheartened.

But Xiao Yang can understand.

It's like when a child is born, and the doctor tells him that these tens of billions of dollars in business are not his, you can imagine how he feels.

Xiao Yang was shoveling shit while observing his surroundings.

The previous puddles had long since dried up, and the two black holes with a diameter of about ten meters in the middle were bottomless, and the majestic body of the big insect could still be seen.

The area around the puddle has turned into a busy construction site. The giant insect's previous sphincter exertion was like a sudden enlightenment after years of constipation. A pipe of manure sprays everywhere, and it takes a lot of effort to collect it.

Forty or fifty scavengers like him were collecting the excrement of giant insects, most of them were coerced coolies.

The races of people in this world are similar to those on Earth, white, black, and yellow, but their hair is particularly messy, colorful, and with flowers.

On the construction site, the difference between the supervisor and the worker is very obvious.

The overseer is much stronger. Although the clothes are tattered, they can be called clothes at least, but most of them are men's and women's styles, which looks a bit funny.

What Xiao Yang wanted to complain about the most was that several of them actually put on ninja vests from the Naruto world. They must have just picked them up.

In their hands, these people were carrying poorly made bows and arrows, knives, and sticks. Firearms also existed, but Xiao Yang could only see a pistol stuck in the waist of the leader, the bearded man.

Xiao Yang didn't feel anything strange about this.

Because in this world, even abandoned cars appear in large numbers. There is no reason why gunpowder weapons such as firearms do not exist.

I just don’t know if it was made in a factory or picked up from a garbage dump.

Scavengers come in all kinds of shapes, most of them half-clothed. There are clothes, and I don’t know how many kinds of woven fabrics are used to put them together, which can make the most fashionable stylists in Milan marvel at it, and some even put plastic bags directly on their bodies.

Most of these people have sallow faces, thin skin, and abscesses on their bodies, and their health is worrying.

"I don't know why they are so interested in giant insect droppings."

Xiao Yang looked at several people led by the other party standing on the edge of the wormhole observing the discussion.

"Jock, have you figured it out? Why do devil bugs appear here? This place is a bit too close to Kerr Town, and it has never appeared before."

The leader was a bearded man with yellow hair and a leather jacket, who was blind in one eye.

"Boss, we found that there are many corpses of mutated creatures and strange-looking iron weapons around. There should be new garbage erupting, attracting the devil bugs."

"What kind of garbage will attract devil bugs? Devil bugs are not ordinary mutant creatures."

The bearded man thought.

In his impression, there is nothing that devil bugs dare not eat. Even the stinkiest vultures can bite out pus, but the feces they excrete are good things.

I can't figure out the reason, and I don't expect the brains of the following people to be very useful. Just stay away from the devil bugs and the like.

Thinking of this huge harvest, he simply asked:

"When can Jin Gaola finish pretending?"

Jin Kaila [Transliteration]: It is the feces of devil bugs. Because it is so precious and has special effects, people in this world call it Jin Kaila. (From Xiao Yang - "Trash Talk Translation Encyclopedia")

"Hey, boss, we really distributed it this time. We have already packed dozens of bags, and I think we can still pack another two to three hundred bags.

This is the excrement of devil bugs. A small handful can make a garden of vegetables grow several crops. We will no longer have to worry about running out of vegetable leaves to eat! "

Jock showed a lewd smile, and a missing front tooth could be seen in his throat.

Haha, you look ugly but you want to be beautiful. The bearded man glanced at Joke from the bottom of his heart, patted him on the shoulder, and said sincerely:

"I have already said that my brothers will have food to eat by following my One-Eyed Tom. But the progress must be accelerated to avoid being discovered by other forces.

Don't touch the garbage for the time being, and be sure to take all the feces away before tomorrow. After finishing this job, I took over all the small shacks in Kerr Town and let the brothers have a good time. "

Hearing the words "little shack", Jock was so excited that he almost stood up, but Tom held him down.

He glanced at Xiao Yang:

"Remember to dispose of this garbage after Jin Gao's garbage is transported away, so that the news doesn't leak out."

It can be seen that Xiao Yang is really digging out the feces very carefully.

One shovel in the east, one shovel in the west.

After some effort, Xiao Yang finally dug out Shisui's ninja sword, which gave him a certain sense of security. When no one was around, he secretly wrapped the knife in a garbage bag and hid it.

At this time, it was almost dark. In the absence of light, excavation work had to be suspended.

The waste pickers gathered together in small groups and lit bonfires on the construction site. The pungent smell of burning plastic filled the air.

The bearded people didn't seem to worry about these scavenger coolies escaping at night. No one was stupid enough to travel through the garbage pile in the dark.

Xiao Yang helped light the bonfire with a lighter that he picked up from nowhere.

Zhang Daqiang picked through the mutated dog's corpse, cut off a few pieces of meat, and grilled it.

A faint fishy stench enveloped the camp.

Most of the scavengers eat the corpses of these mutated creatures, and only a few lucky ones who are rich have their own dry food.

Seeing this, Xiao Yang took out the wild boar meat that he had cut before and roasted it. He always felt that there was something special about these meats.

Then he took out a few packets of instant noodles from the bag and distributed them to Zhang Daqiang and others, which made several people look at him with a little more respect.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to share food, Xiao Yang chatted with the ducks and communicated with them.

"Xiao Yang...where?"

Xiao Yang pointed at the giant insect excrement and then pointed at his head.

"Shit...brain...don't guys?"

"We... Kerr Town... Bearded... Kerr Town..."




Just like this, Xiao Yang finally figured out the general situation.

Zhang Daqiang and his friends (Jim, Jesse, Jessica) all come from a place called Kerr Town. From here to Kerr Town, you need to climb dozens of garbage mountains. Most of the other people, including those with whips, are also from Kerr Town.

The reason why they collect excrement (sound: Jin Keli) is because the excrement of giant insects can accelerate the growth of plants.

In this world, vegetables are very precious, because most of the land is polluted, it is difficult for plants to survive, and the things grown are even poisonous. Therefore, such a handful of excrement can be exchanged for a lot of things, and a handful can be used for a trip to the small shack.

Zhang Daqiang pointed to Xiao Yang's wild boar meat and advised him to eat less mutated creature meat and more junk food. The meat of mutant creatures can easily make people sick, and his mother died of the disease.

Like other scavengers, their main source of livelihood is to pick up garbage. The best garbage is food, and the instant noodles Xiao Yang gave them are very precious.

As for the leading bearded man, he is one of the leaders in the town, named One-Eyed Tom, and he often bullies this small group of scavengers.

But this time he didn't steal their things. Zhang Daqiang felt that it was abnormal and he needed to be careful. However, it is also possible that after getting the golden lump, he no longer looked down upon the things of scavengers.

In addition, he suggested that Xiao Yang, who had lost his memory, could go to Kela City to have a look, because Xiao Yang was fairer and might be some big shot in Kela City.

As they chatted, Xiao Yang's meat was cooked, exuding a faint meaty aroma, which made everyone drool.

Zhang Daqiang swore he had never smelled meat so fragrant.

Looking at the four pairs of pitiful eyes, Xiao Yang said nothing, cut off two kilograms of meat and distributed it to the four people.

"Oh my God, it's so fragrant and delicious. How can there be such delicious meat? This is definitely not the meat of a mutated creature."

The green-haired Jim was impatient. He was as hot as a dog, but he couldn't help but take a few more bites.

"This is what happiness feels like."

The purple-haired Jessica's face was shiny after eating. She was only 15 years old and the only girl in the team. Xiao Yang would have almost not recognized her if she hadn't told her.

"Jessica, don't worry, I will let you eat it every day from now on."

Jesse has wavy lavender hair and is Jessica's brother. Unexpectedly, he is a sister-con. Unfortunately, Jessica has no time to pay attention to him.

Not to mention them, even Xiao Yang, an earthling, thinks that the meat is unbelievably delicious.

Not only is it delicious, Xiao Yang also feels a warm energy spreading from his stomach to his whole body. The fatigue of a day of shoveling feces is slowly dissipating, and he has endless energy all over his body.

Xiao Yang and Zhang Daqiang looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"This... This is the spirit meat from another world, Xiao Yang, where did you get it from?"

Zhang Daqiang tried his best to control his excitement, his voice was a little low, for fear of attracting other people's attention.

"What? Spirit meat?"

Jim couldn't help shouting.

"Damn it! Keep your voice down."

Zhang Daqiang held his head and looked around. Fortunately, they were in a remote place.

"All the food I eat tonight will rot in my stomach."

"What is spirit meat?"

Xiao Yang noticed that they kept repeating this word.

"Some corpses of strange creatures will be dug out from some garbage dumps. Their meat contains special energy that can make people evolve, improve their physique, and even awaken some lucky people."

"Improve physique? Awaken?"

Xiao Yang seemed to have grasped something very crucial.

"Did you see that bearded man? He is an awakener who can control rocks. I once saw him control rocks to kill a poor guy."

Control the earth? Is it the power system of awakening superpowers?

But compared to the garbage in various worlds, this doesn't seem to be strange.

Wait, he suddenly realized a very important question:

"Da Qiang, do you know where these garbage falling from the sky come from?"

"Who knows? I have never seen the words on those ghost things? Maybe outside Kerr Town, some big cities will have people studying it."

"Then do you know "Naruto"?

"Never heard of it. A fire awakener?"

"What about "Douluo Dalu"?

"Where is that? Is there a lot of garbage?"

"Balala the Fairies?"

"Uh, how many cookies at a time?"


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