A striking black hole appeared in a green lake of life, and the surging vitality continued to fill the hole.

Xiao Yang felt the numbness in his body gradually recede, and his whole body was like soaking in a hot spring, and the internal organs damaged by pressure were gradually repairing.

Life sucking, this is the name he gave to the wood-type talent for absorbing the vitality of plants.

Although it is a bit second-year, in front of this powerful plant, Xiao Yang felt the extraordinary ability of this ability.

As if sensing that the prey in the cage was struggling more vigorously than before, the vine-like roots tightened again.

"It's endless, right!"

Xiao Yang swallowed a mouthful of old blood and turned the power to the maximum.

As the vitality was lost, the roots that bound Xiao Yang became weak, which made his situation a little better, at least he could take a breath.

The abnormality of the root system made the plant realize that something was wrong, and more roots joined the hunt. At this time, Xiao Yang had been wrapped like a zongzi.

At the same time, Xiao Yang also felt that these vitality became more difficult to absorb. If absorbing vitality before was like digging mud, now it feels like digging loess.

The other party is controlling the flow of vitality.

Although "Life Sucking" is very powerful, the gap in strength between the two sides is too big.

"I'll roll your mother!"

Xiao Yang was completely desperate, regardless of the consequences, draining all his energy and spirit, and turning on the power of life sucking to the maximum.

The surging vitality hit him like a wave, and an abnormal redness appeared on Xiao Yang's face, as if he was drunk, and his hair and nails even grew visibly.

If Xiao Yang's body is compared to a bucket, then his behavior now is like using a bucket to catch the water of the entire waterfall.

He is about to burst! But he can't stop.

"I'm so full, I can't suck it in!"

He felt that his whole body was faintly expanding, like a balloon that was inflated to the limit and was still inflated.

"I can't hold... anymore..."

He must find an outlet.

He closed his eyes and picked out a purple-black seed from the bag that he had traded with Old Hawke.

Mental power covered.

Sleepy, hungry, kill, eat! Wang, hungry, kill, eat!

"Be obedient, Wang will give you food!"

Wang, hungry, kill, eat!

"Be good, be obedient, Wang will give you food!"

Be obedient, Wang, eat!

The huge vitality was input into this tiny seed, and Xiao Yang seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking its shell.

A tiny purple-black whisker broke through the seed's solid coat, announcing its birth in the garbage world.

Be obedient! Wang, eat!

Be obedient! Be obedient! Eat!

With the influx of vitality, the whisker-like stems and leaves grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a vine-like plant.

The whip-like purple-black vines, with leaves that were almost invisible, were covered with sharp barbs, and the epidermis had circles of royal blue patterns, emitting a faint fluorescence.

"I didn't expect it to be the ghost vine!"

As a notorious plant-type soul beast, the name of the ghost vine is well known in the Douluo World. It is an extremely terrifying plant-type soul beast.

It has a toughness far beyond that of ordinary plant-type soul beasts, and it has a very strong neurotoxin. As long as it is pierced by its thorns, the toxin will be released immediately until it turns into pus and becomes fertilizer for the ghost vine.

When it attacks, it will also emit countless tiny seeds to parasitize the enemy. As long as the ghost vine provides enough energy or these seeds absorb enough nutrients, they will grow on the host. Once the neurotoxin spreads, the effect will be the same.

Presumably, the corpse of the thunder-type soul beast picked up by Old Hawke was killed by the parasitic entanglement of the ghost vine.

As the second soul ring of the protagonist Tang San, the ghost vine is obviously not an ordinary plant-type soul beast, and its ferocity can be imagined.

But now, in front of Xiao Yang, the "king", it is like a good baby, showing admiration.

Eat! Be obedient! Eat!

One, two, three, with the crazy influx of vitality, this ghost vine continued to sprout new vines, and the original vines were also becoming thicker and tougher.

The appearance of the ghost vine baby greatly relieved Xiao Yang's pressure.

At this time, he felt like a patient with constipation for many years who had found a breakthrough, and the gushing vitality made him feel particularly comfortable.

Having solved the urgent problem, Xiao Yang's mind became active. Since there was such a good opportunity in front of him, he might as well let this ghost vine grow.

So, Xiao Yang increased the strength of swallowing a little bit, like a charging line, to transfer the majestic vitality of the nameless plant to the ghost vine.

After a while, this ghost vine grew to five or six meters...

Such reckless vitality swallowing made the nameless plant unbearable.

The black hole that expanded several times made the water of life flow wildly, and finally caused a wave on the lake.

The "shroud" on Xiao Yang's body gradually loosened, and even some of the thinner roots showed obvious withering.

"Ghost vine, parasitism!"

Xiao Yang controlled the ghost vine and wanted to try this famous skill in Douluo Continent.

The black vines wrapped around a tree root, and the tiny seeds were attached to the bark, and the parasitism skill was activated!

However, the expected scene of vines bursting did not appear. The nameless bark was too hard, and the tiny ghost vines could not penetrate it at all.

It seems that the current ghost vine is still a little tender and is only suitable for bullying...

"Not enough, keep sucking!"

Xiao Yang risked his life, and today he must upgrade this ghost vine to at least a thousand years old.

The roots gradually withered, while the ghost vine grew wildly.

It was an evil plant that absorbed the corpses of soul beasts to quickly increase its strength. With Xiao Yang's crazy feeding, the main vine grew to ten meters long in a short while.

After that, it stopped growing, and all the energy was stored in the rhizome, forming a taro-sized bulb.

This is the core of the ghost vine. When it needs to hunt, this core will grow vines wildly to entangle the enemy.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yang didn't know how to observe its age, so he could only feed it continuously.

The nameless tree roots withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. This mysterious plant finally felt the pain, as if it was bitten by an ant, and let Xiao Yang go, and the roots gradually retreated.

Now Xiao Yang was not happy, and he grabbed a tree root and didn't let go, still absorbing its vitality.

The tree root struggled desperately, and he felt like he was holding a big black fish that was jumping around.

With the influx of vitality, a layer of dense silk scales appeared on the purple-black bulb of the ghost vine. It greedily absorbed the vitality from the mysterious plant and emitted an attractive luster.

Finally, it seemed to have reached a critical point. The vines on its body all shrank, and the bulbous stem emitted a circle of energy fluctuations. The surface showed a faint blue pattern. As the vitality was absorbed, these patterns became more and more profound.

Now, the mysterious plant was finally angry!

Roots from all directions swept in like waves, trying to catch the thief.

A root thicker than his waist slammed over.

Xiao Yang quickly let go and raised his shield to resist. He felt like he was hit by a car and the huge force pulled him dozens of meters away.

The debris in the soil quickly flowed through his field of vision, and more roots were chasing him in Xiao Yang's perception field of vision.

Fortunately, this also allowed him to escape from the range covered by the tree roots. Taking advantage of the distance pulled back by the tree roots, Xiao Yang used all his strength to activate the earth-walking talisman and fled desperately, fearing that he would not be able to grow an extra leg.

Fortunately, the mysterious plant did not chase him after teaching him a lesson. After running hundreds of meters, Xiao Yang finally had the opportunity to float to the ground.

The moon climbed out from the clouds, illuminating the shadows of some garbage mountains, and some small animals were trying to search for food under the moonlight.

Xiao Yang took a deep breath.

The garbage was very smelly, but he felt that life was extremely sweet.

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