The years I spent picking up garbage to eat in another world

Chapter 43 The Correct Way to Use the Ghost Vine

Outside the Fox Demon No. 1 garbage point, in the warehouse.

"What a mistake! I didn't expect this scarlet bitter love tree to be so powerful.

The people of Kra City are too weak. After fighting for so long, it seems that the other side is still alive and kicking. My smiling service like Haidilao these days is in vain."

While complaining, Xiao Yang packed the materials that Kra City had harvested by squeezing scavengers these days into plastic bottles. There were several fallen Kra City soldiers at his feet.

One by one, purple-black ghost vines were taking root on the corpses, slowly turning them into fertilizer.

"The capitalists are still ruthless! They harvested so many things in just three days. This is called pattern."

He looked at the baskets of bitter love leaves piled on the shelf and sighed. These leaves are estimated to weigh four or five hundred kilograms in total. It would take more than a week to dig them according to his method.

In addition to the bitter love leaves, Xiao Yang also harvested some seeds. Forty or fifty peach pits were neatly placed in a box. They were probably spit out by Miss Liu'er. There were also some other fruit pits and seeds, which Xiao Yang could not recognize.

In addition, there are many magic tools piled together, but they are all broken fragments, such as broken swords and shields. I wonder what they use to collect these invalid magic tools? Can they be repaired?

I won’t talk about other miscellaneous things.

“Hey, what is this?”

Xiao Yang opened a waste paper box, and inside it were pieces of dark brown hard objects, like the cuticle cut from some animal.

It looks ordinary, but it gives Xiao Yang a very special feeling, and it seems not as simple as it looks on the surface.

Put it away for now.

Then, Xiao Yang rubbed his hands, silently chanted the gods and Buddhas, and opened the box next to him. When he saw it, his face almost turned green.

“Damn, do you have a sense of public morality? It’s a pile of rabbit shit, and even shit is taken. Isn’t this too disgusting?”

This young man who was digging feces completely forgot that there were still a few sacks of devil worm feces in his bag, but pretended to be noble.

"But the rabbit poop is too big."

The black round granular object in front of him was as big as a steamed bun. To be able to pull out such a large particle, the other party must be of amazing size.

"Such a big rabbit, it can't be the big rabbit that Tushan Susu rides! It seems to be called something like Red Eye Rabbit, and it seems to be quite powerful. Let's see if it can be used as fertilizer?"

Xiao Yang pinched his nose and accepted the rabbit poop.

"That's almost it, hurry up and leave."

Just when Xiao Yang was about to leave, the door of the warehouse was suddenly opened, and a group of people rushed in...

"Hurry up, Rick probably can't hold on for too long. Move as much as you can, but if anyone dares to say something mean to the city lord, don't blame me for turning against you!"

Jonah opened the door and unified the caliber of the evolutionists behind him to go back in advance.

The later evolutionists nodded one after another. Although they were in a mess, they couldn't hide their smiles on their faces.

I thought I could only get a little bit of oil this time, but I didn't expect to eat a lot of meat.

The team of Kra City was wiped out. Isn't it reasonable to throw away some supplies?

Obviously, they planned to embezzle the things in the warehouse.

"A bunch of idiots, if there is no lack of porters, it will be your turn", Jonah said in his heart with contempt: "I will deal with you after leaving here."

The final winner is me.

Jonah pushed the door open happily, and then his smile gradually solidified.

The huge storage room was empty, not even half a cardboard shell could be found, only a black-haired young man stood in front of the shelf.

"Xiao Yang, why are you here? Where are the things in the warehouse!"

He suddenly thought that he seemed to have never seen Xiao Yang on the battlefield. Because the incident happened suddenly, he and Rick did not realize that the former ruler of Kra City had disappeared.

Now Xiao Yang appeared here...

In an instant, scenes appeared in his mind, connected into a line.

Old Hawke, the theft case, space treasures, things that disappeared from the shelf, Xiao Yang with only a backpack...

Damn, he was deceived.

Jonah figured it all out in an instant and was furious.

"I didn't expect that Rick and I were deceived by you. The space treasure is in your hands!"

For a moment, everyone suddenly realized.

Obviously, the so-called theft was directed and acted by this boss Xiao.

Damn, they were all fooled!

But then, these people couldn't help but get a little excited.

This is a space treasure!

Such a big opportunity is right in front of us!

We can't let him run away.

"If we hadn't run into you, I guess these missing supplies would be blamed on Old Hawke again! I have to admire you, you are really bold."

Jonah pressed forward step by step, and the evolvers behind him also silently blocked the other party's escape route.

But Xiao Yang was unmoved, leaning on the wooden frame with his hands crossed, looking calm.

"I really don't know where you get the confidence, speed? Even if you are faster, do you think you can still escape in the face of so many evolvers' blockade?"

At this time, more than a dozen evolvers have completely surrounded Xiao Yang.

Seeing the other person's indifferent expression, even with a hint of a smile, Jonah's hands were filled with anger. He decided to smash the yellow man's head bit by bit and burn it to ashes.

"Go to hell!"

The flames expanded instantly, forming a bright yellow fireball. Even the evolvers around Jonah couldn't stand the heat.

However, before the fireball was shot out.


The fireball went out.

The third-level mutant who was about to show his power suddenly covered his stomach and knelt on the ground with a muffled sound. His face was pale and sweaty, as if he had suffered unbearable torture.

How could this happen?

He obviously didn't drink sour wine recently...

Jonah thought.

But the next moment, all the evolvers knelt on the ground at the same time, screaming like pigs being slaughtered.

"Help! It hurts!"

"There my stomach, get it out!"

"It hurts, it's moving!"

"No! drilling... Uh~"

Before the evolver could finish the rest of the sentence, a purple vine burst out of his throat and blocked his mouth.

Then with a snap, the evolver's belly exploded, and a pot of purple-black vines bloomed, like a blooming flower of death, with a little blood on the hideous thorns on the epidermis.

The evolver stared at his abdomen with wide eyes, but the pain on his face had solidified, and his body gradually became shriveled.

The scene was too horrible, and for a moment, the rest of the people even forgot to howl.

"What did you... do?"

Jonah looked at the miserable state of the evolver in horror, his voice trembling a little.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yang still didn't answer him.

He had wasted too much expression on these people.

This vine was naturally the ghost vine.

The parasitic skill of the ghost vine can produce a large number of imperceptible special seeds, which parasitize the prey unconsciously and then take root and sprout.

The ghost vines parasitizing from the outside mostly play the role of entanglement and paralysis of toxins, and rarely penetrate the enemy directly to kill.

But if it is in the stomach of the prey, it is different. Even if the fragile ghost vine takes root in the human body, it can easily kill an evolver.

This is the correct use of the ghost vine.

Everyone in Kra City from top to bottom ate food mixed with ghost vine seeds, and even Xiao Yang ate a lot to reduce Rick's vigilance.

But Xiao Yang directly mastered the mother body of the ghost vine, and possessed the powerful skill of life sucking, so the ghost vine seeds were ineffective against him.

This was Xiao Yang's most powerful safety measure. As early as three days ago, the lives of all the people in the Kra City team were on his mind!

Do you really think that Xiao Yang's things are so delicious?

If it weren't for them to deal with the mysterious plant, these people might have died long ago... It's a pity that the tree is still alive and kicking.

"Devil... Devil!"

Such a tragic death directly caused some evolvers to have a mental breakdown.

"Boss Xiao, please spare us! It's all Jonah, he asked us to come here, it's all him, it's all his orders!"

"Please let me go, brothers will listen to you in the future."

The evolvers knelt down and begged, not even caring about wailing.

Only Jonah looked at Xiao Yang's back silently, he knew that the other party would not let him go.

Enduring the severe pain, Jonah mobilized the last bit of superpowers in his body, intending to let go and fly over.

"Ah! Burn it for me!"

Xiao Yang only snapped his fingers, and a pot of particularly thick ghost vines bloomed instantly.

The fire went out.

This greedy third-level psychic seemed to be particularly suited to the appetite of ghost vines...

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