To be precise, it is a junk version of the Seven Heart Pill, and its efficacy is still unknown.

"Why is it black? Can it still be called Qixindan?"

Boss Xiao felt guilty.

He only knew that after eating the original Qixin Dan, one could live forever and have infinite power. The Green Snake Spirit even used seven gourd dolls and seven-star lotus seeds to refine a golden elixir, which resulted in the collapse of a diamond gourd doll.

So Xiao Yang couldn't tell what the specific effects of this junk version of Qixin Dan were. At least eating it should give him some abilities.

Fortunately, after some research and experiments by the alchemist, he determined that the elixir was not poisonous.

"Maybe we should call it Black Heart Pill."

Xiao Yang put the elixir away in a special box. He did not plan to use this elixir himself. He already had enough abilities and formed an inherent Five Elements system, so he did not lack this elixir.

After refining the elixir, Boss Xiao did not end it. Instead, he took out a bunch of green vines with paired leaves and other weird-looking herbs, put them into the furnace, and continued to refine the elixir.

"The wisdom grass of Slow Sheep, plus some herbs that improve agility, neutralize the chronic effects of the medicine..."

Boss Xiao made several furnaces of elixirs in succession, using elixirs from various worlds, and kept searching for suitable elixir recipes.

Fortunately, the yield of wisdom grass at the Yangcun garbage spot is very high, which is enough for him to spend money on.


A handful of bean-sized emerald green elixir rushed out of the stove with steaming hot "pot gas".

Finally, after many failures, Xiao Yang successfully refined a batch of elixirs using several herbs from World of Warcraft.

It is more like pills than elixirs, and there are eighteen pills in one batch.


Xiao Yang couldn't wait to try one.

The pills melted in the mouth, and there was a cooling sensation after taking them, but whether it was an illusion or not, Xiao Yang always felt that there was a smell of mutton and a faint fragrance of grass.

All in all the taste is average.

"No effect?"

Xiao Yang ate another one, but there was still no obvious change.

"Impossible. Do I fail sometimes? Or am I too smart?"

Xiao Yang couldn't help thinking.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to or not, as soon as you think about it, your mind suddenly reacts.

A sense of clarity appeared in Xiao Yang's mind, as if a bright light lit up in the dark night, dispelling the confusion in his mind, and the chaotic thoughts became orderly, and inspiration burst out one by one.

Xiao Yang's eyes lit up, as if a light bulb turned on in his head.

"Ah, I understand, it only works when you use your brain!"

Boss Xiao had an epiphany.

It is only suitable to take the elixir refined from the wisdom grass when you are thinking about a problem. It can make people have a clear mind, quick thinking, and burst out inspiration.

"However, this effect is not permanent and can only last for a period of time."

Xiao Yang could feel that the efficacy of the wisdom grass was rapidly declining.

But this is already outrageous. Things that can make people smart are treasures in any world, and only the world of comedy doesn't take them seriously.

"Well, there is still some room for improvement. The pill that can make people smarter is called Enlightenment Pill."

As if he had figured out some issues, Boss Xiao put the Enlightenment Pill in a jade bottle and continued to refine a batch of improved pills. The duration of the effect was extended by one-half and could last for half a day.

Using the wisdom grass in the Mouse King's inventory as the main medicine, he refined more than a hundred enlightenment pills, all of which were carefully kept by Xiao Yang.

These are strategic resources, each one is precious and must not be leaked.

For ordinary scavengers, the value of an Enlightenment Pill may not be as high as that of a low-level spiritual core, but for those strong men and powerful forces above the seventh level, the Enlightenment Pill refined from the Wisdom Grass is definitely a miracle medicine.

Boss Xiao knows best that sometimes the only thing missing from rubbish research is an idea.

With the right idea, many problems can be solved.

Especially in a garbage dump, a place where the extraordinary power of science and technology from all over the world collides and intersects, wisdom and inspiration are particularly important, helping to graft and integrate technologies.

"With the Enlightenment Pill, research on some key projects should be able to advance quickly."

Xiao Yang walked out of the Qi Refining Room and came to the Life Research Center.

In the snow-white research room, several researchers are studying how to artificially cultivate wisdom grass, but unfortunately it doesn't look like it's going well.

"This weird vine seems different from ordinary plants. It cannot perform photosynthesis and does not absorb nutrient solution. Cloning technology is almost useless."

Director Tina explained to the boss.

The difficulty of cloning plants is relatively low. Even some extraordinary plants such as elixirs are not difficult to cultivate if they spend a lot of resources. It is rare to make them grow for a long time.

However, the experimenters discovered that the growth conditions of this mysterious vine obtained from the Rat King's lair are very harsh, and even cloning is very difficult. The specific reason is unknown.

After hearing this, Boss Xiao touched his chin.

"Maybe you can try planting it on the head of an animal, well, especially an extraordinary sheep animal, preferably a smarter sheep..."

Xiao Yang thought about the situation of Man Yangyang and expressed his opinion, but saw the other party looked suspicious and blinked his beautiful eyes.

"Ahem, I'm just providing an idea."

"Okay, I'll arrange a group experiment to try it out."

Although she was dubious, Tina had to admit that her man's mysterious intuition was sometimes very close to the truth, which was what fascinated her about Boss Xiao.

"Don't worry about it now, I have a good thing for you."

Xiao Yang took out a jade bottle.

"What is this?"

"Enlightenment Pill, made with Wisdom Grass as the main ingredient, taken when thinking about problems, can make people smarter and gain some inspiration."

"The side effects are eliminated?"

"Of course, but one pill can only enlighten for half a day. I don't know what effect long-term use will have yet. You can try the effect."

Xiao Yang explained.

"Great, it just so happens that the fusion experiment of the White Eye has encountered some bottlenecks recently."

Tina swallowed an enlightenment pill, closed her eyes, and seemed to be thinking about something. Then she suddenly opened her eyes, walked to the desk, took out a copy of the experimental data, and quickly read it.

Suddenly, it seemed as if countless experimental data were intertwined in her pupils, radiating the brilliance of rationality, and gradually revealed an expression of "I see, that's it", which was out of control.

The whole laboratory became busy because of this.

"The effect is so fast?"

This scene directly shocked Boss Xiao. When he took the enlightenment pill, the effect was not so obvious.

"Sure enough, the enlightenment pill is suitable for smart people."

In order not to disturb the thinking of the academic bully, Boss Xiao quietly left the laboratory and came to the refining center, and also handed five enlightenment pills to Ham.

At this time, Ham and the refiners were dealing with several monks' bodies dug out from the garbage dump of the Bu Tian Pavilion.

"Boss, what is this?"

"Enlightenment Pills, you can become smarter if you eat them, so eat them sparingly. In addition, there is this, you can change the furnace in your refinery center, try this."

Xiao Yang took out the recast Seven Star Divine Furnace from the cave.

The blazing furnace immediately attracted the attention of the refiners, especially Ham, who saw the extraordinaryness of this bronze divine furnace at a glance.

"Boss, this furnace?"

"Seven Star Divine Furnace, be careful, the furnace fire inside is alive."

"Hiss, what a terrifying furnace fire."

Ham tried the furnace.

As a result, the furnace fire gushed out and almost burned the few strong hairs on his head, which made Xiao Yang feel sorry.

The other refiners also gathered around and praised the Seven Star Divine Furnace. After trying it out, they all said that it was easy to refine with divine fire and the efficiency was really high.

Boss Xiao was also in a good mood and decided to double the KPI of the Refining Center next month to cheer everyone up.


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