"This... Boss, there is no result yet."


"Boss, I will help build three mushroom sheds, repair more than 30 old weapons, and build 10 public toilets."

The swords and shields found from the Fox Demon No. 1 garbage point are basically damaged. Ham's so-called repair is just to add some knife handles to them so that they can be used simply.


"Boss, the Big Black Fish Cave is currently normal. No movement of the devil worm has been found yet. It's just that... the water transportation is really limited, and it can only maintain the normal drinking water in Keer Town."

Amin secretly glanced at Xiao Yang. The devil worm's garbage cave is a distance away from Keer Town. The transportation tools in the garbage world are too backward, and the road is not easy to travel.

The water is transported by small carts with large buckets. Fortunately, the water transport team are all evolvers and have enough strength. Water source is still one of the problems restricting the development of Keer Town.



After listening to everyone's report, Xiao Yang has a pretty good understanding of Keer Town.

At present, there are about 70 evolvers in Kerr Town. During the excavation of the No. 1 Fox Demon Garbage Point, many scavengers exchanged black fish meat from Xiao Yang by picking up spiritual objects and leaves, but the evolution level is not high.

There are more than ten first-level evolvers, of which only 8 are superpowers, including Xiao Yang and others. The probability of awakening is really a bit low.

The two evolvers are water superpowers.

In addition to water, food is still the biggest problem facing Kerr Town.

The eight-treasure rice and dog food confiscated from Tom were basically spent, including Mary's private collection and Bush's small treasury, which were all spent and turned into supplies such as bitter leaves.

Fortunately, some rations were seized from Rick and Jonah, otherwise Xiao Yang would be unable to pay wages.

After the cleaning of the No. 1 Fox Demon Garbage Point, the scavengers in Kerr Town, who had no stable income, returned to the days of rummaging around in garbage.

Xiao Yang touched his chin, and everyone was silent.

"Next, the wasteland may usher in great turmoil, and we must prepare in advance."

"Tang Chuan, now I appoint you as the captain of the planting team in Keer Town. The first task is to maintain the scale of planting of bitter mushrooms and the planting experiment of devil vine mushrooms.

Especially the planting experiment of devil vine, which is very critical and may be the key to solving the food problem in Keer Town. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the planting of vegetables."

Xiao Yang handed him some vegetable seeds and half a snake skin bag of devil worm feces.

"Use it sparingly, there is not much of this stuff. In addition, eat more bitter mushrooms these days, and come to me when you are about to advance."

Tang Chuan looked at these Jin Ke La and was very excited. It seems that the boss wants to train me!

"Yes, I guarantee to complete the task!"

The few people sitting down looked at Tang Chuan with envy.

"Ham, I appoint you as the captain of the mechanical engineering and construction team in Keer Town."


Ham was a little confused. What is mechanical engineering?

"Take this and learn it well."

Xiao Yang took out a mobile phone from his bag and opened the mobile phone reader software. There were two books on the bookshelf:

"Guide to Safe Car Repair in the Garbage World - From Beginner to Advanced", "Top Secret! Traditional Oil Refining - From Getting Started to Giving Up"

"This is it!"

Ham was shocked.

He could actually... understand the words on this mobile phone!

As a senior talent in Kerr Town who can build houses and forge iron, he is also one of the few people in Kerr Town who knows a lot of Gaitaiya characters.

Ham tremblingly opened the book "Guide to Safe Car Repair in the Garbage World - From Beginner to Advanced". There was only one sentence on the first page:

There is no absolute garbage in the world, only resources placed in the wrong place. ——Finger EVA

Hiss, it's amazing.

Clicking on the second page, the content inside opened Ham's eyes.

Chapter 1: The structural principle of a bicycle - how to repair a bicycle with materials from a garbage dump?

Chapter 2: The structural principle of an electric vehicle - if the battery is stolen, how to save yourself?

These books not only have text, but also rich illustrations. They are concise and easy to understand. They completely skip the complicated basic theories and start from practical applications.

Even Ham, who may not even have a primary school diploma, can understand and copy them.

"I hope you can study hard and learn to repair cars and refine oil first. But you should also read more of these when you have time."

Xiao Yang clicked on the video again. There were "Three Days to Master Primary School Mathematics" and "Introduction to Junior High School Physics", all of which were online course videos, but the text and voice were changed to Gaitaiya's trash talk.

Ham opened his mouth and couldn't speak at all.

The civilization of Gaitaiya's world has long been submerged by countless garbage. As one of the few educated intellectuals in Keer Town, these books and online courses are simply the Bible for him!

Ham, he has longed for the truth!

"Thank you, boss! I will definitely study hard."

The short and thick man choked up.

However, the students present were all confused and could not understand Ham's excitement. They only felt that the boss must have given some very valuable secrets.

At this time, they saw Xiao Yang's faint smile, and they felt a chill in their hearts.

"Not only Ham, from today on, you also have to start learning cultural courses."

After that day, the people of Kerr Town finally experienced the fear of being dominated by learning...

"Okay, let's talk about this later. Jessica, I appoint you as the captain of the Kerr Town Health and Medical Team, responsible for the sanitation and disease relief of Kerr Town."

The sanitation in Kerr Town is really too bad, especially the lack of public toilets. The smell in the alleys is comparable to biological weapons. It is easy to breed diseases in this environment.

Similarly, Xiao Yang gave her a mobile phone with simple disease diagnosis and medical treatment videos. He didn't expect Jessica to reach a high level. She could only treat some external injuries at critical moments and help Kerr Town to simply prevent diseases.

The scarcity of resources in the garbage world has determined the upper limit of medical treatment.

"The following is the crucial security protection issue of Kerr Town. We need to build a team that is disciplined and has sufficient combat effectiveness.

Mark, I appoint you as the security team and instructor of Kerr Town, responsible for daily security protection and combat training of scavengers.

Zhang Daqiang, I appoint you as the captain of the exploration team, recruit some experienced scavengers, conduct external resource exploration (picking up garbage), and pay attention to the movements in the wasteland.

As for Amin, don't stop catching big black fish, Kerr Town must have more superpowers. As for the water problem, let's make do with it for the time being before there is a better means of transportation.

Mary, the reserve of bitter mushrooms and black fish meat needs to be done well, and we may recruit a large number of evolvers next. In addition, we need to collect more useful things."

Xiao Yang said a long string of orders in one breath, basically saying what he could think of, but he didn't know to what extent he could do it.

He didn't expect too much from Kerr Town. In comparison, he trusted his own strength more.

I hope that more people in Kerr Town can survive...

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