The years I spent picking up garbage to eat in another world

Chapter 54: A transaction between one man and two women

Since they were unfamiliar with the place, there was nothing much to talk about. They rested and were on guard.

Xiao Yang took out the fish, warmed it up again, and sprinkled some seasoning on it, and it became delicious again. In addition to the fish, there were also strings of delicious bitter mushrooms, which tasted extremely fragrant after being roasted.

Suddenly, Anna and Mina felt that the dried meat in their hands was not fragrant...

"Who is that? Where did you pick up this fish and mushrooms?"

Anna met Xiao Yang's mocking eyes.

"Well, do you have more to exchange?"

Xiao Yang's eyes became gentle.

His boss Xiao likes to do business with others the most.

"Yes, we can ship in large quantities. What can you exchange? I don't want ordinary goods."

"What do you need?"

"Various types of spiritual meat, or some high-tech garbage."

The superpowers in Kerr Town are still too single, which is not conducive to production.

"You have a big appetite. Can you afford it?"

Then, Miss Anna. She took out a black wing from her pocket, which looked a bit like a crow's wing, and a fiery red tail, which looked like a lion's tail.

The meat looked shriveled, a bit like old zombie meat. In fact, this was the meat in the inventory of Kra City, all of which were spiritual meat collected from various places.

"The black bird wings are taken from a crow-shaped monster, and there is a chance of awakening shadow abilities. The fiery red tail is taken from a lion-shaped monster, and there is a chance of awakening fire abilities after eating it."

Then she took out some strange technological items, all of which she had picked up recently and was going to take back for research, and she herself didn't even know what they were for.

"There are a lot of things, but I can still eat these."

Xiao Yang took out a basket of bitter mushrooms and half a piece of black fish meat from his backpack.

"The bitter love mushroom is cultivated from extremely precious spiritual plants. It contains energy and tastes extremely delicious. Black fish meat has a chance to awaken water-based abilities after consumption. The meat is tender and very fresh. These should be enough to exchange for your spiritual meat."

"I didn't expect you to have space treasures!"

Anna couldn't help but exclaimed as she watched the other party take out so many things from her backpack.

Space treasures are extremely rare. Every time they appear, people have to fight for them. As far as she knows, there are no more than three in the entire Kra City.

I didn't expect it to be a fat sheep.

But the other party didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"Is it okay or not?"

"I have to check the goods first."

Anna tasted the fish and bitter love mushrooms. The delicious taste almost made her bite her tongue off.

Especially the bitter love mushrooms. She had never seen such delicious mushrooms.

"The fish meat is still okay, but this mushroom doesn't seem to have any special abilities. It's not worth it."

Seeing Anna bargaining, Xiao Yang sneered.

Just based on its deliciousness, in this garbage world with scarce supplies, it is definitely a top-level condiment and a delicacy.

In other cities, there are plenty of rich people willing to pay for it.

Noticing Xiao Yang's silent ridicule, Anna was also thick-skinned enough.

"Well, but considering that we just met, I can barely accept it."

Xiao Yang ignored her, knocked and banged again, and flipped through the pile of technological items.

"There's nothing I need in this pile of garbage, but this thing is a bit strange, but it seems to be broken. Can you tell me where you picked it up?"

Anna looked at Xiao Yang and pointed to a square iron lump, seeming to be very interested.

"Oh? Do you know it?"

"It seems to be a robot. I've been collecting this kind of thing for research recently."

Xiao Yang replied half-truthfully, but he was actually very excited in his heart.

He knew this thing.

The square iron lump was yellow and rusty all over. It seemed to have experienced many years, as if it would fall apart if it was knocked. A line of English was printed at the bottom.


A cute robot with a silly look suddenly appeared, and Xiao Yang seemed to see it unfolding its body and wandering in the ruins to clean up the garbage.

This is clearly the garbage cleaning robot Wall-E from the world of "Wall-E"!

"It's okay to tell you. But what do you plan to exchange for it?"

Anna decided to take this opportunity to slaughter him. Humph, he actually dared to mock her.

Xiao Yang took out another basket of vegetables from his bag.

"That's all. It's just a piece of news. It's too far, so I won't go."

Anna was not sure about the importance of this thing to Xiao Yang, but thinking that the pile of garbage was all rusty copper and iron, she simply accepted it.

"Deal! But I advise you not to go there. Remember those zombie dogs during the day? That pile of garbage is right next to the zombie dogs' nest."

From Anna, Xiao Yang learned that this garbage from the world of Wall-E was in a deserted old-time town in the northwest, and it should be occupied by the zombie dogs at this time.

The two of them were driven out from there by the zombie dogs.

It was late at night, and it was time to go to bed again.

Xiao Yang laid a circle of ghost vines around him, and asked the artificial mental retard Fingel to act as a sentinel, so that he could sleep in the scrapped Hunyuan Yiqi Bell with peace of mind.

The night was deep, and the fire in the campfire gradually became dim.


A black shadow, jumping and hopping, approached the fire rhythmically.

Every time it jumped a certain distance, it would stop for a while, as if it was smelling the smell in the air to determine the direction.

Behind it, more such black shadows jumped and hopped over.

"Boss, it's bad! Get up quickly, something is coming."

Fingal shouted loudly while sticking to the screen, and he had turned the alarm of his mobile phone to the maximum volume.

Xiao Yang was awakened immediately, and Mina and Anna were also awake, and they were keeping watch for each other.

The three of them gathered at the campfire, and the thumping sound in the dark became more and more obvious.

Xiao Yang raised the flashlight and shone it in the direction of the sound. This sight almost scared his heart out.

The light hit a livid face, illuminating his heavy shadow, with faint bluish-white fluff.

This was the body of a man, with only a few pieces of clothes left on his body, and it could be vaguely seen that it was a blue worker's uniform similar to the 1950s and 1960s on Earth.

However, this dead man was now holding his hands up, his eyes closed, and jumping forward, jumping several meters in one step.

"Damn! Zombies!"

This weird way of moving, is it not a zombie or something else?

And there was more than one. Behind it, there was also a group of flea-like shadows wandering over.

This was clearly a group of zombies passing through.

Xiao Yang was speechless about the chaos of this world.

Zombies during the day, zombies at night. He would not be surprised if he encountered a mummy one day.

Seeing the zombies coming, Xiao Yang quickly took out his pistol and shot, but the bullet hitting the chest of this zombie could only make it pause slightly, and there was no substantial effect.

At this time, Anna and the others also reacted and shot one after another. They did hit the heads of these zombies, but they also had no effect.

These zombies seemed to have copper skin and iron bones. The bullets hit the forehead and could only scratch the scalp, but could not kill them with one shot.

"Humph, I don't believe it, it can't be killed!"

Anna took out another grenade and threw it into the group of zombies. With a bang, the grenade exploded and overturned several zombies.

However, Xiao Yang watched them stand up from the ground in a weird posture like a tumbler.

The grenades in their hands mainly deal shrapnel damage, which also has little effect on these zombies.

Seeing this, Xiao Yang quickly changed his target, aimed at the eye socket and shot it, which made it quiet down.

However, in the dark, how could it be so easy to hit a target with such small eyes?

Although they are all evolvers, it is difficult to aim in such an environment.

In a moment, the group of zombies came over.

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