On the other side, Xiao Yang was rummaging through the garbage.

They were all scrapped electronic products, smart terminals and other items.

According to Finger, absorbing some information data and programming algorithms from different worlds will help its artificial intelligence grow.

Maybe it won't be so stupid in the future.

"Boss, be careful, something is coming, everywhere, a lot."

The phone issued a warning. Finger tapped the screen and shouted loudly, with a terrified expression, and you could almost see his throat.

Without its reminder, Xiao Yang also felt the vibration coming from far away.

Xiao Yang looked up and saw a cloud of dust floating and approaching in the distance, and countless mutant creatures rushed over like a tide.

"Damn. Do I have to be so unlucky?"

Xiao Yang ran away, wishing he could grow another leg. Behind him, all kinds of mutant creatures ran towards the south as if they had taken stimulants.

The big ones ran to the front, the small ones ran to the back, and the last ones were the densely packed bugs like a carpet.

However, two legs can't outrun four legs, and soon, he was caught up by these creatures.

Xiao Yang looked at the beasts behind him, who were staring at his butt. If he was run over, he would be skinned alive.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Bell, hold it up for me."

He simply stopped running. A golden bell fell from the sky, and with a bang, it covered him.

He still had great trust in the treasure of the Dao League in the Fox Demon World.

In just a few seconds, the beasts rushed over.

The bell body made a banging sound.

Xiao Yang was ready for a desperate fight, and even held the earth-walking talisman in his hand ready to escape at any time.

Strangely, the beasts did not deliberately besiege him, but bypassed the Hunyuan Yiqi Bell and continued to migrate forward, as if his target was not him.

Xiao Yang looked at the mutant beasts running forward in front of him from the big hole in the bell body, and said in surprise.

"What happened in front? How could it attract so many mutant creatures?"

He guessed that there should be a very considerable garbage eruption.

What kind of garbage would attract so many creatures?

He decided to go and see.

A huge mutant long-horned yak passed by him, much like the one that the old Hawke team used to pull.

Xiao Yang put away the Hunyuan Yiqi Bell, took out the Binding Immortal Rope and put it on the yak's head, and jumped on the long-horned yak.

Feeling that there was a nasty guy riding on its head, the long-horned yak raised its four hooves and swung its body wildly, trying to throw the human off.

"Be honest!"

Xiao Yang tightened the reins and hit the yak's head with a fist. Now, he is already a peak second-level mutant, and he has been nourished by various life energies, so his strength is not small.

After a beating, the long-horned yak's cheap bones really felt much more comfortable, and it carried Xiao Yang happily to keep up with the beast tide in front.

After riding for about ten kilometers, an open basin appeared in front of them, and the flying insects and beasts on the ground jumped into the basin, forming waterfalls.

Above the basin, there were countless bird mutants hovering, densely packed like dark clouds.

Xiao Yang tightened the reins and stopped at the edge of the basin, staring blankly at the place where the beast tides from all directions gathered, and almost fell off the back of the longhorn bull.

"Oh my God!"

In front of him, a hundred-meter-long giant beast lay in the empty basin, and countless giant pieces of meat were scattered around it, forming a bloody hill of flesh.

At the foot of the hill, densely packed mutants crowded forward, trying to climb up this meat mountain and get a share.

Almost every piece of flesh was covered with various mutants. Looking down from the sky, it was as if God had sprinkled a bag of rock sugar, attracting countless ants to lick it.

"Damn, is this a mistake? That wouldn't be Gadi?"

Xiao Yang wiped the lens of the telescope.

The monster has a complete body and looks a bit like Godzilla. It has a light orange horn and two fleshy tentacles between its two heavy pincers.

This is clearly the monster Gadi in Ultraman Tiga! ! !

Who dares to say that there is no Ultraman in this world? I will be angry with him!

The monsters have appeared!

As a light in his childhood, he has a particularly deep memory of the special drama Tiga.

Xiao Yang remembered that the monster Gadi appeared twice in Ultraman Tiga. It has the ability to create a transparent barrier, and the horn on its head can also emit destructive red light.

"If this monster is Gadi, then whose meat is this?"

In the world of Ultraman, the monsters killed by Tiga will most likely be blown into pieces. However, the only monster that died with Gadi is the strong monster Hilbagon that lives in the Lion Nose Sea.

In the plot, this Gadi seemed to be bitten to death by Silbagon, but Silbagon was finally KOed by Tiga.

"This is troublesome."

Xiao Yang finally understood why Kra City was so afraid of the large cycle of garbage eruption.

He had just wandered around the Great Wasteland and encountered such a spectacular scene. It is conceivable that there are many similar eruptions in other places.

How many mutant creatures can be advanced and awakened by so much blood and flesh rich in superpowers? How many offspring will these mutant creatures reproduce?

Just in front of him, Xiao Yang has seen that many animals have become more and more ferocious after eating monster meat, as if they were injected with hormones.

Even some bug-type mutant creatures, he fucking ovulated directly on the ground!!!

At this point, Xiao Yang was powerless to change anything, he could only pray that the frequency of garbage eruption could be slower, giving him more time to grow.

"Fortunately, this place is a distance away from Kerr Town. I wonder if humans can eat these monster meat?"

Since I can't beat them, I might as well join them.

"Go get some samples first."

Xiao Yang waved the immortal rope and pulled it on the cow's buttocks. A strange light flashed in the eyes of the long-horned cow, and it rushed down to the basin excitedly.

In front of them was a piece of meat with a silver-gray skin and dark red inside. One man and one cow walked very hard. If the long-horned cow was not larger, it would probably be difficult to move.

Before, behind, and around them were densely packed mutant creatures, crowded together like zombies in the movie.

There were cats with three eyes, mice with six legs, and sheep with scorpion tails. All kinds of deformed lives made Xiao Yang seem to have entered the world of Shanhaijing.

In front of him, the room-sized monster meat was already crawling with mutants, and the creatures on the periphery were still biting the creatures on top, trying to pull them down.

Once a monster fell, several mutants would immediately jump up to grab the vacant space.


The longhorn bull made a panicked sound.

Around it, four or five gray wolves as big as Tibetan mastiffs had surrounded it. The fangs of these wolves were particularly long, like saber-toothed tigers that exceeded their lower jaws, and faintly glowed with metallic luster.

The head wolf looked up to the sky and howled, and the wolf pack seemed to want to change prey because they couldn't squeeze to the front position.

The wolves leaped and pounced on Xiao Yang's throat.

"Humph~ Looking for death!"

The ghost vine shot out, like a blooming flower, accurately piercing the tender abdomen of each wolf.

"Parasit, thorn kill."

The next second, the ghost vine seeds quickly took root and sprouted in the wolf's stomach, and black ink-colored thorn vines with blood beads drilled out from every hole on the wolf's corpse.

The death was extremely tragic.

It must be said that the ghost vine is really a weapon for bullying weaklings.

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