『The vast horizon is my love, flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills, what kind of rhythm is the most swinging, what kind of song is the most cheerful...』

Who is singing here?

So arrogant.

Between the gullies piled with garbage, the rumbling sound of car engines ripples in the valley, and the rhythmic singing is getting closer and closer.

Rob leaned on a tattered sofa, reading an exaggerated magazine with relish, but was interrupted by the car stereo in the distance.

"Boss, someone is coming, it's a big fish."

The younger brother ran over in a panic, accidentally stepped on the weird paper ball, and stumbled to the ground.

"A lot, a lot of cars are coming."

"Cars? How many people are there on the other side?"

"I can't count them, there are a lot."

"Notify the brothers, get ready."

Rob lay on a garbage dump, looking at the winding gully under his feet.

Behind him, more than 50 younger brothers also stuck their butts out, using various garbage bags and waste paper boxes to hide their bodies, waiting for the prey to pass by below.

When it comes to robbery, their Wild Wolf Gang is professional.

Soon, they saw the big fish.

At the turn of the valley, cars drove slowly over, and the one leading was a relatively well-preserved jeep.

Behind the jeep, there were common family cars, rusty military trucks, buses without windows, yellow garbage trucks, and even a tractor towing a large cart bucket, following behind.

Rob's heart was a little bit irritated, counting these cars, there were as many as 18.

Damn, how can this be a big fish?

This is simply a great white shark.

A full 18 cars, in this dilapidated world, it is definitely not something that people can take out. You know, in the past, when Clark City went out to cut leeks, they rode motorcycles and bicycles.

Of course, it's not that Kela City can't afford so many cars, but there's simply not enough oil to waste.

It's not hard to find a car that can be driven in the garbage world, and there are even some old antiques from the old times, but oil is definitely a rare item.

He is the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, a second-level superpower, and he rides only a broken electric donkey.

Even so, he spent a lot of money.

Although this electric donkey is not as fast as his, it is a symbol of status, and there are not many superpowers in Kela City who ride electric donkeys.

However, the next moment, Rob felt that his little electric donkey was not so good.

As soon as the car team passed, electric cars of various brands followed closely, and there were more than 30 of them.

This is not over yet.

Behind these electric cars, hundreds of bicycles were creaking, pedaling fast, and rushing over in a mighty manner.

Behind the bicycles, there were hundreds of humans carrying iron spears and following forward.

These people were all evolvers, and all of them were first-level evolvers or above.

Rob was so annoyed that I didn't dare to say anything. Even if they were stupid, they knew that the other party was not someone they could easily provoke.

They wished that the garbage bags and waste paper shells on their bodies were thicker, hoping that the other party would not discover them.

Suddenly, Rob felt someone patting his back.

"Shh, don't move, it's a bit tricky."

Rob lowered his voice and said softly, thinking that his subordinates were asking for his opinion again.

"Fuck, you don't understand what I say, right?"

Rob was annoyed. This guy was still bothering him. He was just about to see which newcomer was so tactless.

He turned his head and took a closer look.

A pink meat tentacle was on his shoulder, which almost scared him to death.

"Damn! What the hell is that?"

Rob jumped up and quickly retreated, and his subordinates also looked in the direction of the sound.

Everyone was furious!

The garbage exploded, and three monsters with pincers and meat tentacles suddenly emerged from the ground.

These monsters were two meters tall, with thorns all over their backs. At first glance, they were not easy to mess with.

"Mou, Mou~"

Da Ga asked sincerely: Why are you humans lying in the garbage? Are you playing games?

However, in the eyes of the Wild Wolf Gang. The voice of the three-headed monster was so hideous and terrifying that some people with weak wills even peed their pants.

"Don't be afraid. Just three beasts. Brothers, come on."

Rob raised his hand and a lightning bolt struck. Since he had money to consume eMule, he was naturally a thunder-type psychic.

Electric sparks exploded on Da Ga's neck, causing it intense pain.

The gazi were angry.

I just said hello, why did you fight?

The boss said that humans cannot be harmed without orders, but if someone dares to hit them, they can go straight to them.

Our cosmic monsters have tempers!


The orange-red horns on Da Ga's head lit up like a light bulb, emitting a red light.

Rob rolled over and hurriedly avoided the monster's attack. The garbage on the ground hit by the red light had turned into ashes.

Just kidding, even Tiga didn't dare to take this beam head-on.

Then several more red beams came over, and the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang began to roll in the garbage dump.

As expected of the leader of a gang, he actually dodged it.

If the director of a Japanese special drama saw this smooth rolling action, he would definitely drag him out and hang a leather suit.

Rob was alive and kicking, but his subordinates were not so lucky.

The three monsters showed their skills. Although their arms were short, their tentacles were very long. With one whip, everyone was whipped away.

However, the Wild Wolf Gang had many people and many superpowers. Fireballs, lightning, and bullets were thrown at the Gazi.

"Ah, monsters, die!"


The second Gazi's tiger body shook, and a spherical transparent barrier rose, blocking all attacks.

Then, red light swept over, and everyone who was hit was burned through the body by the light.

It must be said that the talents of the Gadi are quite versatile. They can attack from a distance, fight in close combat, defend, and dig holes. More than 50 people in the Wild Wolf Gang were beaten without any resistance.

Perhaps the only shortcoming is that the body is not flexible enough.

"Help! Run away!"

The horror of the three monsters made everyone in the Wild Wolf Gang feel timid.

Seeing that the team was about to collapse, Rob's eyes were bloodshot. This team was built with his last fortune.


Rob began to perform the Qin King's walk around the pillar, and took advantage of Da Ga's inflexible turn to raise the lightning sword and slashed at him.

However, the power and defense of the monster are not comparable to those of the evolvers. You are not Ultraman.

Da Ga resisted the sword, and the winged beetle-like pincers pulled out, directly knocking him to the ground in the air.

Then clamped his neck and lifted him up, and it seemed that he was about to clamp his head off with a pincer.

"Da Ga, stop!"

The little monster paused and threw Rob down, but it was Jessica who heard the noise and rushed over.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the corpses on the ground and the figures running away in the distance, Jessica was a little confused.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hurt my little monster."

Amu was very discerning. With a sound of "Moudi", he stepped on the iron hoof and the breath was forced over.

"A third-order mutant creature."

Before Rob could get up, he was knocked to his knees by the momentum again, and was horrified.

What is the origin of this woman? She actually has a third-order creature as a mount. Even Miss Anna from Kra City doesn't have this qualification, right?

"Don't play dumb. I'm asking you a question."

Da Ga's tail slammed to the ground, and the vibration of the ground made Rob wake up from the shock.

However, before he could reply, he was dragged away by Ga's tentacles...

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