Boss Bull was also very happy, and the way he looked at Xiao Yang was the same as looking at his own son-in-law.

A big deal, really a big deal. I have been a store manager for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen someone who buys goods like this, and all the goods he buys are high-end goods.

I was right, this black-haired young man is really a rich man, it would be great if I had a daughter.

"Little brother, is there anything else you want to buy?"

The store manager asked with a smile.

"I am tired of choosing, so let's stop here today and come back next time."

Xiao Yang waved his hand, as if he was tired and would turn the cards next time.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly slapped his head.

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask, boss, do you buy spirit meat and spirit plants?"

"It's natural to buy spirit meat and spirit plants. They are easy to sell anywhere. To be honest, our Old Bushi Chamber of Commerce is spread all over the cities in the Great Wasteland, and we even have business with other cities outside the Great Wasteland. We accept spirit plants, spirit meat, rare spirit objects, and weapons.

Of course, the Chamber of Commerce pays special attention to the devil worm feces. Cities outside the wasteland are very interested in this magical soil."

Boss Bull introduced Xiao Yang to the scope of purchase of the Old Bushi Chamber of Commerce. In fact, as long as it is good stuff, they will buy it without too many requirements.

"Then do you buy this kind of mushroom with weak energy?"

Xiao Yang took out a ghost mushroom out of thin air and asked him to taste it.

Bull frowned slightly.

This ghost mushroom... He shook his head after tasting it. Although it also contains energy, it is too low. He commented very pertinently.

"Little brother, to be honest, the energy content of this spiritual plant is too low, only 1/10 of that snake, I'm afraid it's not worth much."

"What if there are countless ghost mushrooms available for trading? And what if they are supplied continuously?"

Bull's eyes lit up.

Although the energy content of ghost mushrooms is indeed relatively low, if it can be compensated by quantity, the evolvers will definitely flock to it.

You know, evolvers actually eat ordinary eight-treasure rice most of the time. Spirit meat is too rare, and they may not be able to eat it twice a month.

If there is a continuous supply of ghost mushrooms to feed those hungry evolvers, this is definitely a huge deal that can bring huge profits to the Chamber of Commerce.

"Are you serious? If the price is right, there should be a big market."

Xiao Yang smiled slightly and made his meaning clear.

Old Bull was very excited and held his hand, as if he was afraid that Xiao Yang would run away.

"May I ask what your name is, little brother?"

"My name is Xiao Yang."

"I didn't expect you to be Mr. Xiao from Keer Town. No wonder, no wonder."

Bull was shocked, as if he had suddenly realized something and wished he could have met him earlier. At the same time, he also extinguished some of his little thoughts.

He also paid attention to the turmoil in the northern district of Kela City. It was rumored that Mr. Xiao was very young and mysterious, but his strength was very strong. He wiped out the largest gang in the northern district with one move. It was heard that he had also wiped out fourth-level creatures.

Not surprisingly, this was another lucky guy who got lucky.

In the garbage world, such people cannot be judged by common sense.

It is said that Mr. Xiao is a plant-based mutant. Did he grow all these mushrooms himself?

"Mr. Bull, you're welcome. I wonder if your chamber of commerce has a demand for cars, gasoline and other materials? We can also ship a large amount, especially gasoline, and the price is negotiable."

Xiao Yang spoke slowly, and every word struck old Bull in his heart.

The refinery and the Ghost Mushroom Plant will be completed in a few days. A large number of products will be produced in the future. He needs to find a good sales channel in advance and find out whether these products are popular in the market.

Of course, the fuel produced by his broken workshop cannot catch up with the real gasoline, but I believe the quality will be improved in the near future.

Anyway, let's talk nonsense first and let the bullets fly for a while.

"If there is enough fuel, our Old Booth Chamber of Commerce is willing to purchase a large amount."

Old Bull seemed very excited.

They are engaged in material transactions and know the value of vehicles and gasoline better than anyone else. Even for their Booth Chamber of Commerce, most of the material transportation is done by manpower and animal power. It is time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly.

At present, except for the poisonous fog forest, it seems that no garbage point has ever dropped fuel. At most, some abandoned cars can be extracted, or some can be found in the old human city.

If the cost can be reduced through vehicle transportation, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the competitiveness of the Bull Chamber of Commerce.

He did not doubt what Xiao Yang said, because when the scavengers from Keer Town entered the city, the long convoy passed by the door of his store, which really showed off in front of everyone.

Could it be that this boss Xiao found a garbage spot where waste oil was dropped? Bull couldn't help but guess in his heart.

"I wonder when the fuel can be traded? How much is the price?"

"There is no rush. It will take some time to get it out. I will definitely let you know in time when the time comes."

There is no point in negotiating the price before seeing the actual fuel.

After the two sighed for a while, Xiao Yang said goodbye.

After leaving, Xiao Yang was also thinking about what he needed.

Obviously, there is no shortage of food for the time being, but weapons and spirit meat are in short supply, especially high-quality spirit meat. The effect of the ghost mushroom is still a bit unsatisfactory, and it can only meet low-end needs. The types of supernatural powers of the Zhutian Recycling Company are also relatively simple.

For gunpowder weapons, he planned to go to the poisonous fog forest, which was not a big problem. However, he felt that the spiritual core weapons in the store had great prospects. Although they were a little expensive, they were still effective for his subordinates.

In addition to the Bull Chamber of Commerce, he also visited other stores and made a lot of purchases. Most of them were unfamiliar to him, but there were also some that he could see the source of.

For example, the Ice Soul Python from the world of "Spirit Realm" and the monster black snake from "About Reincarnation as a Slime"... It cost him more than 1,000 kilograms of monster meat.

If nothing unexpected happens, a group of earth-type psychics who can dig holes will appear in the city of Kra in the future.

The merchants in the city of Kra were also very excited, and they all saw what it meant to be a real rich man.

"It is said that Mr. Xiao has a bad temper and will destroy the gang if he disagrees with me. Why do I think he is so cute?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao is a really good person. He is very happy to buy things."

"That's right. He even bought my charcoal bark that no one has ever asked for."

The vendors boasted to each other, and the panting of Honghualou was even louder today.

Xiao Yang's shopping behavior also reached the ears of those who were interested, attracting the attention of people from all sides.

Some were afraid, some were greedy, and some were indifferent.

But he didn't care.

Not long after, Zhang Daqiang, Jim and others had almost finished shopping. Mary and Jessica also returned to the commercial street. The backbones of Zhutian Recycling Company gathered again, and then they went straight to their original goal.

Kara City Hotel.

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