Rob stepped on Nick's chest, grabbed his collar, and slapped him in the face repeatedly.

"Aren't you very arrogant? Go on if you have the guts."

Nick's head swayed from side to side like a rag doll. The strength of the second-level superpower was so powerful that Nick's teeth were blown out.

His whole face was swollen like a pig and he couldn't even speak clearly. He could only cry with tears in his eyes and make inexplicable sounds.

"Huhu. It's so refreshing."

Rob breathed a long sigh of relief and threw Nick to the ground, feeling that his whole mood became much lighter.

However, he also knew that he had handed Xiao Yang a letter of nomination this time and was on the same camp, otherwise Nick would definitely make his life worse than death.

"Go away!"

Nick was speechless and could only look at Rob with a hateful look and stumbled out.

Private room on the fifth floor.

Luo Fe was a little uneasy, especially after hearing the miserable screams downstairs.

"Relax, Boss Luo, I will bear all the consequences."

In contrast, Xiao Yang and others were very casual, as if they just drove away a cockroach.

A small second-level evolver can no longer attract his attention. No matter how powerful his father is, what can he do? Can he be better than the city lord of Kra City?

Is this the state of mind of a great man? Xiao Yang said he was very happy.

"Mr. Xiao is joking, you are a customer. It's because the shop didn't take good care of you."

Luofu's words were very polite, but the unnatural look on his face betrayed him. He already knew that the person sitting there was none other than Boss Xiao from Kerr Town.

What a disaster.

Xiao Yang shook his head, picked up the menu and looked at it slowly, wanting to see what kinds of dishes from the garbage world could be made.

Not surprisingly, the restaurant’s signature dishes are fried chicken and burgers.

Looking at the condition... no need to think about it, it must have been picked up from some garbage dump and reprocessed. Otherwise, there would be so many chickens in this garbage world for him to fry, and he wouldn’t be able to get enough oil.

In fact, Rolf made his fortune by occupying a garbage spot that dropped burgers, fried chicken, and fries.

That black hole seems to be connected to the KFC kitchen in a certain world, which produces a lot of food waste every day, as well as overproduction of hamburgers and fried chicken.

As soon as the crispy, salty, oil-rich, and high-calorie fried chicken burger appeared, it immediately became popular in Clark City. This made Luofu's scavenger team make a fortune and started a catering business, which grew bigger and bigger.

"Mr. Xiao, this fried chicken burger is our signature dish. You must try it."

The corner of Xiao Yang's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Jim and others who were full of expectations. It seemed that it wouldn't work if he didn't order it. The worst he could do was not eat it.

"Forget it, give me all the signature dishes and special dishes."

The chef moved very quickly, and the beautiful waitress in a JK skirt twisted her waist and hips to serve the dishes. When leaving, he didn't forget to give Jim and Rob a wink at the pig-like Jim and Rob.

It seems that this pretty and delicious JK skirt is also a feature of the store, but it is a pity that the two of them were not able to enjoy it.

“It’s delicious, it’s so fragrant.”

Jim's eating appearance was a bit ugly. He had a burger in his left hand and a chicken wing in his right hand. He wanted to stuff both of them into his mouth.

Not only Jim, but also Mary, Zhang Daqiang and others had never tasted such crispy and oily chicken nuggets, and every bite was satisfying.

However, in Xiao Yang's eyes, every bite was like gutter oil.

In addition to the signature fried chicken and burgers, there were also many delicacies made from spiritual meat and spiritual plants on the table, which opened Xiao Yang's eyes.

For example, these peas, which are larger than the mouth of a bowl, are cooked whole, cut into the hard skin, and sprinkled with some KFC bagged pepper. It is a good staple food.

The bean aroma is tangy, the taste is smooth, the taste is sweet, and it also contains a little energy.

Not bad, delicious!

"Boss, what kind of peas are these? They are so delicious!"

Xiao Yang asked immediately.

"Mr. Xiao is really discerning. This dish is made from iron peas shipped from Pea City, which are very rare in the wilderness."

Luo Fu explained for Xiao Yang.

"Pea City is a place farther west than the Bayan Mountains. It is a very fertile city where a variety of characteristic plants are abundant.

For example, this iron pea is spit out from a large pea that is more than one meter tall.

There are several black holes that continue to erupt in Pea City, which frequently spit out a large number of strange plants, including glowing sunflowers, potatoes blown into pieces, and giant nuts that fall apart...

Among these plants, iron peas are the most famous, so the city is called Pea City.

In addition to various plant remains, these black holes will eject various zombie fragments dressed in strange clothes.

Because it has a large number of edible plants, Pea City is very powerful. It not only has a large population, but also a large number of people with super powers.

In particular, there are many wood-type superpowers in Pea City, which are rare in other places. It can be called a holy place for wood-type superpowers. "

Luo Fe sighed with emotion. In fact, he had never been to Pea City. He only heard about it from the caravan.

When everyone heard about it, they were very yearning for it.

Only Xiao Yang was stunned, as if he had seen a ghost, and several keywords kept popping up in his mind.

Broken plants, zombie remains, peas that shoot beans, exploding potatoes...

Xiao Yang stared blankly at this delicious iron pea, integrating these key elements, and an animation appeared in his mind.

There were five green lawns, which seemed to be someone's backyard. There were several cheerful plants planted on the lawns, including sunflowers, peas, nuts, and a happy life.

Suddenly, a large wave of zombies attacked, and the plants resisted the endless stream of zombies.

Peas smashed the zombies into pieces, nuts shed unyielding tears under the bite of zombies, and squash died heroically, smashing the zombies into meat paste with one butt...just to prevent the zombies from occupying the backyard and eating the owner's brain.

This is...isn't it "Plants vs. Zombies"?

This pea...was actually spit out by the pea shooter!


"Boss Luo Fu, should these peas be carefully cleaned before making them?"

Xiao Yang said.

"Ah? This...uh...of course, the hygiene of our store has always been the highest standard in Kra City."

"That's okay."

Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this pea might have hit a zombie, which made him a little disgusted.

Then he asked with an idea.

"Boss Luo Fu, do you have any raw peas for sale?"

"Mr. Xiao, you don't want to grow these peas, do you?"

Luo Fu saw what Xiao Yang wanted to do at a glance. In fact, many people had asked this question before him, after all, there is a specialty in the wasteland called Jin Ke La.

"What's wrong with it?"

"To be honest, many people have tried to grow this plant, even wood-type supernatural people have tried, but unfortunately they all failed without exception. I guess only the people in Pea City know why?"

Luo Fu spread his hands.

Xiao Yang was a little unwilling to give up, and still bought a few from Luo Fu, intending to go back and try.

Luo Fu didn't say anything else, believing that he would know after he failed, anyway, he still had money to make.

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