However, some people are happy and some are crying.

In a mansion in Xicheng District, Nick, who was beaten to the point of being out of shape, cried and complained vaguely about his inhuman experience.

"Dad, you must make the decision for me."

"Hmph. I usually ask you to restrain yourself, but now you know how to call me me? You are a useless piece of trash."

In front of Nick, his father, Locke, the leader of the first legion in Krak City, looked like he hated iron.

"Do you know who the other party is?"

"Ah? Is the Wild Wolf helping Little Electric Donkey Rob? Who else can it be?"

Locke asked, furious, pointing at Nick's head.

"Why did I give birth to a loser like you? Think about it, would a small role in the Wild Wolf Gang dare to do such a thing?"

Seeing Nick's ridiculous look, Locke was helpless and considered defeated.

"Oh, you go down!"

"Ah? Dad, won't you help me get revenge?"

"Get out of here!!!"

After throwing his son out, Locke tried to calm himself down, but it was difficult to calm down the anger in his heart.

It's Boss Xiao again.

Previously, he destroyed the Qingpu Gang, the force he secretly supported in the North District, and this time he actually beat up his own son. It was really too much of a deception.

But the city lord had already said that he should not be touched for the time being, which made him very surprised. He even doubted whether it was a trick set up by the city lord and Xiao Yang for him.

"Hmph, Xiao Yang, right? Sooner or later, you will be wiped out."

North District, headquarters of Zhutian Garbage Recycling Company.

Sitting in front of Xiao Yang's desk was a woman with regular features and a plump figure.

I didn't expect that Tina, who took off her white coat, would be so proud. She was dirty that day, but she didn't notice it.

At this time, Tina looked much better and put on a goose-yellow long-sleeved T-shirt. The tight clothes outlined her full curves. Coupled with her dignified and gentle temperament, she had a mature and intellectual beauty.

Tina felt a little uncomfortable with the man in front of her, especially since he was holding a broken wooden hammer and kept tapping on the table.

It gave her a bad association.

Considering that all of his injuries were healed by the opponent's magical water power, he shouldn't be a cruel person.

Tina tightened her body and waited for Xiao Yang to speak.




"have no idea."

"Where do you live?"

"Sorry...don't remember."

"So what do you know?"

"I seem to have lost my memory."

"Okay then, why do you remember what you learned?"

"I'm not very sure either. When you asked those questions, the answers automatically appeared in my mind."

Xiao Yang touched his chin and continued to ask.

"According to human trafficker Wacker, you picked it up next to a car wreckage. This car seemed to have fallen from the sky. Do you have any impression of this?"

"I only remember some fragmentary scenes. After I climbed out of the car, my vision went dark and I lost consciousness."

Tina touched the back of her head and tried to remember.

"Is that so? How much do you remember about what happened before the car accident?"

"I remember there were some vague shadows. A group of people like me were studying something? It seemed important."

Tina rubbed her head and tried to recall these things. This made her very painful and felt like a tear.


Xiao Yang murmured in his heart.

Could it be that this lady’s previous job was as a researcher?

That's fun.

In this garbage world with backward technology, there is actually a group of scientists who seem to be studying something.

Just think about it and you know that there must be a very big secret hidden inside. Not knowing what kind of organization this was, Xiao Yang felt that he must have many topics to talk about with them.

The conversation fell into silence.

"So, Ms. Tina, what are your plans now? As I said, you are now a free man."

"I want to stay here. You like what's in my head, don't you?"

"But you have lost your memory. How much of your previous knowledge do you still remember?"

"I... can learn. Trust me, I will remember it quickly."

Tina fought hard. She really wanted to stay here. Compared to the unknown and danger outside, it was very safe here.

Xiao Yang looked at the wooden hammer in his hand, rubbing the broken stubble of the wooden handle, wondering if he should just hit it with a hammer?

What he was holding in his hand was the dream-remembering hammer that Jessica picked up from the Fox Demon No. 1 garbage dump. It was Tushan's famous magic weapon and was said to be able to awaken people's memories of previous lives.

However, his hammer has a broken handle, and if he hammers it down, he may turn the person into an idiot.

It's hard to find a talent, but it would be a pity to destroy it.

Forget it, let's give her some mild food supplement therapy first. If it doesn't work, give her another blow.

"Well, I have some tea here, which may be miraculous in treating amnesia. You can take it out and drink it first."

Xiao Yang took out a jar of bitter leaves and handed it to Tina.

"Besides, Fingel has a lot of mathematics, physics and chemistry materials, take them back and look at them! See how much you can master in three days, and then make a decision."

"Thank you, sir. I will try my best to be a useful person."

Tina walked out of the office, took a deep breath, and thought about her future direction.

Although she is a superpower, she has awakened superpowers related to her eyes, and her combat ability is not strong. Zhutian Recycling Company may be a good place.

At present, this place is clearly different from other organizations in Clark City. The biggest feature is that it is very clean and makes her feel very comfortable.

In addition, she found that everyone respected the man named Xiao Yang very much, not out of fear based on intimidation, but out of heartfelt gratitude.

Before retrieving the memory, maybe it would be good to work here. Of course, the premise is that you need to retrieve the lost knowledge.

The boss said that knowledge is the primary productive force.

She thought this made sense.

While he was thinking, two white figures came out.

"Sister Tina!!" (x2)

"It's Xiaoling and Xiaoxue."

Tina smiled and touched the little girl's head.

The two girls are the fox girl twins that Xiao Yang rescued from the slave traders. The elder sister is named Xiaoxue and the younger sister is named Xiaoling.

Tina was very fond of them. If it weren't for the twins, she might have died of thirst in the basement.

"Sister Tina, are your injuries healed?"

asked my sister Xiaoxue, who is more caring about people.

"Well, that's almost it. What are you doing?"

Tina saw that each of them was carrying a bag and seemed to be in a hurry.

"I said I said."

My younger sister Xiaoling is more lively.

"We're going to school soon."

"go to school?"

"Yes, yes. Sister Mary said that we are not 15 years old yet, so we don't have to work and can go to school first."

In the past two days, the school has reopened in the North District of Clark City. It is worth mentioning that the name of the school has now been changed to "The First Affiliated School of Zhutian Company".

Well, it was Xiao Yang who wrote the inscription.

In addition to schools, oil refineries and plantations are also back in operation, just outside the North District in the old port area.

Tina visited various properties of Zhutian Recycling Company one by one. Seeing the busy figures and satisfied expressions of the scavengers, she strengthened her belief in staying here.

"Looks like I'm going to have to stay up late again."

"Huh? Why should I say it again?"

The night was dim, and just when Tina was about to stay up late, dozens of kilometers away from Kra City, a silent black figure stood on the edge of the wreckage of the flying car and stared for a long time. A fleshy tentacle stretched out from his sleeve. The blood stained the seat and then disappeared into the night.

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