While Noah was talking to the man in the study.

Outside the manor, an old man wearing a gorgeous sky-blue robe, a pointed wizard hat, and a long flowing silver-white beard emerged from the void quietly.

He appeared very suddenly, but the two guards standing by the manor’s extraordinary wrought iron gate did not notice anything unusual about the way he appeared.

It was as if it was normal for a person to appear in their sight out of thin air.

Standing outside the neatly trimmed tall hedge of the manor, the old man looked curiously at a copper door plate hanging next to the wrought iron gate, with these letters engraved on it——


Translated, it is, Kama Taj. 1

When he saw this name, a strange feeling arose in the old man’s heart, as if this strange name had some strange magic power.

Wizards’ senses are always sharp, especially for powerful wizards.

Dumbledore stopped in front of the bronze door plate.

But after taking a closer look, he couldn’t see anything unusual about the name. It was just an ordinary bronze door plate, just a little more impressive. 3 shook his head, thinking that he had just seen it wrong, the old man quickly put the matter behind him.

He passed the guard at the door without much effort.

Although this new student named Noah Shafrin is quite impressive, if you want to see him, you need to make an appointment half a month in advance.

But for wizards, with these non-magical Muggles in front of them, there is nothing that a confusion spell cannot solve.

If so, then use an advanced version of the confusion spell.

It has another very nice name – the Imperius Curse.

If the Imperius Curse still cannot be solved, then wizards have another ultimate solution, which is a more advanced solution than the Imperius Curse… the

Unforgivable Curse.

Avada Kedavra

(╬▔dish▔)━━(Green light) 7

Of course, as the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world today, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and a role model, Albus Dumbledore will definitely not be like a certain noseless monster. They eat big melons everywhere.

That’s quite uncivilized behavior.

Who among the civilized people still wants to eat a big melon?

Nowadays, eating giant melon chain lightning is popular. 6

After walking along a long walk paved with blue bricks and passing through a garden full of flowers, Dumbledore finally stopped in front of a very respectable mansion.

Just as he raised his hand to knock on the door, a weak magic wave coming from inside the house gave up his idea of knocking, causing his knuckles to stop two centimeters away from the door.

Is this Mr. Shafrin performing magic? interesting.

Dumbledore raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Before entering Hogwarts to learn magic, he was able to control his own magical power to a certain extent. Such a talent is rare in the wizarding world.

The last time someone could do this was a student at Hogwarts named Tom Riddle more than fifty years ago.

Speaking of the name Tom Riddle, few people may know it, but when it comes to his other name, there must be few people in the entire British wizarding world who don’t know it-

Voldemort. 1

Dumbledore was very interested in this young wizard whose life experience and talents were very similar to Tom Riddle.

Therefore, the choice he made was to draw out his wand and cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself.

As a water ripple-like wave rippled from the front end of the wand, Dumbledore’s figure completely disappeared into the air, and sounds such as breathing and footsteps were completely covered by magic.

The heavy door of the mansion opened a gap silently under the action of the unlocking spell.

Then, a flowing breeze blew inside the house.

In a medieval palace-style vaulted corridor, the breeze stopped flowing and stopped quietly outside a door in the corridor.

In the reception room behind the door, Noah saw the girl named Melissa Graning.

The first impression she gave Noah was… ugly.

So fucking ugly.

The girl sitting on the sofa, her cracked mandible is still bandaged.

Outside the layers of gauze that wrapped her head, there was a circle of steel wire that tightly held it up to prevent her chin from falling.

Her broken nose bone also caused her originally straight nose to completely tilt to one side. Her eyes, which had been hit hard, were one big and one small, looking quite unbalanced.

However, if it weren’t for those horrific injuries, just judging from the girl’s relatively delicate facial features, she would have been quite a beautiful girl.

Noticing that Noah was looking at her face, the girl turned her head sideways with deep sadness in her eyes, unwilling to let Noah continue to stare at her ugly face.

Noah had no intention of chatting too much with her, but looked at her father

“If you want me to help her with treatment, there will be a price.”

Before he came to visit Noah at Kama Taj, he had heard that the king of London’s underground world, who had led Hydra to such an extent, had a magical ability.

Therefore, the man did not hesitate at all.

“I can accept any price, and I can give you all my property, as long as you can cure her and restore her previous happiness and joy.”

Hearing the man’s words, Noah raised his eyebrows slightly,”I don’t want your property.”

Things like money lose their meaning when they accumulate to a certain level. Now money is just a series of numbers for Noah.

He is no longer interested in money and doesn’t even want to touch it.

He is more interested in money.” What he wants is more.

What interests Noah now is his strength.

In addition to his personal strength, he also needs a powerful evil force like Snake Shield behind him. , in order to better assist him.

Capital society seems to be a dishonest system, but in fact, it is the ancient financial groups that control these capital countries behind the scenes. The ancient capital tycoons have been entrenched in capital society for a long time, and they carefully They manage their own network of relationships effectively, which makes them comfortable in this world where everything depends on human relationships and relationships.

As a nouveau riche, Noah certainly knows what he lacks most.

He needs such a network of relationships. To pave the way for the development of his own forces, which is why he is willing to take risks and expose his strange power in this world where there seems to be no superpower.

Therefore, Noah does not intend to accept the man’s assets.

Collect the money and then take action. Treatment is equivalent to a settlement between them, and no one owes anyone anything.

This is not what Noah wants, he wants more, such as……

“I want you to show your loyalty to me,” Noah casually dropped a cane on the floor in front of the man,”I want you to swear allegiance.”1

In the melodious music wafting from the gramophone, the man knelt down without hesitation. He bent down and picked up the cane on the ground with trembling hands.

“What’s your answer?”

Hearing Noah’s question, the man who stood up again suddenly raised his cane high,”For me, there is only one answer!” 4

The corners of Noah’s mouth raised slightly

“That is! Allegiance to you!”



Ten minutes later, the man left with his daughter who had already taken off the bandage on her head.

The girl’s twisted chin has almost recovered to a degree that is visible to the naked eye. It is no longer like before, full of horrific scars like centipedes left during the operation to remove bone fragments.

Although it’s not completely healed yet, it’s much better than before.

At the very least, she no longer needs a wire.

It only took a few more treatments and she would be fully recovered.

With Noah’s current ability, it is probably impossible to have no scars left at all, but it can still be done to make the scars so slight that they are completely invisible unless you look closely.

Seeing the father and daughter disappear as the door closed, Noah, who had just led the organization to grow stronger, was in a great mood.

After taking the towel handed by the waiter and wiping the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, Noah, who had just sat back on the sofa and took a sip of hot tea, heard an unexpected old voice.

A voice that shouldn’t have appeared in this reception room where he was the only one

“What a wonderful healing spell, Sacheng.……”2

Before Dumbledore could even finish pronouncing Noah’s last name, a deafening roar of firearms interrupted his words.

Almost the moment he came out of the Disillusionment Curse, Noah poured the teacup he was holding in his right hand towards the direction of the sound.

At the same time, he pulled out a pistol from under the coffee table with his free left hand without looking back.���Empty magazine. 4 pong! The crisp sound of broken glass resounded in the living room.

“There is an assassin!”Noah’s voice came from far outside the window. 2

You didn’t expect it!

This is my escape route!

In the living room, there was a steaming water balloon and fifteen yellow bullets suspended in front of me. Dumbledore stared blankly at the glass window with a big hole in front of him. 1

Everything happened so fast in front of him, from when he opened his mouth, to when he was shot, to when Noah broke through the glass and escaped, It took less than three seconds to get together.

It was like lightning.

It’s no wonder that Dumbledore, an elderly man, didn’t react in time.

He couldn’t help but show a slightly troubled expression,”This is going to happen.” That’s troublesome.”

With a slight explosion, Dumbledore’s figure twisted and disappeared into a space vortex. In just a few tenths of a second, he intercepted Noah who was running away from the house.

He was suddenly intercepted. Noah didn’t panic at all.

With a grin on his face, he took out a round object from the inside of his clothes.

Before Dumbledore could explain, he pulled the safety tab on the grenade, and then pushed it hard.扌……

“All petrified.”

A ray of light flashed, and Noah and the evil smile on his face were frozen in place. In his hand, he was still holding the bullet tightly and had already released the safety grip, but he had not had time to throw it. Grenade out

“Damn it!”This was Noah’s last thought before he died,”Pills!”


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