20. Undercurrent on the other side

The cold moonlight shone, and the woods outside the window swayed with the breeze, casting ghostly shadows on the ground.

A charming figure suddenly appeared outside the silent Ancient Potion Club classroom.


She seemed to be in a hurry, and she didn't even have time to take out the key. She directly used her delicate body to violently knock open the door of the classroom.

She staggered into the classroom, groped along the wall, and finally pressed a movable stone brick near the inside.

The sound of the mechanism was heard, and the wall moved, revealing a small compartment.

In the compartment, there were various potions.

Scanning quickly, Anna took out a bottle of green potion and a bottle of blue potion near the inside.

She tore open her sleeve that was cut by the blade of the high priest before, revealing her left arm.

But the exposed left arm was not white and tender like a girl. Instead, it made people feel cold at a glance.

Because it was covered with scales.

Fine, layered, black scales.

Snake scales.

Anna looked at those scales with deep disgust and hatred in her eyes.

She took a deep breath, as if she was preparing herself mentally.

Finally, she made up her mind.

She picked up the green potion, opened the bottle cap, and suddenly poured the liquid on her left arm.



It was like a strong acid being poured.

The black scales that could even resist a blade were quickly corroded, hissing, and white smoke was constantly coming out.


At the same time, the piercing pain instantly made Anna's pretty face pale and cold sweat all over her body.

She gritted her silver teeth, her plump chest kept rising and falling, and her right hand inadvertently crushed the potion bottle directly.

"Why... why did it suddenly deteriorate so seriously?"

"Could it be..."

Anna slammed her fist on the table and looked up.

The bright moonlight fell, but it brought endless dead silence and coldness.

It's not over yet.

She took out a sharp dagger with her shaking hands.

She slowly placed it on top of the scales on her left hand.

She paused.

Then she swung the dagger violently, scraping off the scales on her arm.

Blood was dripping.

When the scales were scraped off, the skin was also scraped off, so it looked terrible.

But An was still very careful, as if she had done it countless times, scraping off every scale from her arm bit by bit.

Until there was no scale left on her arm, she quickly poured the blue potion on her arm.

The injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the white skin grew again.

After a while, her left hand became no different from that of an ordinary girl, even more tender and white.

Until then, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only because the severe pain dissipated, but also because the desire in her heart that was almost suppressed as the snake scales grew, retreated.

The desire to eat something.

She leaned against the wall and slowly collapsed, as if all her strength had been drained away.

Her unfocused eyes revealed a different kind of confusion.

"No, I have to speed up, I have to..."

Anna whispered softly in the ancient potion classroom where she was alone.



The big clock tower.

The thirteenth floor underground.

The well of mercury.

"Wow, is this the core area of ​​St. Mary's College?"

The man with a hideous scar on his face looked at the solemn and huge institutions around him, like a countryman entering the city, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Tsk tsk, these things seem to be made of rare metals. They are so big, they must be counted by tons. Can I scrape some back? I feel like if I scrape some scraps, I won't have to worry about my next life."

"Shut up!"

In front of the scarred man, a skinny figure covered in a black robe said in a low voice:

"Also, don't move anything if you don't want the alarm system here to be crushed into slag."

"Okay, okay, I won't move."

The scarred man shrugged, looking very innocent, "I'm not a naughty kid from my relatives' family, why are you so nervous?"


The skinny figure walked in front silently, in his hand, a shabby lantern was shaking, emitting a light blue light, covering the two people in it.

Those light blue lights were full of dead silence, but after being covered by it, the alarms from countless precision institutions around seemed to have lost their effect, turning a blind eye to the two intruders.

The long passage was extremely silent.

As if he felt that the journey was too boring and there was nothing new around, Scarface approached again and asked the skinny figure:

"Speaking of which, are your companions okay? We have to lead away those teachers and professors, and hold back the princess of the empire. It seems that these are all very dangerous tasks."

"They are fine. They have their own plans to escape."

The skinny figure sneered:

"Instead of worrying about them, you might as well worry about yourself."

"Worry about yourself?"

The scarred man was stunned: "Why? Everyone has been led away. Shouldn't this be the safest place?"

"It's safe to come in, but isn't it the most dangerous time to escape? After all, what we have to do is that."

"Which one?" The scarred man was stunned again.


The skinny figure was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"you do not know?"

"What do I know?"

"You don't know why you came here?!"

The skinny figure was shocked.

"The high priest asked me to come here."

The scarred man scratched his head and asked innocently.

"If he asked you to come over, wouldn't you ask him what he should do?"

"Well... as an excellent subordinate, isn't it a necessary quality to ask less and do more?"


The skinny figure suddenly didn't want to speak.

He began to regret why he let these sick-minded guys send people to help him.

Although it is true that the manpower here is very tight, I still feel that bringing this guy in is a wrong choice.

But forget it.

At this point, even if this thing can't be of much help, it should still be possible to throw it out as bait at the critical moment.

"If you don't know, then don't ask."

The skinny figure turned around: "Time is running out, if you don't want to die, just follow closely."

"oh oh."

The scarred man nodded repeatedly and quickly followed.

But as he was walking, he suddenly remembered something. He approached the skinny figure again and asked with a serious expression:

"Speaking of which, since it's so dangerous, you must have an escape plan. For example, at a critical moment, reinforcements suddenly blow up the ceiling and fall from the sky to pick us up."


"If there is no plan A, I think plan B is also feasible. For example, after doing bad things, you can take out the teleportation magic scroll and send us away. Although I fainted and vomited after each teleportation, I think the critical moment It’s not impossible.”


"There is no plan B, let's go to the head office of plan C!"

The scarred man sounded a little anxious: "For example, when the time comes, call your big boss, that so-and-so Moon, to come down and kill everyone, that's okay!"


"No, how can you do things without a plan? Plan C doesn't work, then plan..."

"you shut up!"

The skinny figure who couldn't stand this guy's nagging collapsed and shouted:

"Moonlight's protection has its limits. You speak so loudly, what if someone hears you?"

21. Erwuzi

"you shut up!"

The skinny figure who couldn't stand this guy's nagging collapsed and shouted:

"Moonlight's protection has its limits. Your voice is so loud, what if someone hears it?!"

A huge roar echoed in the quiet corridor.

For a moment, the shaking of the lantern intensified, as if it would fly out and break into pieces at any time.

Squeak, squeak, even their shadows became messy, like mocking demons.

So, both of them fell silent and looked at each other.

After a while, it was the scarred man who broke the silence, lowered his voice and said with a sad and angry expression:

"Obviously it's your voice that's louder! You can die if you want, but don't involve me, okay?"

"...fuck you..."

The skinny figure suddenly felt a breath, stuck in his chest, neither up nor down, which made him want to strangle the scarred man in front of him to death.

But no, the task is urgent.

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