"He is the man I will marry as my wife sooner or later."

"...This is it."

Pink Bear leaned over and looked at the handsome blond man in the portrait, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Strange, this man looks so familiar, he seems to be the famous so-and-so in the academy, and he seems to have a little relationship with little Celia..."

As he said, Pink Bear looked at the scarred man with a shy face like a little girl, and his bear mouth suddenly curled up:

"I seem to have found something interesting."

"Well, does the boss know him?" The scarred man's eyes lit up: "His name is Moon Campbell, do you know where he is?"


Pink Bear's smile was meaningful, he patted the scarred man on the shoulder and said: "Follow me and work hard, you will meet your true love sooner or later."


The scarred man immediately straightened his chest and raised his head, looking like a loyal paparazzi.

"By the way, what's your name?"


"Okay, Keren, go wash the floor first."

"Got it!"

Keren took the tools that Pink Bear took out from the black hole-like dark bear's mouth, and ran to the body of the skinny figure, ready to clean up the residue of his body.

But just as he was about to start, he suddenly felt a piercing chill.

It was as if he was being watched by some vicious eyes.

Keren subconsciously turned his head and found that the skinny figure had only a complete head left, but he was still alive, staring at him with a cold look.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Keren was startled, and subconsciously wanted to pick up the big knife and chop it again.

But at this time, he heard a sharp shout.

"Lower your head!"

Without thinking too much, Keren followed the order and lowered his head.

A strong wind blew over his head, making his scalp numb.

The pink bear had appeared beside the skinny figure without knowing when, and raised the mace in his hand-smashing!

In an instant, half of the skinny figure's head was smashed to pieces, and red and white things were splattered everywhere, looking extremely disgusting.

But the remaining half of his head was still alive, and he cast a sarcastic look at the pink bear.

"Hehe... It's too late... In fact... I appeared here... Confirming the existence of that thing... is enough..."

The skinny figure grinned half of his mouth, making a harsh sound like metal friction, and shouted fanatically:

"The moon... eternal life!"

In an instant.

The blood that flowed out of the skinny figure's self-mutilated body, which was not much, suddenly squirmed on its own, and then gathered into a strange pattern.

At the same time, the lantern that was strangely forgotten by the scarred man and the pink bear appeared next to the pattern without knowing when.

The light on the lantern suddenly went out, and a blue light lit up from the pattern, like moonlight, outlining a trace of dead silence and coldness.

The blue moonlight flickered rhythmically, as if echoing with a very distant existence.

"Is this... the coordinates of the evil god's location?"

The pink bear's pupils shrank, and he no longer cared about anything else. He smashed the mace down, smashing the pattern and the surrounding ground together!

However, it seemed that it was too late, just as the skinny figure said.

Without thinking about how angry Professor Plan would be with him for smashing such a big hole in the ground made of rare metal, the pink bear looked up in horror.

Even though there was a thick rock layer hundreds of meters above his head, the pink bear felt that there seemed to be a terrifying existence above the infinite sky, slowly casting his sight towards this place.

That sight was so terrifying, as if it was an absolute crushing of the life level. Even though there was an infinite distance, it made the pink bear feel the trembling of the soul.

Above the sky, a huge blue moon hangs high.

"Fuck, fuck, there is actually a plan C?"

Colon, who also felt something, turned pale. He began to wonder if it was a wrong decision that he turned against the enemy too quickly.

I wonder if the big boss called the moon of something will forgive me if I turn against the enemy again?


Ignoring Colon's thoughts, the pink bear seemed to have felt something again, and turned his head again and looked in another direction.

That direction is... the student dormitory!

And his tone became more and more solemn.

"There are more than one?"

23. Hand

"Hehe, you are all impressed by my handsomeness."

Under the dormitory building where the spotlights gathered, on the dead huge body of the monster, Mu En still maintained the handsome posture like a thinker.

Feeling the shock, admiration and a hint of unknown meaning coming from the surroundings, Mu En felt extremely refreshed.

Due to the evil deeds of the original owner and the rumors of the news agency, he was really deeply affected by those prejudices during this period.

Now, he finally had a chance to show off. Even if he couldn't completely erase the prejudice in an instant, at least he could improve his image in the eyes of others.

At least, they could know.


Moon Campbell.

Not a scumbag who has three girlfriends at the same time.

Not a pervert who only thinks about picking up girls.

But a tough guy who dares to stand up in times of crisis!

Ryan, did you see that?

Now those cute school girls must be looking at me with admiration.

Wow, the good day for Mu En Campbell to be popular with girls has finally come...


Why is he not wearing clothes?"

Just at this moment, the innocent voice like a child sounded.

Just like the little girl who bravely told the truth in a fairy tale.


Mu En was stunned when he heard it.

What is not wearing clothes?

Who is not wearing clothes?

The chill of early autumn, combined with the innocent words of the little girl, made Mu En lower his head subconsciously, and then--

He saw a part of himself that would be arrested by the police for some kind of exposure or indecency if exposed.

"No way..."

Mu En's upturned mouth corners suddenly stiffened.

The memory in his mind began to rapidly regress until he returned to the moment when he took off his clothes and drank the magic potion given by the senior sister.

Then, like a video recorder, it replayed the scenes of the previous experience bit by bit.

From just now until now

During this process, he spent half of the time looking for clothes to wear.

But did he wear clothes?


He forgot.

Because of the fierce battle with Ryan, he completely forgot.

——The fact that he was not wearing any clothes at all.

"Ahhh——, Ryan, you bastard, you are killing me!"

It's fine if you let me forget such an important thing, why didn't you remind me at that time!

Just let me jump down naked like this?

And in front of hundreds of people?

Oh my god, just kill me!


Just when Mu En was ashamed and angry, he heard such a sound again.

According to the original owner's memory, he remembered.

This is a special magic called the image magic, the sound when it is used.

Due to the mandatory decree of the empire, the common image magic now has a mechanism that must make a clicking sound when used.

So, in this silent night.




Listen to the clicking sound.

"You...you stop taking pictures, it will have a bad influence on classmate Mu En!"

As the secretary of the student union, she naturally would not allow such illegal and criminal things to happen. Wei'er blushed and stopped everyone. At the same time, the magic power in her hands surged, and the snapping sound was so fast that only a smooth snapping sound could be heard.



Mu En's eyes were dull, like a dead fish.

God, please find someone to strangle me to death.

I won't live anymore. If this goes on, even if I am a tough guy, I will cry...

"Woo woo woo..."

Yes, I will cry like this too.



It seems that I am not crying.

But I am the one who was publicly executed, why are others crying?

Mu En subconsciously looked in the direction of the cry, and then found that the cry did not come from the students around him, but from the scriptures that he pierced?

What the hell? A broken book will cry?

"This is-"

Wei'er suddenly felt a terrifying chill rising from the soles of her feet.

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