Hathaway gritted her teeth. If she hadn't been in the academy when the God of Love invaded, otherwise she would have personally carried the Great Secret Instrument and rushed up to tear it into pieces to avenge herself for working overtime these days.

"But... just to this extent, it won't make you, Dean Hathaway, so anxious."

Celecia said doubtfully:

"Although this is a bit cold, but in the series of major events caused by the evil god, it only destroyed a village, and it was not even ranked."

"That's right, as if it were just an ordinary evil god pollution incident, the higher-ups would not let me help handle it at all. After all, the silent ones raised by the empire are not freeloaders.

But the problem is that this pollution... is too clean. "

Speaking of this, Hathaway's tone already contained a solemnity that she had not even noticed.

"The scene was abnormally clean. Apart from the pollution inside the head, we couldn't find anything. There were traces of fighting at the scene, but we couldn't even detect a trace of magic. It was as if everything was controlled by an invisible black hand. Erase it."

"Without magic power...are you a warrior?"

"We have made many conjectures about magicians, warriors, and even gods' favored ones, but we can't find any traces or clues. These can only remain at the conjecture stage."

"What about investigating the identity of the skull adventurer?"

"This is too difficult. Adventurer is a freelance profession. However, the investigation found that her emotional relationship with the two fellow adventurers she was working with was a little complicated, and the two adventurers also completely disappeared.

Therefore, we suspect that her two fellow adventurers might have also been killed in the incident, and the complicated emotions between them were the trigger for being contaminated by the corrupted god.


Hathaway smiled bitterly: "It's completely useless to know this. We still know nothing about the nature of the incident."

"No wonder..."

Celcia also understood somewhat.

Compared with the usual large-scale pollution incidents that always have endless consequences, this special situation that is clearly related to the evil god but leaves no trace behind is even more disturbing.

It is easy to make people wonder if this is another conspiracy of the evil god or something.

Not to mention that this happened around Belland.

No wonder the people above were so panicked that they asked Dean Hathaway to investigate. Her research direction is evil god pollution. There are few people in the entire empire who have a say in this area as much as her.

"Even for this matter, we spent a lot of money to go to the Holy City to ask the great astrologer to take action to see if we could get any clues through his great prophecy." Hathaway sighed, I would like to ask about the price paid by the great astrologer. Although it was reimbursed by the superiors, she still felt a little hurt when she saw it.

If this could pass through her hands, I don't know how much oil could be wiped off.

"So, what's the result?" Celcia asked curiously.

"Be careful with Huang Mao."


Celecia, who had always been cold and aloof, couldn't help but feel a little nervous when she heard this, thinking that she had heard wrongly.

"You heard it right, the result given by the great astrologer... is to let us be careful about yellow hair."

Hathaway covered her face and said:

"According to him, after all, there is the influence of the evil god. Even if he uses the head as a medium, the picture he sees is very blurry, but in this blurry picture, he can distinguish an important person in this matter. , has a head of conspicuous yellow hair.

So he told us to be careful about yellow hair. "

"Huang Mao... this area seems to be very broad."

"That's right!"

Hathaway burst into tears:

"Whether this yellow hair is malnourished yellow hair, or the golden yellow hair, whether it is long yellow hair or short yellow hair, he has to be more detailed."


"But even if it's detailed, I can't do anything about it. How many yellow hairs does Belland have? Has anyone counted it? It's just a characteristic of yellow hair. How can I check it?"

Hathaway pointed to the room angrily and said:

"Even your fiancé, Celia, is considered a loser. How about we arrest him first and interrogate him? Maybe we can get some clues."

"...Anyway, come on."

Celiasia didn't know what to say, so she could only give a dry comfort.

"Oh, there's been a lot of trouble lately. I don't know what happened to those evil gods suddenly."

Hathaway rubbed her temples painfully.

In fact, compared to the incident at the Baibol Lake fishing village, another unspeakable thing is even more troublesome.

After all, the impact of the God War is too unpredictable, and now the entire top management of Belland is actually getting nervous.

In addition...this time the academy was suddenly invaded by two evil gods.

Hathaway even suspected that those evil gods had just held a party, so they got together to cause trouble.

"But it's a shame that you still found time to come to the academy under such circumstances."

Celcia said:

"This coming and going will delay a lot of things."

"Oh, I can't help it. Who made this my favorite college? After such a big thing happened, I have to come back and take a look."

Hathaway looked out the window at the scenery that had gone through such a big thing but remained unchanged, and finally couldn't help but smile.

"However, I definitely don't intend to get involved in the college's affairs."

Speaking of this, Hathaway's tone was a bit gloating. She seemed to see through the wall the Pink Bear and various professors who were troubled by people coming to inquire about the matter of Cupid and Silent Moon.

"It seems... not bad to be able to temporarily relieve myself of the responsibilities of the dean?"

"Holy sword? What holy sword?"

The pink bear's claws slapped on the desk and shouted at the man wearing silver knight armor in front of him:

"You have to provide evidence when you speak. If Life Church lost its Holy Sword, what does it have to do with St. Mary's College?"


The Templar Knight sent by the Life Church gritted his teeth and said:

"According to our intelligence, the God of Love must have indeed used that holy sword when he controlled Lady Purity to invade."


The pink bear exaggeratedly opened its round bear eyes:

"Our Saint Mary's College has always been under closed management. Where did you get the information?"


The Templar's expression stiffened slightly.

"Could it be..."

The pink bear came close to his face and said with a meaningful expression:

"You... must have been deceived by some unscrupulous information dealer."


The Templars were furious:

"You have to think clearly about the consequences, that is the holy sword of my Life Church!"

"Even if it is the Life Church, we must follow the basic laws when doing things."

Pink Bear spread his hands and said:

"Today I said you lost the Holy Sword, and tomorrow I said you lost the Saint. Does that mean that one day your Pope loses his underpants and he will come to us at St. Mary's College?"

"You! Bastard! How dare you blaspheme His Majesty the Great Pope!"

"Don't talk nonsense. When did I blaspheme him? Doesn't your Majesty the Pope stop wearing underpants?"

"you wanna die!"

The Templar knight was furious and suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist and slashed it down.

But at least there was still some sense left, so the long sword did not hit the pink bear, but just cut the desk in front of the pink bear in half, hoping to teach him a lesson.

But it was obviously the desk that was beheaded, but the pink bear screamed miserably:

"Ah, my table!"

"What? What happened?"

Professor Grant seemed to have heard the commotion and rushed into the room with a large number of teachers.

His eyes quickly swept across the room, and Professor Grant was shocked. He quickly ran to the pink bear and helped him up:

"Dean Pink Bear, are you okay? Did he attack you?"

"Nothing was done to me, but my table."


Professor Grant seemed to have just noticed the table that was cut in half at this moment, and suddenly shouted in "horror":

"Is this your desk that is made of wood that is ten thousand years old and worth as much as a holy sword? How did it become like this?"

"He chopped down my table..."

The pink bear was "devastated", hugging half of the table and wailing, looking desperate as he wished he could go away.

"It's too much, it's really too much!"

Professor Grant straightened up and looked at the Templar with a twitching face with a righteous expression:

"What on earth did our Dean Pink Bear do wrong to do this to you? This kind of table is worth tens of thousands of dollars, and it is Dean Pink Bear's most beloved thing. Even if you are a member of the Church of Life, you must give it An explanation!”

"What's worth ten thousand dollars is just a broken table..."

"I'm so angry. When will the table stand up? Can't the table be worth ten thousand gold? Do you know that you are discriminating against the table? Let me tell you, he is worth ten thousand gold!"

Professor Glenn puffed up his chest and said aggressively: "I have so many teachers here watching, don't even think about defaulting on your debt!"


The knight's face turned red, and infinite anger surged in his chest.

As a Templar of the Church of Life, how have you ever been teased like this?

What a desk worth tens of thousands of dollars, you just want to throw away the holy sword of my Church of Life!

"Just wait, I will come back!"

Knowing that he could do nothing but be humiliated if he stayed here, the Templar said a harsh word, turned around and left.

“Remember to bring the money to pay for the table next time you come.”

Looking at the back of the Templars, Professor Grant whistled happily:

"Or bring me another holy sword."

The Templar stumbled outside the door and quickly disappeared from the sight of the professors.

"To deal with this kind of church's stubbornness, it's up to you two."

With a sigh of relief or disgust, Professor Plan walked in with a new crutch in his hand.

"It's not because that person took the holy sword away directly without giving any confirmation."

Professor Grant said with a grimace: "Otherwise, whoever wants to get involved with those guys from the Church of Life will be in trouble."

"Huh, I'm the unluckiest!"

The pink bear stretched out a furry hand from his mouth, lit the cigar, and sighed:

"I'm just an acting dean. But for the sake of the college, I've offended a lot of people these days. What should I do if they don't let their beautiful little sister play with me in the future?"

"Who has kept the academy at the forefront these days?"

Professor Grant also sighed.

Although that person took action and successfully solved the evil god's invasion, the college has not been having an easy time these days.

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