Tia snorted coldly and crossed her arms, saying:

"For Rhode's sake, I won't bother with this country bumpkin."

"Country bumpkin..."


This is the second day that Eluka almost broke her wand today.

Isn't she just a little prettier and with bigger breasts than herself?

Why does she call herself a country bumpkin?

Doesn't she know that Rhode, whom she pesters all day long, is from the same village as the country bumpkin she's talking about?

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have agreed to let her join our team in the first place..."

If Rhode hadn't been too hard, how could she have let someone disturb her world of two.


It's really annoying.


But after all, they were still in the battle, and her character was a soft, cute and kind girl, so she couldn't pester him too much at this time.

Eluka withdrew her thoughts and focused on finding the lake owner.

"Due to territorial awareness, two overlord-level monsters cannot stay together."

"Unless, they are a male and a female."

Eluka looked at the corpse of the lake owner at Rhodes' feet:

"From the appearance, it should be the female that is attacking us now."

For most monsters, the size of females is often much larger than that of males.

And size means strength.

"The wisdom of the overlord-level monster is not low. What will it do at this time?"

As Eluka thought about it, her eyes gradually stopped at the corpse.

Rhodes still stood on it, because for him as a warrior, being down-to-earth is always better than floating in the air.

"If it were me, what would I do?"

Eluka thought so, and then suddenly... widened her eyes.

If she was the lake owner, she would definitely...



"Don't move!"

Three years of experience as an adventurer has made Eluka act faster than thinking.

So when she came to her senses, the magic wand in her hand was already waving, and a continuous floating spell had been applied to Rhodes and Tia.

"Huh? What are you doing all of a sudden?"

The floating spell she cast was completely different from the floating spell cast by others. This illusion of being lifted up by someone would make people feel very uncomfortable.

Tia thought that Eluka was taking revenge on her, so she wanted to take the opportunity to complain to Rhode.

But the next moment, she swallowed the complaint hard.

Because she saw that the huge lake owner's body that she and Rhode had just stood on suddenly sank!

The sinking was so sudden that the waves almost shot them down while floating in the air.

"Sure enough, the first thing it has to do is to take back the body of its partner, because for a monster, how can it allow its partner to be stepped on by humans?"

"Then the second thing is..."

The lake surface, which was turbulent just now, suddenly calmed down, like a mirror, reflecting the dark clouds and Rhode in the sky.

Then the water rippled, and a vortex began to gradually form and expand.

It was like an invisible big hand stirring the lake surface.

The Lake Master poked his head out from the center of the vortex.

Dazzling lightning gathered on its ferocious horn.

With angry eyes, he stared at the two humans who had just stepped on his partner.

"As I expected, it will attack with all its strength next to avenge its partner."


Looking at the lightning gradually brewing on the Lake Master's horn, Eluka murmured in astonishment.

"Long-range attack?"

43. Should I be happy?

"Why is it long-range?"

"The Lake Master just now has never used a long-range attack!"

"Could it be that this is a power unique to females?"

Eluka stared at the Lake Master who was obviously accumulating power.

The lightning flashed, and it was aiming at Rhodes and Tia who were floating in the sky.

At that distance, plus the weakness of the poor mobility of the floating technique... it was definitely too late to hide.

Rhodes and Tia also discovered this, and their faces turned pale.

As for Tia, she didn't know any defensive magic at all!

Therefore, now we must...

"Mother Earth, please give me the power of protection!"

Eluka poured the magic power in her hand into the magic wand desperately, and constructed magic at the fastest speed in her life.

Fortunately, she caught up.

Before the dazzling lightning arrived, a khaki shield appeared in front of Rhodes and Tia, blocking the lightning!


"So strong..."

Eluka tightly grasped the magic wand, and the veins on her slender palms were throbbing. If there was a mirror in front of her now, she knew that her face must be ferocious!

The lake master's lightning was not a single shot, but a continuous shot!

Like a laser, it constantly hit the shield she hastily built.

"What... biological... generator?"

Eluka felt that her magic power was being consumed rapidly. If it continued like this, she would not be able to hold on for long!


When Eluka felt a pain in her brain because of the rapid consumption of magic power, she suddenly heard Tia's scream.

The scream scared her so much that she thought to herself, could there be a third lake master? Are all of you Warcraft masters so versatile?

3 P?

Fortunately, there was no third lake master.

It was just a splash of lightning arc, which suddenly bypassed the shield and hit Tia's pretty face, leaving a clear burnt mark on it.

"Ah, my face."

Feeling the sting on her face, Tia took out a small mirror and looked at it, her face suddenly became gloomy.

Her fair and beautiful face was injured like this, how could she face people?

"Eluka, can't you be more useful?"

Tia screamed and cursed:

"My face has become like this, how are you going to compensate me!"

"Is it... now... the time... to say this?"

Eluka gritted her teeth and said:

"I have... tried my best... okay?"

It's obviously you who didn't even learn a defensive magic, and you blame me?

I don't have time to care about your disgusting face now!

"Why are you pretending to be a soft girl? You could have easily blocked this level of attack before."

Tia snorted coldly:

"I think you are jealous of me and do it on purpose."


How dare she say this?

She is still under my protection, how dare she say such a thing?

Aren't you afraid that I will remove the shield and let her be killed by the lake master directly?



Rhode is still here.

I am a soft, cute and kind girl, how can I do such a vicious thing?


"I...can't...take it anymore..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"My magic power...is almost used up."

Under Tia's horrified eyes, the khaki shield that resisted the deadly lightning began to shrink gradually.

The shield that could protect two people was getting smaller and smaller. Now, there were no more occasional arcs of lightning on Tia's body, but scattered lightning that brushed past her body, leaving many burnt marks on her body in an instant.

"Wait, Eluka, I was just joking just now. I don't mean to blame you. Don't do this..."

Feeling the approaching death crisis, Tia panicked instantly. She began to beg for mercy from Eluka, as if her arrogant and domineering appearance just now was just an illusion of others.

Humph, you are indeed a cheap bitch, without any integrity.

Rhode will definitely not like people like you.

Eluka thought secretly in her heart.

However, she did not really take this opportunity to kill Tia, but just to teach Tia a lesson.

By the way, her magic power was really running out.

"Tia... Don't worry... I'll try harder... I'll definitely... not let you... get hurt..."

The shield gradually stopped shrinking, and was maintained at a position that could well protect Rhode, but also allow Tia to be splashed by lightning from time to time.

Listening to Tia's occasional screams, Eluka felt that her magic power was running much more smoothly.

However, Eluka didn't notice that the lake master who was watching all this below suddenly showed a humane and playful look in his eyes.


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