"It helped a lot!"

Mu En, who was saved from a desperate situation, laughed loudly and wished he could pick up the girl and kiss her hard.

But he didn't miss this opportunity. Taking advantage of Scarface's incompetent rage, he hit the scarred man on the chin with another uppercut.

"Defense reinforcement."

"Speed ​​enhancement."

"The fighting spirit is restored and strengthened."

"Response reinforcement."


Just as the scarred man was forced to take a few steps back, as many as a dozen enhanced BUFFs were released on Mu En in one go. For a moment, Mu En looked like the most handsome boy on the dance floor of a nightclub, with colorful colors blooming all over his body. aura.

"I feel full of power."

Mu En clenched her fists, the excitement in her eyes hard to suppress.

Is this how cool it is to have a top-level assistant? It's true that even a dog can kill indiscriminately!

With such help here, why are you afraid of you, a gay man?

"Haha, let's continue!"

Mu En, who suddenly had the illusion that he was invincible in the world, did not hesitate anymore and rushed towards the scarred man with a big knife and a roar.

The scarred man raised his knife to defend himself, hoping to find an opportunity to counterattack.

But Mu En didn't give him this chance at all. His moves were wide open and closed, brave and powerful, giving people an unpredictable feeling.

——In short, it’s just a random act.

Although there were no rules, there was a saying that the old master was beaten to death with random punches. With the support of various powerful BUFFs, the scarred man was forced to retreat step by step.

"That's it? That's it? That's it?

You just want to catch me as the wife of the village. Are you thinking about it? Are you awake? Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself, are you worthy of a leg hair of my incomparably handsome Moon Campbell? ah? "


Seeing Mu En charging at him with a green light in his eyes, slashing harder and harder, the scarred man suddenly had a moment of doubt about his orientation.

I like to be perverted.

But this naked man with yellow hair in front of me... is he too perverted?

After all, the two of us are like this now, who is the bandit bully who wants to rob civilian men?

"Damn it, you won this time."

Seeing that something was wrong, the scarred man was decisive.

He immediately broke down and sold out, not even caring about his own men, and turned around and ran away.

"Wait, I will come back to the beauty, Moon Campbell, right? I remember this name!"

The scarred man turned around and said a harsh word before disappearing into the dense woods.

"Hey, wait."

Mu En's half-stretched hand froze in place.

"Running so fast?"

Seeing the scarred man's back disappear completely in the blink of an eye, Mu En scratched his cheek, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should catch up.

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​catching up."

The girl didn't know when she stood next to Mu En.

"Hey, why? Wouldn't it be better to kill him while he's sick at this time?" Mu En wondered. He didn't want a gay man to covet his body at any time.


The girl didn't answer, she just spit out a number.


"Huh? What do you mean?"


The words just fell.

Mu En's pupils suddenly shrank.

His body fell limply to the ground as if all its strength had been drained away, and the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion swept over him like a tsunami.

"This, this is..."

"Although strengthening magic can increase combat power and shield you from pain, your physical strength and body are still your own. If you use them like that, of course your body will be overwhelmed." The girl said matter-of-factly.

"So this is ah."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, gave up struggling, and fell to the ground.

"I thought someone was poisoning me again?"

"Why do you think someone would poison you when they first meet you?"

The girl tilted her head and said in confusion.

"Haha, this is a long story."

Mu En laughed and did not continue.



Both of them remained strangely silent.

After a while, Mu En was the first to be unable to bear the cold atmosphere and said tentatively:

"That...this beauty?"


"Although it's a bit abrupt, could you please help me take off some clothes from those bandits? I suddenly feel a little cold." Mu En, who had been sleeping for several days, said.

"No." The girl refused decisively.


Mu En's eyes widened, "Is this difficult?"

"It's not difficult."

The girl turned her face away: "It's just that my mother has told me since I was a child not to let me get close to perversion."

"I'm not a pervert! Why can't you get close to me!"

"Walking around naked in the wilderness, isn't this a pervert?"

"There's a reason for that. It's because some evil woman took my clothes!"

"Exposed in the wild? You city people are really playful." The girl took a few steps back without leaving any trace: "It's not good. I can't get close to you anymore. I will get pregnant. I have a lover. If I am defiled by you, What should I do?"

"It's not a good idea for you to have these words coming out of your mouth!"

Mu En complained tearfully.

But just as he was about to say something, his vision went dark and an animal skin skirt was thrown in his face.


Mu En forced herself to stand up and wrapped the animal skin skirt around her waist.


Mu En looked down at her image at the moment and couldn't help but touch her chin.

Although this does cover the vital points, it still feels a little wrong.

It seems a bit like...a nude apron?

No, no, no, this must be my misunderstanding. The animal skin skirt and the apron are two different things.

Moreover, those bandits are obviously smaller in size, so I can't wear their clothes, so I can only do this temporarily.


Mu En, who was sure that she had gotten rid of the suspicion of being a pervert, stretched out her hand to the girl and said with a smile:

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Mu En. Well... I am a homeless person for the time being."

"My name is Aluka."

The girl, oh no, young woman, who stared at Mu En's hand for a long time to make sure that there was no perverted aura on it, finally stretched out her hand and shook it.

"A former adventurer, currently practicing as a newlywed wife."

55. Invitation

"So you're already married."

Mu En glanced at Eluka's ring finger. She hadn't noticed it just now, but now she realized that there was a sparkling diamond ring on it.

"Well, we just got married last night."

"last night?"

Mu En was stunned.

Have you ever gotten married at night?

"Maybe it's because of different customs."

Mu En thought about it and didn't pay too much attention.

After all, this is a different world. He has seen gay men who are looking for true love while robbing, so what else is impossible to happen?

"Happy wedding, Aluka."


"Speaking of which, on the first day of marriage, did you go to such a wilderness?" Mu En asked with some confusion.

"I'm going to Belland to take care of some things, about my husband's work, and buy some things along the way." Aluka pointed to the small backpack behind her.


Mu En looked at Eluka's dress and the badge with the sword logo on her chest:

"You are an adventurer, right? Is your husband too?"

"Well, because we are newlyweds, my husband and I don't plan to engage in adventurous activities for the time being. That's why I went to the association to inform the association, lest the association think that something happened to us because we disappeared for too long and directly label me for death. The association does this every year There are a lot of oolongs.”

"So that's it."

Mu En smiled and said: "You have to do so many things on the first day of marriage. It's really hard for you."

"It's not hard at all."

Eluka's cheeks were slightly red: "In order to have a better newlywed life, these are necessary."

"Haha, it seems that you and your wife are very affectionate."

Mu En said: "I'm a little curious about what kind of person your husband is. After all, to be enamored by a beauty like you, I think he must be an excellent person."

"You guys have such a sweet mouth. I'm afraid you've deceived many women." Eluka covered her mouth and smiled. "My husband is just an ordinary person, but it is true that he loves me very much."

"Nonsense, I don't even have a girlfriend now." Mu En sighed seriously.

"It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier, otherwise I could have taken advantage of your wedding to meet a bridesmaid or something."

"I won't let you mess with me." Eluka joked.


"Speaking of which, my home is next to the lake at the end of this river. Do you want to come and sit down?" Aluka said suddenly, "After all, you can be regarded as the benefactor who rescued me from the bandits."

"You can't be considered a benefactor. In the end, I still have to rely on you."

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