With information from drug addicts who didn't know the true price, he actually wanted to buy Emile for 900,000 yuan.

Sure enough, this guy is a pure profiteer.

"Oh, oh, this is true."

After Mu En left, the shopkeeper still looked at the information on the note.

The camouflage hood has long been removed, and the thin eyebrows like willow leaves are raised as high as if they were blown by the wind.

"Tomorrow was originally just a coming-of-age ceremony for Duke Campbell's worthless son, but it seems that as soon as this information is spread, it will suddenly become interesting."

"Okay, who should I sell it to? The second prince should be a good choice. After all, he has always hated his excellent sister. With his status, two million shouldn't be too much."

"And that old guy Duke Raymond will also be very interested."

"Oh my, I eat two for one, I'm really bad."

The shopkeeper held his cheek in worry, but there was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth that made people's hearts flutter:

"But after all, no one stipulates that information can only be sold to one person, right?"

"Master Mu En."

When Mu En returned to the Duke's Mansion, she happened to meet An who was returning from a busy schedule.

"How's it going? Have you settled the maid's matter?"

"It has been taken care of. The head maid will recruit people overnight tonight, and the staff has been rearranged. There should be no big problem with manpower tomorrow."

"That's good. Time is so tight. Thank you for your hard work." Mu En nodded.

"No, this is all because we didn't make the correct arrangements in advance, causing the young master to worry." An bowed and apologized.

"It doesn't have to be like this, this is what I should do."

Mu En waved his hand, signaling An to stand up.

"Then you should go to bed early. There won't be much rest time tomorrow."

"But I still have to serve you, young master..."

"No need, I'm not a child, I need someone to take care of everything, and I will go to bed early tonight."

After saying that, Mu En didn't give An the space to respond, and turned around and walked towards her room.

It would be better to leave him alone tonight. There should not be one more innocent person to share the sin that he should have suffered.


An, who just stayed where he was, looked at Mu En's retreating figure. The lingering doubt in his eyes was now more intense and profound.

"How strange."

An bit her lip subconsciously while thinking.

She didn't notice it at all until the blood seeped from her lips and dripped onto the skirt of her white maid uniform. Instead, she stared straight at Mu En's back until he disappeared from sight.

"Master Mu En, when did you start to become so gentle?"

7. The banquet begins!

In the room, Mu En lay on his luxurious bed that was so comfortable that it made people cry, and began to carefully go through tomorrow's process in his mind.

“The first thing is to organize your appearance.”

As the son of a duke, and it was the only coming-of-age ceremony for Mu En in his life, his appearance must naturally shine in the audience, so that just by standing there, he could attract all the attention like the center of a storm.

Therefore, before dawn tomorrow morning, there will be more than ten senior maids dedicated to taking care of his appearance. From the inside out, every hair must be where it should be.

To be honest, when Mu En saw the luxurious men's dress inlaid with various precious metals in the afternoon, which almost blinded him, he already felt a deep sense of suffocation.

His biggest crisis tomorrow may not be Celiac, but that gorgeous dress with a net weight of twenty kilograms.

"Then I will follow my father to welcome the guests."

The so-called coming-of-age ceremony is to announce to the entire aristocratic class that he, Moon Campbell, has officially entered the social circle. He can participate in and hold various activities as the duke's heir, and he can also express his love and devotion to a well-matched aristocratic girl. A sacred marriage contract was concluded between them.

Of course, Mu En, who is already married to the third princess of the empire, has automatically ignored this last point, but tomorrow, all the nobles in the royal capital will put on their most gorgeous dresses and bring their most promising children to attend this event. A grand event.

This is not only a banquet, but also a staircase leading upward.

All nobles will use their attire as a shield and smile as a sword, aiming to climb higher.

"The second is to deal with those nobles."

This is the least of worries. The instincts that still remain in this body and belong to the original owner should be able to help Mu En overcome the difficulties.

Tomorrow he would just have to smile.

"That's it in the end...that."

Mu En's hand unconsciously touched the two bottles of medicine she had hidden under the pillow.

This is the highlight of tomorrow.

"First of all, you need to gain Celiasia's trust and be alone with her."

This is not difficult, because even if Celcia wanted to break her head, there was no way she would have thought that Moon Campbell had the guts to drug her.

And since her fiancé is here, it should be easy to ask her to have a drink alone.

"The second thing is to drug her."

This is the hardest step.

If discovered in advance, all efforts may be in vain.

"But there shouldn't be any problem."

Because this is the development that this world should have, and God should help him achieve his goal.

All he had to do was sneak the medicine into the wine while she wasn't paying attention.

"In the end, is the wait gone?"

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly:

"I am probably the first time traveler like me to actively seek the ending of destruction."

"I just hope nothing unexpected happens."

The candle went out.

The bright moonlight outside the window shines through the branches, casting mottled afterimages on Mu En's handsome face, as elusive as fate.

The breeze blew and the afterimage swayed, as if praying for everything to go well tomorrow.

The next day.

After enduring three hours of torture by the maids, Mu En finally stood in front of the banquet hall wearing the luxurious dress with a net weight of 20 kilograms, welcoming the guests with the majesty of a lion.

His blond hair was meticulously taken care of, and his handsome face with slight makeup was a little less childish and a little more mature. Although the outfit was ridiculously heavy, it was full of nobleness in a close-fitting men's dress. Mu En was like a newly born sunrise. Yang exudes a magical brilliance that, although it is dazzling, makes people focus their attention here unconsciously.

When Mu En looked in the mirror today, she was struck by how handsome she looked again.

It's a pity that even though he is not as handsome as a mortal, when the noble girls came to salute and say hello, they still lowered their heads and looked away, as if they were afraid of being noticed by him.

"Alas, the original owner's reputation is still too bad."

Mu En sighed helplessly and said to himself.

In the eyes of many aristocratic girls, the name Moon Campbell is directly equated with the words unscrupulous bully and humanoid stallion.

Just because his name can trump the "Son of the Duke" brand name above his head, you can imagine how ridiculously bad Mu En's reputation is.

"Hey kid, look over there!"

When Mu En was sighing, Duke Campbell, also known as the cheap daddy, suddenly slapped him on the back, narrowly missing him.

"Look who's coming."

No need for guidance, Mu En looked over naturally.

The nobles around Mu En who came to greet him with a few words of flattery also looked at him at the same time. Even the noble girls who dared not look at Mu En at a distance also looked at him.

Everyone's eyes were cast towards it, as if a bright spotlight suddenly lit up in the middle of the darkness.

Under the light, there is a girl.

She has silky long hair that is as white as moonlight, and her delicate face is as if carved from ice, perfect and flawless. The fine eyelashes seemed to be hung with frost and snow, also showing a silvery white color, and the blue eyes under the eyelashes were as cold as lakes, but so deep that they seemed to be able to suck away a person's soul.

The girl was wearing a not-so-complicated white dress, simple yet elegant. She became the new eye of the storm the moment she appeared, attracting everyone's attention.

"This is... Celiasia."

The third princess of the Olliport Empire, the pure white son blessed by the goddess of ice and snow, the ice witch Celcia Leopold.

It was also the source of Moon Campbell's disillusionment, and at this moment - he finally appeared!

"Sure enough, words and memories cannot fully display a person's beauty."

Even though he was mentally prepared, Mu En was inevitably shocked the moment he saw her.

As a loyal fan of Celiac in her previous life, Mu En often hung out in various forums and had seen many fan portraits of Celiac. Many of them were of extremely high quality, which allowed Mu En to save the original image immediately after reading it. Then I licked it excitedly for three days and three nights.

But when I saw the real person, I realized that even the best works failed to depict even one-tenth of Celcia's moving parts.

"Long time no see, Master Mu En."

While Mu En was distracted, Celcia had already walked up to Mu En.

"Long time no see, Your Highness Princess Celcia."

Mu En immediately came to his senses and bowed in an extremely gentlemanly manner:

"You are so touching today."

"Really? Thank you for the compliment."

Celecia turned up her skirt and returned the favor gracefully.

Her etiquette was so perfect that there was nothing wrong with it, yet there was a touch of coldness that would repel people thousands of miles away.

"But it's really rare to hear such words from Master Mu En."

"Haha, Your Highness Celcia is really joking. The person you are talking about seems to be the kind of rude person who can't even control his mouth."

Is not it?

A trace of doubt flashed in Celecia's cold eyes.

8. The protagonists on stage!

This was not the first time that Celcia met Mu En. In fact, before the coming-of-age ceremony, the story had already been set at St. Marika College for a school year.

During that school year, although she was in a different college and was in a different grade, Celcia could still hear about Moon Campbell's deeds from time to time.

Of course, those deeds were evil.

And she also had several contacts with Moon Campbell himself, and the conclusion she came to was consistent with the rumors. She was of low moral character, arrogant, uneducated and unskilled. Even when facing her, the princess, she was... His eyes are still higher than his head, and he looks at people with his nose. He is a real dandy.

But he seems a little different today?

"Is it because you have become more polite?"

After thinking about it for a while, Celcia quickly gathered her thoughts.

Mu En was able to get some of her attention only because of her unpleasant fiancé status.

Otherwise, there was nothing about him that was worth wasting time on.

"Princess Celia seems a little tired from the journey, why don't you go in and rest first? The banquet will not officially start until later."

Celia was just about to find an excuse to get out, but Mu En had already made a suggestion in an elegant manner.

Celia was slightly startled when she heard this, and her cold eyes could not help but sweep across Mu En's unchanged face.

This guy, when did he become so considerate?

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