It's okay, you have to find trouble by yourself.

So before Mu En came to the academy, Eamon had already planned this challenge.

In front of everyone, severely bullying and humiliating Ariel, whom Master Mu En hates, is the best gift he can give to Master Mu En!

Master Mu En will definitely be very happy! You must know that last year, he was in the boredom of being constantly counter-attacked by Ariel.

As long as he pleases Master Mu En, who is the son of a duke, are he afraid that he will not be able to prosper in the future?


Looking at Eamon's silly smile, Mu En had already guessed what he was thinking.

If it were the former Moon Campbell, maybe he would really be happy about this.

——Only if Eamonn can really defeat Ariel.

"I see, I probably understand."

Mu En said:

"You did well, Eamonn."


Look, Master Mu En really praised me.

Eamon thought with his nose flushed.


Mu En continued:

"no need."


Eamonn was also stunned.

"Master, what do you mean by this...?"

"it means……"

Mu En picked up the gloves on the ground, wiped the dust off, and stuffed them into the stunned Eamon's palm:

"You don't have to do this kind of thing anymore."

"There is no need to do these things... but these things..."

"These things are all done because of me."

Mu En patted Eamon on the shoulder:

"So I thank you very much, but from now on, you don't need to waste your time on such stupid things."

"Why... why?"

Eamon was puzzled: "Aren't these things what the young master wants to do?"


Mu En smiled, her blond hair reflecting the sun, looking particularly dazzling.

"I've changed my ways."



"Did I hear it correctly..."

"That Moon Campbell?"

Mu En did not lower his voice, so everyone heard what he said.

Then everyone was stunned.

Ariel even looked like she was struck by lightning.

She had even asked someone in her heart if the guy in front of her had been taken away by an evil god or something.

The answer was, of course, no.

"Change...what does it mean to reform?"

Only Eamonn was still confused.

"Master, are you sick?"

"Of course not. The so-called reform..."

Mu En glanced at the melon-eaters around him, as if he was telling them on purpose.

"In short, I will never bully others, tease girls, or be a scumbag, and more importantly..."

Mu En turned her head, looked at Ariel, and said seriously:

"Ariel Bugard, I will never trouble you again."

"...Are you serious?" After being stunned for a long time, Ariel squeezed out these words.

"Of course I'm serious."

Mu En tilted his head and said in confusion:

"Am I not serious enough now?"

"But..." Ariel still remained skeptical.

Moreover, you have done so many excessive things to me before, and now you just want to change your ways and pretend it never happened. How is that possible?

"Surely it can't be solved so easily?"

As if seeing through Ariel's thoughts, Mu En smiled helplessly.

Then, he walked up to Ariel again.

About two steps away.

Stand up straight.

Take a deep breath.


Bow ninety degrees.

"Although it is insignificant compared to what I did to you before, but now, please allow me to apologize to you."

Mu En lowered his head and said seriously.

"I'm very sorry for what I did to you in the past, Ariel Boogard."

"……Ah You……"

Ariel's eyes widened and her mouth opened wider.

You can almost fit an egg into it.

She began to feel that she was really not dreaming.

It's because I was too promiscuous when I was practicing before, and I was knocked down by a strange being who didn't know where it came from.

That Moon Campbell, that arrogant and arrogant Moon Campbell, actually apologized to her, bowed his head and apologized to her!

"Could it be that the world is going to end tomorrow?" Ariel thought with some fear.

"Originally, I wanted to make more preparations and come back with gifts to apologize to you seriously, but after all, it happened suddenly."

Mu En raised her head, touched her body, and smiled shyly:

"I have nothing on me now except the one million Emile pocket money I got from Ann, but for you, taking money as a gift is definitely an insult. I won't do such a tacky thing. ”

Mu En looked around, finally put the half-eaten kebab into Ariel's hand, and said seriously:

“The skewers at the third restaurant on the left after leaving the school are very delicious.”


Ariel looked at Mu En, then at the kebabs in her hands, but said nothing.

"Then I will make up for the gifts when I have time in the future. I'll leave first."

Mu En was about to leave, but before finally leaving, he approached Ariel and whispered:

"You don't have to worry about whether to forgive me or not, it doesn't matter even if you don't.

I apologize, it's just that I did something wrong before, that's all. "

"Goodbye, Ariel Boogard."

"I hope the relationship between us can be that of ordinary classmates instead of enemies."


Mu En left without looking back.

But even after he left for a long time, there was still silence here.

The melon-eaters were silently shocked, and then dispersed silently.

It wasn't until Ariel was left alone that her delicate body trembled suddenly and she reacted.

"Huh? Wait, Moon Campbell, it's okay for you to give one million as a gift. I'm very vulgar!"

Big clock tower, offices.

Professor Plan, the head of the Magic Department, with white beard and white hair, and a majestic appearance, stood at the window and looked at the students coming and going at the school gate.

"What, are there any good seeds this year?"

There was a chuckle from behind.

Professor Grant, who is also from the magic department, walked up to Professor Plan and stood side by side with him, also looking into the distance.

"Freshmen admission is in the afternoon."

Professor Plann glanced at him:

"As a professor, shouldn't you show more concern for your students?"

"Haha, I care about my lovely students very much."

"You can wait until you raise the average grade of the subjects you teach before you say this."

"There is no way. Potions is such a boring subject, and it cannot directly improve combat effectiveness. There are not many children today who are willing to learn it."

Grant shrugged helplessly.

"So, since freshman orientation is in the afternoon, what are you looking at?"

"Since the freshmen can't watch it, naturally they should watch the old students."

Professor Plann said expressionlessly:

"On the first day of school, you can best see a student's mental outlook. Just by looking at their expressions, I can roughly tell whether their vacation was wasted or whether it was meaningful."

4. Just him? Moon Campbell?

"Well, as expected of Professor Plan, he is so strict."

Professor Grant praised in admiration, and then he let out a soft sigh as if he suddenly discovered something.

"Hey, look at that, is that the little girl who was in the first grade before, oh no, it should be the second grade now. The little girl who has been discussed a lot is said to be the illegitimate child of so-and-so?"

"Our college doesn't look at a student's origin, and she must have taken your class, but you don't even remember her name!" Professor Plank said sternly.

"Hey, there are so many students, who can remember them?" Grant scratched his head and pretended to be stupid.

"Her name is Ariel, and she is indeed a very good student."

Professor Plann naturally saw Ariel who had just gotten off the carriage, and subconsciously glanced at her face. His mood immediately calmed down a lot, and he couldn't help but smile:

"Not bad, it looks like I had a fulfilling vacation."

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