Mu En watched his majestic back and couldn't help sighing:

"He is a good father."

In fact, as the protagonist of this coming-of-age ceremony, Mu En didn't have to do such things as receiving guests.

But he did so because it was specially arranged by Duke Campbell.

As the son of the Duke, with Mu En's identity, he would definitely be "besieged" by the hyena-like nobles in the next banquet, intending to snatch some meat from him, or simply dig a piece of meat directly from him.

And the coming-of-age ceremony was originally a banquet to show everyone that he was Mu En, so Mu En had to fight against those "sieges".

You can imagine how difficult it was.

So Duke Campbell arranged for him to entertain guests here. Only by "paying tribute" to those hyenas in advance, the hyenas at the banquet had no reason to directly pass over the lion and target him, a "young lion" who had not yet fully grown up.

Although it was called the coming-of-age ceremony, it seemed that in the eyes of Duke Campbell, Mu En was far from grown up.

"What a pity, I will disappoint your expectations tonight."

The original book did not describe the ending of Duke Campbell later.

But judging from his doting on Muen, if the future Muen Campbell becomes like that and he can't do anything, he will definitely be heartbroken.

"But this time it will be a little different."

"I will live well."

"Even as an ordinary person."

The last piece of cake was eaten.

The satisfaction brought by the feeling of fullness made Muen feel more energetic again.

The dress weighing 20 kilograms didn't seem so cumbersome.

"Then next, it's my battle."


The night will end.

The banquet hall was full of people toasting and it was very lively.

Celia was leaning on the balcony alone, admiring the night view of the Duke's manor.

In fact, in this era without electric lights, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be dark at night, and there is nothing to see.

But Celia still stared at the night view without any boredom.

It seems that in her opinion, the empty and pure night view is much more beautiful than the noisy banquet behind her.

"Your Highness is left alone. It seems that I, as the master, am very rude."

Celica raised her cold eyes and bumped into the gentle smile.

Moon Campbell, still elegant and polite, stood at a distance that was neither offensive nor too distant, holding his chest, and elegantly invited Celica:

"Then, your Highness, may I have the honor to invite you to dance?"

"Are you inviting me to dance?"

"Of course."

Moon smiled slightly: "Isn't my invitation clear enough?"


Celica had a flash of doubt.

But after a moment of silence, she still gently handed her little hand wrapped in a white silk glove to Muen's palm.

"Tonight is your coming-of-age ceremony, and I naturally have no reason to refuse."

"...Thank you."

For some reason, Muen's expression suddenly stiffened, but he quickly recovered as usual, pulling Celica and walking into the center of the banquet hall, the focus of all sights.

The music sounded, gentle and soothing.

Mu En held Celia's little hand, gently supported her slender waist, and danced to the music, just like two butterflies flying together.

"Your dance steps are good."

"Thank you for the compliment, but it's just ok."

Mu En's implicit smile was like the restrained and low-key of a top master.

But in fact...

He was just very unsure.

Mu En actually didn't expect that the original owner, the ignorant and foolish dandy, could learn the noble dance quite well.

He was still nervous for a while when Celia agreed.

What made Mu En a little puzzled was that according to the plot of the original book, Celia should have rejected Mu En's invitation to dance with him, but why did she agree at this moment?

"You have really changed a little, Mu En Campbell."

Celia suddenly said.

Mu En's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Could it be that the secret that the Duke and Duchess of Campbell did not discover that they were time travelers was discovered by Celia?

"In your Highness's eyes, my behavior is not like that of a nobleman?"

"No, the change I'm talking about is not this change."


"It's the way you invite people."

10. Smart girls can always find clues

"The way you invite people? This is a bit confusing for me."

As a villain who appeared in only 20 chapters, Mu En had no idea how he used to invite people.

The original owner's memory was too mixed, and he couldn't remember it at all.

"I remember it was the last college dance."

Not caring about Mu En's forgetfulness, Celia recalled to herself.

"You also want to invite someone to dance, and the other party is the daughter of a viscount. I remember that's what you said at the time."

Celia looked up, and her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned.

Although there was still no expression on her face, it could be seen that she was trying to imitate the arrogant and domineering look.

"Woman, be thankful and cheer, this young master has generously granted you the right to dance with me!"


"How is it, is my imitation good enough?"


Not only is it like, I can dig out a three-bedroom and one-living house with my toes now, okay!

Moon Campbell, Campbell, even if you are a badass, why are you still so good?

The worst thing is to get hit twice in front of so many people. It would be better for you to just kick off your legs and run away.

But what should I do? Just kill him immediately!

"Those are just the past that we can't bear to look back on. Your Highness, please forget them."

Mu En smiled, and then danced faster to ease the embarrassment.

But Celiacia is still elegant and calm. Even if Mu En deliberately speeds up the dance steps and even ignores the rhythm of the music, she does not lose her dominance from beginning to end. On the contrary, Mu En is somewhat led by her from behind.

Celiacia Leopold is truly a white swan who is always noble and always proud.

She is indeed the most difficult woman to defeat in the original book.

Mu En sighed secretly in his heart.


When the song ends, the dance also comes to an end.

There was warm applause all around.

Mu En ignored the murderous jealous look of a certain protagonist and smiled and saluted everyone.

There were some beads of sweat on Mu En's forehead, but Celcia's expression remained unchanged.

"Your Highness seems to be tired too, why don't we find a quiet place to have a drink?"

Then, in a fairly good atmosphere, Mu En invited again.


This time Celecia didn't even hesitate and nodded directly in agreement.


Although his expression remained unchanged despite his efforts, the villain in Mu En's heart was already jumping for joy.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as the invitation to be alone is successful, then the whole operation will be half successful!

"Sorry, I don't drink."

"Huh? It's just red wine, drink a little..."

"Not even red wine."

Celecia tucked a strand of silver-white hair behind her ear, "My constitution cannot tolerate alcohol, not even a drop."


In the specially prepared room, Mu En, who was holding a red wine bottle that had been pre-medicated, widened his eyes unconsciously.

Can't drink?

Not even red wine?

How do you self-medicate?

However, if you think about it carefully, there is indeed no description of Celia's drinking in the original book, and the issue of her not being able to drink is not too abrupt.

In the original book, Moon Campbell also drugged the tea and successfully tricked Celiacia.

Mu En could have just complied.

But the only problem is that the one I bought is red!

As red as blood!

Are you sure you won't find it if you put it in the tea?

"Any questions?"

", it's just that Your Highness doesn't drink. What should you drink?"


"Only black tea."


"I said only black tea."

Staring into Celcia's eyes, Mu En said seriously:

"Due to some force majeure, there will be no other drinks except red wine and black tea tonight."

"Only... black tea?"

Celiac, whose expression has always been as unchanged as an iceberg, couldn't help but show some doubts, but she didn't think about it in a bad direction for the time being. She just thought that Mu En was not prepared in advance.

"Then let's have black tea."

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