Cecilia suddenly turned around, her expression was cold, like an iceberg that had not melted for thousands of years, without any change.

"Who are you to me? Muen Campbell? Why should I be angry with you?"

"..." Muen opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.


I'm afraid that these three words will only make Cecilia more disgusted.

Because of the previous incident, Cecilia already hated herself enough.

"Let's go, Wei'er."

Cecilia turned around.

Without looking back.

But as soon as she went out, the bun-headed girl behind her suddenly turned her head and spat fiercely.

"He——tui! Scumbag!"


Muen stretched out his hand weakly, trying to keep her, but he couldn't even find a reason to keep her.

He just looked at Cecilia's back, and his heart couldn't help twitching.

I always feel a little uncomfortable.

“Hehe, I told you that Muen Campbell is a scumbag. He has a perfect fiancé like the president, but he still has affairs outside.”

Back in the student union room, Weier still waved her fists angrily.

In her opinion, Muen Campbell is a completely unreasonable guy.

If other people have a perfect fiancé like Her Highness Cecilia, they would probably wake up laughing in their dreams.

But Muen Campbell doesn’t know how to cherish the blessings he has cultivated in these lifetimes. He is so cruel that he can’t even cheat on octopuses!

Isn’t he afraid that he will do splits one day!


Weier tilted her head in confusion, because Cecilia was sitting behind her desk at the moment, and she was in a daze, which was rare.

“Ah, sorry, I was thinking about something. Did you say anything?”

Cecilia came back to her senses and said apologetically.

“President, what are you thinking about?” Weier asked curiously.

"...I'm thinking back to the scene just now."

"Eh? Just now? What's there to think about?" Wei'er pursed her lips and asked in confusion:

"Could it be possible to wrongly accuse Muen Campbell?"


Cecilia was silent.

Indeed, the probability of wronging is very low, because the scene just now is a scene where a hateful scumbag stretched out his claws to the pure, ignorant and pitiful teacher Fran.


Excluding the atmosphere at that time and subjective emotional factors, Muen Campbell's actions are indeed a bit unnatural.

Is that posture really the action of confession?

And his expression at that time...


Cecilia suddenly slapped her hand on her cheek, with such force that a clear crimson palm print was left on her fair cheek.

Wei'er was startled.

"Cecilia Leopold, why are you still affected by emotions? You are really out of control."

Cecilia lowered her head, and her fine silver eyelashes fluttered like stars.

I'll go back and ask Teacher Fran about this.



"Ah, what's this?"

After class, Mu En walked alone on the tree-lined path leading to the cafeteria.

Somewhat sad.

Not only because of being misunderstood by Cecilia, but also because of the long preparation, the first class of Mu En Campbell, the freshman, was twisted and broken inexplicably.

After Cecilia left, the class became even more chaotic, the girls screamed, the boys booed, and the only teacher who could stand up to maintain order... shrank on the podium and trembled.

Until Professor Plan, who had dealt with the matter, came back.

Then he was furious.

He scolded everyone.

He ordered every student to hand in a 10,000-word review within three days, otherwise credits would be deducted.

Except Mu En.

That's right, except Mu En.

Although Professor Plan looked like he would not be satisfied unless Mu En wrote a 100,000-word self-review, when he understood the cause and effect clearly, he found out...

Mu En was really innocent.

Although he was the culprit...he really did nothing wrong.

What could be wrong with just wanting to seek knowledge and wanting the teacher to teach the contents of the book from the beginning?

This thirst for knowledge has always been the quality that Professor Plan values ​​the most.

So Professor Plan, who has always been strict and old-fashioned, could not find any fault at this time, and could only let Mu En go with an ugly expression as if he had eaten a fly.

As for Teacher Fran, after Mu En's explanation, she also knew that everything was her misunderstanding.

But after that, her face became even redder, and she looked like she couldn't face Mu En at all.

"It seems that it is impossible to learn this subject well in class. I must think of other ways."

Mu En rubbed his face and cheered up.

This little setback was not enough to make him retreat.

After having lunch in the cafeteria, Mu En went directly to the library of the college.

The library administrator was a beautiful senior with big breasts and a teardrop mole at the corner of her eyes, revealing a hint of charm.

Mu En glanced at her hurriedly when he passed by, but didn't dare to look at her more.

Study! Study! Eliminate distractions!

Come to the magic book area.

The huge collection of books in the library made Mu En a little dizzy, but he still found the books he wanted with the guidance of some thoughtful little notices on the bookshelf.

"I don't know who wrote it."

Mu En looked at the small icons with gentle handwriting and couldn't help but smile:

"He must be a very gentle person."


Take the book to the reading area.

Detailed explanation of the basics of magic.

This is the book that Mu En found.

Since it is a detailed explanation, the content of the book is naturally more simple and detailed than the content in the textbook, and naturally more suitable for a newbie like Mu En to learn.

"Since there is no teacher to teach, I will learn by myself!"

Mu En's eyes showed a firm brilliance.

Nothing can stop him from learning, no one!


"Ah, I can't do it."

Half an hour later, Mu En gave up.

It's not that the self-study method doesn't work, but he suddenly found out...

This method is really too slow.

When he spent half an hour and finally figured out who the origin-level great magician Meladomir from a thousand years ago was and how earth-shaking her achievements were, he suddenly realized that he had only learned a prologue in the prologue.

And it was a very rare part of the whole book that didn't need to be understood, but only needed to be memorized.

It's like the biography of a mathematician in a high-level math book.

But the biography of a mathematician is not important at all, and that stuff is basically not tested in exams.

What's important is the formulas, theorems, and symbols he left behind.

And these formulas, theorems, and symbols are the things that will make people learn until their heads are bald.

It's not that Mu En is not good, but I'm afraid that when Mu En finishes this book of basic magic alone, he will look up...

Congratulations, classmate, it's been six years, and you have successfully graduated~ This is your degree certificate, take it and get out.

Professor Plan will definitely say this to him, and then kick him out of school without mercy.

Then what kind of magic is he still learning.

"No, I still have to find a teacher to teach me."

But who should the teacher be?

Teacher Fran wants to find a crack to get in when she sees him now. Professor Plan... Professor Plan's blood pressure probably soars when he sees him, and with his temper, if he doesn't know anything and asks him to teach, either the college will lose a life, or the education industry will lose a pillar.

But other magic teachers... I'm not familiar with them.

Hey, wait.

Why must the teacher who teaches me be my teacher?

Mu En suddenly found a bright spot.

As long as they can teach me this subject, anyone can do it, right?

For example...

Mu En's sharp eyes swept across the library, and finally stopped at a female classmate in the corner across from her.

She wore black thick-framed glasses, her hair was braided, and she was concentrating on reading the book in front of her.

At first glance, she was a good girl and a good student.

"Hehe, such students seem to be more susceptible to temptation." Unconsciously, Mu En showed an evil smile belonging to the yellow-haired villain.


"This classmate."

Sally Flanders was concentrating on reading her favorite book, and suddenly heard a gentle voice.

Are you calling me?

She raised her head in confusion, and bumped into a pair of sapphire-like gentle eyes.

Just as she was about to be attracted by those eyes, her sight spread, and Sally saw the whole appearance of the person in front of her.

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