"Let's pay it first."


"Yes, I owe it."

Senior Anna, with her hands behind her back, suddenly leaned down and looked directly into Mu En's eyes.

The charming look in the corners of her eyes makes people's hearts flutter.

"So, when I want it one day, junior fellow student, you can't refuse."

The tone is seductive, like a devil's contract.

But something went wrong, Mu En nodded.

"Okay, senior."

"Okay, we're here."

After the librarian's work was over, Anna took Mu En to the edge corner of the club building.

Mu En raised her head and looked at the nameplate above the door.

"Ancient times - Potions Club? Is there such a club in our college?"

"Yes, but it's normal for me, junior, that you haven't heard of it."

Anna pushed open the classroom door.

At that moment, a strong wind roared in the face, and the sun shone directly through the floor-to-ceiling windows directly opposite, making Mu En unable to open her eyes for a while.

The moment his eyesight recovered slightly, Mu En vaguely saw the little devil-like senior Anna. At this moment, she lifted her messy long hair from her ears and showed a somewhat forlorn expression:

"After all - I am the only one in this club."

"one person?"

Mu En was stunned:

"Would a society of men be allowed to exist?"

"Of course it's not allowed, but the club's abolition period is one year. In other words, if I haven't found a new member within this year, the club will be abolished."

"That's it..."

A club with only one person... always feels so lonely.


Anna turned around and chuckled:

"Junior, do you want to join our Ancient Potions Club?"


Mu En was stunned for a moment, but then his expression became serious.

"Is this the reward that senior sister wants me to pay?"

"No, it's a choice."

Anna had a rare serious expression, staring into Mu En's eyes and said:

"Even if the Ancient Potions Society is on the verge of being abolished, I will not force anyone to join. So, Moon Campbell, you can experience it yourself and then make a decision.

Do you want to join our ancient potion club? "

"Ancient Potions Club?"

Walking on the path back to the dormitory, Mu En held her head and sighed softly.

"You have no idea what you do?"

Due to time constraints, Senior Sister Anna only took him to see the location of the Ancient Potions Club. As for what the club's activities were about... Mu En had no contact with it at all.

Just from the name and the sophisticated instruments and facilities in the classroom, you can probably guess that it is a club that refines ancient potions.

Pretty serious.

"But clubs and stuff are not important for the time being."

The important thing is...

"I finally found a teacher who can teach me the basics of magic!"

If there weren't other passers-by along the way, Mu En couldn't help but cheer.



After working hard for so long, he finally solved the biggest obstacle on his way to becoming a good student!

According to the subsequent exchanges with Senior Anna, we know that Senior Anna is one of the top outstanding students even in the fifth grade. With her teaching me, why worry about not improving my grades?

The only thing I need to worry about is that senior Anna is so beautiful, which may distract her from studying.

"But to me, Moon Campbell, these are small things."

Mu En couldn't help but smile confidently:

"How can a man who truly loves learning be distracted by mere beauty?"

Watch me sitting in my arms calmly for you to watch.


Thinking like this, Mu En hummed all the way to the dormitory.

I am so happy today.

Nothing can stop my happy heart.

"Please come to the Student Union, classmate Moon Campbell."

"I repeat, please ask Moon Campbell to go to the student union."


Listening to the voice on the magic radio, Mu En was stunned.

The happiness also snapped and disappeared.

"Inviting me to the student union at this time... I feel like it's not a good thing."

Thinking about what happened during the day, Mu En suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"I'll get straight to the point."

In the student union room, Celecia sat behind her desk, folding her hands under her chin, looking at Mu En, who was sitting shivering not far away, and asked in a deep voice:

"Moon Campbell, do you have any clues about the sexual harassment incident reported not long ago?"

"No! Not at all!"

Mu En categorically rejected: "I have been studying hard all afternoon, and I have no idea that such a bad thing has happened."


"of course it's true!"

Mu En nodded vigorously and said indignantly:

"In broad daylight, a little girl was sexually harassed in full view of the public. If I were to encounter such a thing, I would personally show the murderer what the iron fist of justice is!"


Celecia's tone suddenly sounded meaningful.

"It's a blessing to have such a heart in you, Moon Campbell."

"Haha, it should be..."


Celica stared at Mu En, her expression slightly cold:

"Didn't I say that the person being harassed was a little girl?"

"...No, isn't it?"

Mu En's expression froze and asked.

"Of course not."

Celica threw a document in front of Mu En, and Mu En turned his head and saw that it recorded the recent incidents of underwear being stolen in the boys' dormitory.


Underwear stolen?

Why do these two words look so inconsistent when put together?

"I thought you also live in the boys' dormitory, so you might know something, so I asked you to come here, but now it seems..."

Celica narrowed her eyes and kept looking at Mu En:

"Mu En Campbell, you seem to have done something else bad."

"...No, of course not."

Mu En shook his head vigorously, then forced a smile and said:

"How could I do something bad? I am a good student now."

"Good student?"

Celica raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's strange that this word appears on you."

"Not strange, not strange, haha..."

Mu En responded with a smile, but saw Cecilia suddenly leave her position and walk towards this side.

This made Mu En's body tense up.

What's going on?

Did she find out my lie?

Is she finally going to attack me and cut me into pieces?

Help, murdering my own husband...

"What do you want to drink?"


"Huh what?"

Celica passed by Mu En and glanced at him coldly:

"I asked you what you want to drink, by the way, I don't have any black tea here."

"... No, I don't drink black tea either."

Mu En smiled awkwardly: "Coffee, coffee is fine."


Celica nodded lightly, then walked aside and brewed coffee skillfully.

After a while, two cups of steaming coffee were brought to Mu En.

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