Even if I abandon these two identities, what if I only speak to you as Celia?

Is it meaningful?

No meaning.

Because no matter which identity I am, I am qualified to say this to you.

I can even say it more than once - until you don't want to hear it anymore. "

Cecilia said word by word, as if she wanted to carve these words into Mingott's heart with blood, and said coldly:

"Mingott Raymond, do you. Want. To. Die? "

At this moment.

The girl sat in the twilight.

It was chilling.



"You are worthy of being Cecilia!"

In the corridor, Ariel looked at Cecilia with admiration, and praised sincerely:

"You were so handsome when you said those two sentences just now. With just two sentences, you made the sixth grade senior apologize for me. Humph, it was so handsome!"

"Nothing. "

Celica lifted her long silver hair and said nonchalantly: "When dealing with a man like Mingott, if you reason with him, he will only confuse you, so you have to be tough.

And one of the reasons is that he is a little guilty, otherwise he would not be so easily scared by me. "

"But he is still so handsome!"

Ariel felt that her eyes were about to burst into stars.

Oh no, Cecilia seems to be more attractive to me, what should I do if I want to get close to her now?

Speaking of which...

Celica appeared so timely, could it be because...

Ariel touched her slightly hot cheeks and began to have wonderful associations.


Just as she was distracted, Ariel suddenly bumped into Cecilia in front of her.

"What's wrong? "

Ariel rubbed her nose and followed Celia's gaze.

Then she saw the person she least wanted to see.

Mu En, with blond hair, was holding a book whose name he couldn't see clearly, sitting under the shade of a tree not far away, reading seriously.

Occasionally, he could be seen frowning, as if he had encountered some difficulties, and took out a small notebook to write and draw.

Or he solved a problem that had been bothering him for a long time, showing a charming and handsome smile.

He was extremely focused throughout the whole process, and was not disturbed by external things at all. Even if someone passed by him occasionally, he was still deeply immersed in the world of the book.

"This guy can actually read a book? And he reads it so seriously?"

Ariel looked at this scene and couldn't help showing an expression of astonishment like a ** who could actually climb a tree. Then she pursed her lips with disdain and sneered:

"Anyway, with his temperament, I'm afraid he's only three points of enthusiasm. "

"Ariel. "

Cecilia retracted her gaze and glanced at Ariel with cold eyes:

"He is trying hard, you shouldn't say that about him."

"But he is that Moon Campbell, Cecilia, don't you know what kind of person he was last semester? How could he really work hard?" Ariel said unconvinced.

"It has nothing to do with who he is, and it has nothing to do with what he was like before."

Cecilia turned her head and continued to move forward.

But her steps seemed to be much lighter.

In order not to disturb the boy who seemed to be reborn.

"As long as you work hard, you shouldn't be laughed at."



"Is it martial arts class today? "

After a morning run, he took a cold shower, had a simple breakfast in the cafeteria, and then headed for today's class.

This time, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Because compared to the theoretical courses such as basic probability of magic, which he had no foundation at all, he would be much more comfortable with practical courses such as martial arts.

After all, although he wasted a lot of time last year, the foundation laid by his cheap father was not weak.


"I haven't slacked off at all during this period."

Mu En clenched his fists, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"It just so happens that I also want to know what level I can reach among my peers with my current qualities as a warrior. "



The martial arts class is not held in the classroom, but in a huge martial arts arena.

Most of these martial arts arenas, or arenas, are specially prepared by the academy for students to duel. They are guarded by teachers at all times and are protected by magic circles. The purpose is to allow duelists to be carefree and exert their full strength as much as possible.

When Mu En arrived, many people had already arrived.

What made Mu En feel relieved was that after all, this was a relatively "rude" course, so there were not many girls at all. With a small number of girls, gossip could not be talked about.

But he soon took back his breath.

Because Ariel was there too.

But this time Ariel just glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

Mu En scratched his head and gave up the idea of ​​going over to say hello. He always felt that she was in a bad mood.

"Oh, it seems that everyone is here. "

It's time for class. Cade, the martial arts teacher who is as strong as a gorilla, looks at everyone:

"As usual, the first class of the new semester is a draw. Let me see if you little bastards have slacked off in your training during the holidays!"


There was a small cheer among the students, because this kind of duel not only allows them to watch the show for free, but also allows them to slack off while others are on the stage. It can be said that compared to the boring martial arts learning, it is the students' favorite course.

"Haha, laugh now. If I find that you have regressed, I will see how I will deal with you!"

Kaide sneered and said something harsh, then took out the lottery box and asked the students to come forward and draw lots one by one.

"Number one?"

Looking at the number in his hand, Mu En was stunned for a moment.

Is his luck really that bad?

He obviously wanted to see the level of other students before the battle.

"But forget it, it won't affect anything, just go all out."

Mu En smiled freely and stood on the ring as Teacher Kaide called.

Standing opposite him was a classmate with a sturdy body and strong pectoral muscles that almost broke through his uniform.

"I remember you are-"

Mu En tried hard to recall, and always felt that he had some impression of this person.

"My name is Ryan."

The sturdy classmate said.

"Classmate Ryan."

Mu En remembered.

In the original owner's memory, classmate Ryan was one of the top students in the entire grade.

Especially his strong muscles that have been trained for years, his strength and explosive power are often praised by Teacher Kaide.

Not to mention, he had already broken through the second stage in the last issue, and his current warrior realm is at least at the level of the middle stage of the second stage.

"It feels like a strong opponent."

Mu En scratched his head, then smiled bitterly:

"Then, please give me more advice, classmate Ryan."

"Please give me more advice, Moon Campbell."

"Be gentle later."

Ryan was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously: "I will."



"That guy is actually the first one?"

Looking at Moon Campbell on the stage, Ariel raised her eyebrows.

But then, she showed a sneer.

"Just right, let me see how you are abused."

You were actually reading a book in front of Celia before?

Work hard?

I want to see how shocking the results of your hard work are.

"It's open, it's open."

Among the students behind Ariel, the one with a monkey face rubbed his hands excitedly and called out to the people around him:

"Moon Campbell vs. Ryan, this is a wonderful match not to be missed, is there anyone who wants to place a bet?"

"Sir, are you opening a bet with such a suspenseful ending?" The student next to him came over and said with a strange look.

"That's right, that's Ryan, the fake one who fished for the whole year last semester. Although he has some basic skills, Ryan can't beat him even with one hand."

"Be more confident, even one hand and one foot can't beat him."

"Be more confident, use two hands and two feet!"

"Two hands and two feet is too much, is Ryan going to use his head to hit Moon Campbell?"

"I think even if he hits Moon Campbell with his head, he may not be his opponent, haha..."


"Don't worry."

Monkey-faced classmate had an expression that I had expected, and laughed, "I know there is a big gap between their strengths, but when did I say to open the game of winning and losing?"

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"Time, time, how long can Moon Campbell last, or how long will the duel end? Five minutes or ten minutes, the one who gets closer wins, winner takes all, simple rules, is there anyone who wants to play?"


Someone agreed immediately.

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