Chapter 11, On Depravity, I Am More Than a Match

“Does Your Highness think I’m the kind of person who would add strange things to the tea?”

Upon hearing Selicia’s words, Mu En was taken aback for a moment, then immediately looked as if he had suffered a great blow, his expression dejected, almost as if he were about to pound his chest and wail to the heavens, and then it would start snowing in June to show the injustice.

“Since Your Highness does not trust me so much, I can only prove it with my actions!

I’ll drink it first as a token of respect!”

Mu En grabbed his own cup of tea, preparing to tilt his head back and drink it all in one go.


Selicia suddenly called out to Mu En.

“Master Mu En, there’s no need to be so upset. I was just making a little joke.”

“A joke…”

That face of yours, which hasn’t changed expression from beginning to end, doesn’t look like someone who’s joking!

“As Master Mu En’s fiancée, I naturally believe in you from beginning to end.”

A slight curve appeared at the corner of Selicia’s mouth, which seemed to be a smile for her.

“I was just teasing you, Master Mu En, please don’t take it seriously.”

“Is that so?”

Mu En put down his teacup, subtly letting out a sigh of relief.

“Please refrain from making such jokes in the future that could easily damage the trust between us.”

“Of course, I have realized my mistake.”

Celia still hadn’t had her tea.

She lowered her head, fiddling with the teacup, peering into the rich red liquid as if she were gazing into her own eyes.

“Actually, there’s a reason I make such jokes.”


“Lord Mu En should know, right? In fact, I’m a few months younger than you.”

“…I naturally know that.”

Know what, exactly?

I was taken aback, alright!

Celia, the student council president of St. Marika Academy, two grades above Mu En, was actually younger than him?

This wasn’t mentioned in the original book at all!


Wait, does that mean that the Celia in front of me, while officially my senior, is actually like a younger sister to me? After all, there’s bound to be some blood relation between the royal family and the nobility; calling her sister wouldn’t be out of place.

Could this be the legendary extension of being both cute and dignified?

Not good.

Just the thought of the aloof senior Celia secretly calling him “big brother” made Mu En feel quite uneasy.

This contrast was a direct hit to the heart, alright!

“After all, I’m a genius who skipped two grades, so it’s not surprising that this situation arises.”

“But because of that, I often feel very tired, because those around me aren’t my peers, yet I have to become as mature as they are, or even more mature.”

“So, in private, in a comforting environment, I tend to show some childishness.”

“Childishness?” Mu En was taken aback; he never expected the word “childish” to come from Celia’s lips.

“Exactly, just like just now.”

Celia’s silver eyelashes fluttered as she softly asked:

“Lord Mu En wouldn’t be angry, would he?”

“Of course not.”

Mu En couldn’t help but smile, answering without a second thought:

“If it’s Your Highness, I could accept even more childishness; in fact, it makes you more approachable.”

“Really? That’s wonderful.”

Celia suddenly lifted her head.

“Just in time, I have a very childish request that I need Lord Mu En to fulfill.”


“Master Mu En, your tea seems to be a bit better. So… can we swap?”


Mu En’s mouth immediately froze.

He looked at Celicia, his hands and feet icy cold.

Her eyes still carried a chill that kept others at bay, but through the solid ice that cloaked her, Mu En seemed to see the slyness… and mockery hidden beneath.

Damn it, he hadn’t paid attention and had been grasped by this woman!

The so-called childishness was all a lie; she truly suspected that there was something wrong with her tea!

But she probably didn’t expect him to be bold enough to drug her directly; otherwise, what awaited her would be bone-chilling ice.

“This… isn’t good, is it?”

“What’s wrong with that? Didn’t you say you could accept all my childishness? Or—”

Celicia tilted her head, asking each word clearly:

“What are you afraid of, Mu, En, Master?”

“How… how could that be? I haven’t done anything wrong, why would I be afraid?”

Mu En tried hard to keep his smile from showing any cracks.

“Then why…”

“Because… I’ve already drunk from this cup of tea!”

Mu En tightened his grip on the teacup and exclaimed:

“Your Highness, if you drink it, then that would mean… it would mean an indirect kiss!”

“Oh, is that so?” Celicia showed no signs of wavering and continued to ask.

“Exactly, that’s how it is.”

Mu En’s eyes widened as he stared intently at Celicia.

So, what now, Princess?

As the aloof goddess, the ice princess, can you withstand the unbeatable words “indirect kiss”?

You must be pure enough that just hearing those words would make your cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“It’s fine, I don’t mind.”

But Celicia showed no sign of shyness at all.

“After all, I am your fiancée; I can still accept this level.”

It seemed she had truly accepted the identity of fiancée, as Celicia even took the initiative to place her delicate hand on Mu En’s large one.

Yet Mu En felt not a single moment of delight, only the chilling sensation as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Because Celicia was prying his fingers apart one by one, taking the teacup from his hand.

But at this point, he could do nothing more; he could only watch quietly, silently, and in despair.

As if watching the countdown to death.

“Speaking of which, I’m quite looking forward to the tea brewed by Young Master Mu’en.”

Cecilia showed no sign of anticipation, yet she did bring the cup that originally belonged to Mu’en to her lips.

Then she looked at Mu’en, puzzled, and asked:

“Aren’t you going to drink, Young Master Mu’en?”

“I will, I will drink.”

Mu’en forced a smile that was as stiff as a corpse.

He also picked up the teacup, slowly bringing the cup that originally belonged to Cecilia to his lips.

He moved very slowly, as if trying to stretch the moment into eternity, but under Cecilia’s gaze, even the slowest process must come to an end.

Mu’en helplessly closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and poured the tea into his mouth.

Watching this scene, Cecilia narrowed her eyes slightly.

She glanced again at the tea in the cup, then turned her head slightly to look outside.

Amidst the clinking of glasses and the fluttering of music, a grand ball was taking place just a wall away from this room, with most of the nobles of Belrand invited.

Even the son of a duke wouldn’t dare to do anything foolish at a time like this, right?

Cecilia finally took a small sip of the black tea in her cup.


Why does the taste of the tea still seem strange?

Cecilia frowned and looked down at the teacup.

The tea in the cup swayed, a vivid red like blood.

Could it be…

Cecilia suddenly looked up.

Since just now, Mu’en had not said a word.

And now, he was smiling.

It was that kind of smile where the corners of his mouth were nearly stretched to his ears, yet his lips remained tightly closed, looking quite eerie.


For the first time, a look of panic appeared in Cecilia’s eyes.

But it was too late; she felt her whole body starting to weaken.

And Mu’en finally opened his mouth.

With a loud “Wow.”

Spitting out all the tea.

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