Chapter 13, The Correction Power from the Protagonist!

“That can’t be true…”

Mu En’s face suddenly turned pale.

Without time to think about anything else, he immediately pulled out the black book and carefully reviewed everything he had experienced from yesterday until now.

“Indeed, the only one who could influence the current situation is that maid named Noel!”

“In the original book, she could never have had the chance to rest because the original Mu En Campbell was not such a tolerant and kind person!”

“Perhaps she was severely reprimanded by Mu En Campbell, worsening her illness, which caused her to behave so poorly at the banquet!”

“In other words, because of my good intentions… I changed the direction of the story?”

Gripping the black book tightly, Mu En suddenly slumped down onto the sofa in despair.

“Then what have I done all this for?”

Selicia was still peacefully sleeping, just like a princess in a fairy tale waiting for her prince to arrive and bestow a true love’s kiss.

But looking at her, Mu En could only feel a deep sense of irony.

A princess who cannot wait for her prince is merely a sleeping beauty hidden in a high tower; this story will never lead to a happy ending.

If he, Mu En, cannot perfectly achieve his doomed ending, what awaits him might only be a more tragic fate.

Just like the foreboding dreams of the black book.

“Do not change,” those four words still echoed in his mind, and the image that followed was that chilling scene of being cut to pieces.

But Mu En truly did not expect that his meticulously crafted plan would completely fall apart due to such a small, different action.

After all, he is the protagonist, the one who stands above the rest; how could he be so easily thwarted?

“No, no, it’s not time to draw conclusions yet!”

“Just know that this is the protagonist, the one who could get lost and somehow find the right room among the hundreds in the duke’s mansion!”

“She is truly the destined child; even if the world line is slightly off now, she will surely be able to correct it with her sheer luck!”

“It’s not time to give up yet!”

A sudden spark ignited in Mu En’s eyes, and the flames of determination blazed once more in his chest.

Though everything seemed dire, it was not yet the moment of despair.

One must believe in the protagonist, believe in her destiny.

Because in any normal story of wind and pride, as long as the author isn’t completely out of their mind, it’s impossible to write a disgusting plot where the female lead is overpowered by a blonde villain!

The protagonist might just be on the edge, like in certain tales of battles and skies, where only by pushing the limits can the readers feel the thrill!

So, until Celicia truly awakens, everything is still not over!

That’s right, before she wakes up!


A soft whimper suddenly echoed in the room.


No, it can’t be.

So soon?

It’s an auditory hallucination! It must be!

“It’s so hot…”

“……” Not a hallucination.

It’s over.

The light has faded.

The fire has extinguished.

Mu En felt a chilling cold enveloping him.

He stiffly turned his head to look at Celicia.

As expected, Celicia furrowed her delicate brows, her body unconsciously twisting.

She seemed to be feeling uncomfortable, but regardless, she looked like she was on the verge of waking up at any moment.

“This is really the end.”

“The first thing Celicia will do upon waking is definitely to come after me.”

“There’s no need for a shattered ending; my life will end here.”


In utter despair, Mu En faced the still-closed door, unable to hold back two lines of pleading tears.

“Lady Ariel, esteemed protagonist, savior!

What the hell are you doing? Hurry up and come save us!”


“That clumsy Lya, how could she be so careless as to get cake on my dress?”

At this very moment, our beloved protagonist Ariel was clutching the hem of her dress, flitting about the Duke’s mansion’s intricate corridors like a headless fly.

One corner of her dress bore a clear stain, the result of Lya’s earlier mishap with the cake.

So now, Ariel was searching for a restroom, only to find that the Duke’s mansion was far more complicated than she had anticipated, and she was utterly oblivious to her own lack of direction.

As expected, she got lost.

But perhaps guided by some unseen force, or perhaps truly blessed by the protagonist’s strong luck, Ariel was now just a corner away from the room where Mu’en was.

It was easy to imagine that if she continued to wander like this, she would surely stumble upon the right door in just a few minutes, or even less.

Yet this time, fate took an unexpected turn down a different path.

“Who! Show yourself!”

Ariel suddenly turned her gaze toward the shadow at the corner, a glint of cold sharpness flashing in her eyes.


A crisp sound of footsteps echoed from the darkness.

A figure in a black-and-white dress slowly emerged.

It was a maid.

“Apologies, esteemed guest, but this is a restricted area of the Duke’s mansion.”

The maid bowed respectfully to Ariel and said, “I must ask you to turn back.”

“Restricted area?”

As she breathed a sigh of relief, Ariel couldn’t help but furrow her brow in confusion.

“What restricted area?”

“Confidential matters of the Duke’s mansion, I’m afraid I cannot disclose.”

“Tch, how stingy.”

Ariel clicked her tongue, feigning indifference, but her dark eyes darted around, clearly plotting something.

“Esteemed guest, it seems your dress is dirty.”

At that moment, the maid suddenly crouched before Ariel.

She lifted the hem of Ariel’s dress, her fingertips glowing faintly.


Fluorescence flashed, and Ariel’s skirt shimmered like new.

“That’s amazing.”

Ariel blinked in surprise:

“Even the maids of the duke’s residence can use magic?”

“Just a little knowledge, nothing worth mentioning.”

The maid stood up and smiled:

“In a little while, the banquet will serve limited edition Pachi Pachi cakes. If the guests like them, please don’t miss out.”

“Pachi Pachi cake!”

Ariel’s eyes suddenly brightened.

That was her favorite cake!

Unfortunately, it was expensive, and there were very few pastry chefs in Beilan who could make it, so she rarely got to eat it.

“Thank you for your help!”

Ariel bowed deeply at a ninety-degree angle to the maid in gratitude, then turned and ran.

The long skirt of her gown did not hinder her speed.

After all, even a place like the duke’s residence could only serve Pachi Pachi cake for a limited time, and if she was late, there would definitely be none left!


After running for a while, Ariel suddenly began to speak.

However, there was no one around her; it seemed she was just talking to herself.

“I know that maid is suspicious.”

“The forbidden areas of the duke’s residence must be a lie.”

“She has a smell of blood, and the other person hiding is also concerning.”

“But—none of that has anything to do with me!”

“Anyway, whatever trouble she causes will be in the duke’s residence, it definitely won’t implicate me.”

“Looking for Princess Celicia? Oh dear, she’s such an adult, she won’t get lost.”

“Nothing is more important than my Pachi Pachi cake, nothing!”

“My dear Pachi Pachi, here I come!”

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