Chapter 4, Doing More Good Deeds Will Bring Good Luck, Right

“Woo, the wicked privileged class, this is just too enjoyable.”

While secretly cursing the luxurious corruption of the aristocracy, Mu En elegantly enjoyed dinner today, following the muscle memory of the original owner.

Dinner was simply steak, paired with a bottle of red wine from who knows what year.


It was so delicious!

Mu En swore he had never eaten such a delicious steak in his life.

The aroma of the meat was overwhelming, rich in fat, and melted in his mouth.

The only time he had indulged in luxury in his previous life was at that expensive Western restaurant, where he bought a ridiculously priced so-called top-grade steak, which didn’t even compare to what he was eating now!

Woo woo woo, how could it be this delicious?

I’m suddenly feeling a bit reluctant to let go of this identity. What should I do?

“What’s wrong? Little Mu’en seems very happy today.”

Across the dining table, a regal woman elegantly wiped her mouth with a pristine napkin and smiled as she asked:

“Did something joyful happen?”

“Haha, she must be looking forward to tomorrow’s coming-of-age banquet.”

Seated at the head of the table, a man with a beard like a lion’s mane, whose presence commanded respect even without anger, chuckled:

“After all, that is one of the most important banquets in Mu’en’s life.”

“…Yes, Father, Mother, I am indeed looking forward to it.”

Mu’en responded with a standard sunny smile while secretly raising her guard.

These two before her are none other than Mu’en Campbell’s biological parents.

Duke Longen Campbell, one of the four great dukes of the Leopold Empire, and his wife, the former daughter of a marquis, Noias Campbell.

Though the Campbell family holds a noble status, the male heirs have always been passed down in a single line, and the Duke and Duchess have only Mu’en as their son.

Naturally, they dote on him excessively.

It can be said that Mu’en Campbell’s tragic fate is largely due to the couple’s overindulgence.

Yet, precisely because of this, Mu’en must be cautious to prevent her overly affectionate parents from discovering anything amiss.

After all, she still needs to rely on this couple, who cherish their child so dearly, to plead for her. If there isn’t a royal decree absolving her from any consequences, she fears that the very next day after becoming a commoner, she might be brutally murdered in the streets by her enemies.

But it turns out that Mu’en’s caution was excessive; the memories of the original owner she merged with, combined with the instincts lingering from over a decade in this body, ensured that her every move would not reveal any flaws.

“Tomorrow, my son will surely be the most eye-catching presence at the banquet. I wonder how many noble young ladies will be captivated by him.”

The gentle and virtuous Noias clasped her hands in anticipation, seeing her little Mu’en as the most perfect being.

“Haha, that won’t do! He has a fiancée. If Princess Celicia sees him, she might get jealous,” the usually serious Duke Campbell joked after having a bit to drink.

“Hmph, I don’t like that Princess Celicia. She’s so cold; how could she possibly be worthy of our little Mu’en?”

“Well, if Princess Celicia isn’t worthy, then no one is. But I do agree on one point: Mu’en, you should bring back a few more young ladies to help our Campbell family flourish. As for the king, I’ll take care of that. With my son’s abilities, it should be a piece of cake, hahaha…”


Watching her parents boast about her, even someone as thick-skinned as Mu’en couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed.

Indeed, an overly heavy love can obscure one’s vision, making one see only what they wish to see.

Who is Princess Celicia? The third princess of the empire, a pure child blessed by the gods, also known as the Ice Witch, and one of the candidates for the most beautiful woman in Ireland.

“Don’t force what cannot be obtained.”

“I will let everything return to its original course.”

“Princess Celicia will also come to know and love the protagonist, finding true happiness.”

“Even as a humble yellow-haired villain, I will survive!”

Mu En silently reaffirmed his resolve.


After finishing his meal and bidding farewell to the duke and duchess, Mu En prepared to step outside.

Just then, he collided head-on with a maid who turned the corner.

“Ah, I’m so sorry, Young Master Mu En… It was my mistake…”

Tea splashed onto Mu En’s luxurious clothing, leaving large crimson stains. The maid, seeing this, immediately turned pale with fear, frantically pulling out a handkerchief to try and clean him, but the tea-soaked marks only became more pronounced.

The maid’s expression grew even more distressed, and she suddenly knelt down, begging for mercy.

“Please, Young Master Mu En, spare me! I-I-I… It was just a moment of carelessness… I won’t do it again… Please don’t hit me, and don’t strip me of my clothes and throw me out into the street…”


Faced with the trembling maid, Mu En felt somewhat speechless.

In your eyes, am I really such a cold, evil, unreasonable person?

Well, it seems so. If it were the old Mu En Campbell, he might have actually done something like that.

“It’s just a small issue, no need to worry about it. Please get up.” Mu En bent down to help the kneeling maid to her feet.

“I won’t punish you.”


The maid stood there, stunned with surprise, as if she couldn’t comprehend that the Young Master Mu En, who would often resort to hitting and scolding his servants, could be so kind and merciful today.

Mu En smiled slightly, his handsome face making the maid momentarily lose her composure.

Of course, he could be so kind and merciful; he was no longer the old scoundrel Mu En!

Besides, he was about to become a commoner, and Mu En thought it best to attract less hatred at this time.

Especially knowing that he might be subjected to a thousand cuts.

Perhaps it was his own misdeeds that led the maid, who was closest to him, to harbor resentment and ultimately take drastic action!

“By the way, are you alright?”

Mu En scrutinized the maid, sensing something was off.

Though she had been startled, her cheeks were still flushed.

“Could it be that you’re sick?”

Suddenly, Mu En placed his hand on the maid’s forehead. The action was so abrupt that the maid had no time to react, standing there like a stone.


Her forehead was so hot.

The maids of the duke’s household were usually well-trained; to make such a basic mistake was likely due to illness.

Mu En stared at the flustered maid and said sternly:

“Why aren’t you resting if you’re this sick?”

“Be… because tomorrow is your coming-of-age banquet, and there aren’t enough people in the household…”

“That doesn’t mean you should work while you’re ill!”

Mu En reprimanded her seriously, but instead of fear, the maid’s face showed a bewildered expression, her big eyes blinking as if she were thinking, “Am I dreaming?”



“Arrange for her… By the way, what’s your name?”

“I… I’m Noel.”

“Mm, arrange for Noel to rest.”


An respectfully accepted the order.

“But, Young Master Mu En, what Noel just said is not false. Tomorrow, for your coming-of-age banquet, we are severely understaffed. Each maid in the household has her own duties, and if she rests, it may greatly increase the workload for the others.”

“Then hire someone from outside. In such a large duke’s residence, can we not even afford to bring in help?”

“… Yes, I will convey this order to the head maid.”

An turned to leave; she needed to inform the head maid of this order as soon as possible.

The arrangements for the banquet were all overseen by the head maid, and with the banquet tomorrow, it was best to communicate any personnel changes early.

“Ah, right, An.”

“Is there anything else, Young Master Mu En?”

“… Never mind, it’s nothing. You can go back to your work.”


An showed a hint of confusion but quickly composed herself.

“Yes, then I will take my leave.”


Watching An’s retreating figure, Mu En let out a soft sigh.

He had called her back to ask her to procure an important item for this event—the sleeping drug.

After all, in the original story, it was An who did this.

But after thinking it over, he decided against it.

But this time, it was a demise that belonged solely to him, Mu En.

There’s no need to sacrifice another unrelated life.


At this thought, Mu En couldn’t help but let out a self-deprecating laugh:

“Who would have thought that I, who have never even killed a chicken in my life, would be committing the heinous act of drugging an innocent girl?”

“Fortunately, this is a mission destined to fail.”

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