Chapter 8, Choice (Ten Thousand Words, Including Additional Updates)

Celesia walked into the classroom, and the first thing she saw was Mu En, hands outstretched as if trying to grasp something, and in front of Mu En, hiding under the blackboard, was Teacher Fran, saying something like, “Although the Duchess is very alluring, student-teacher relationships are not acceptable.”

This scene…

Celesia raised an eyebrow slightly, looking at Mu En, and said, “Am I arriving at the wrong time?”


No, you arrived at just the right time…

Although Mu En wanted to say that… but how could he? Saying that would probably get him finely chopped into minced meat by Celesia.

“Well… um…”

Mu En forced a smile onto his stiff face and said to Celesia:

“I’m saying this is a misunderstanding, do you believe me?”


Celesia looked at the others in the classroom.

At this moment, the classroom had completely descended into chaos.

The male students were dumbfounded, their expressions a mix of shock as if this guy was simply a model they must learn from.

As for the female students… they had long since taken out their recording stones to capture the magical moment, chattering excitedly, “The fourteenth ship, the fourteenth ship has appeared,” and similar phrases.

“I see, it really could easily be a misunderstanding.”

Celesia’s voice turned slightly cold.

“To be misunderstood by the entire class, you really are something, Mu En Campbell.”

“Although it sounds unbelievable, the truth is just like this!”

Mu En explained with tears in his eyes:

“It’s just a misunderstanding!”

Who knew that Teacher Fran had such a wild imagination? He merely wanted her to explain a lesson from the beginning, yet she thought he was trying to woo her?

How did these two things connect?

“…Forget it, Mu En Campbell.”

Celesia lowered her eyelids slightly and said:

“Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not, your persistent declarations of love to anyone really has nothing to do with me, does it?”

Celesia ignored Mu En any further, walked up to the podium, and scanned the entire classroom.

“Introduction to Basic Magic… expected attendance one hundred and three, actual attendance one hundred and three, hmm, all present.”

“Let’s go, Veer, to the next classroom.”

“Wait, Celesia, you’re not angry, are you? Let me explain!” Mu En tried to salvage the situation.

“Why would I be angry?”

Celesia suddenly turned around, her expression cold, like an iceberg that had not melted for a thousand years, showing no signs of change.

“What are you to me, Mu En Campbell? Why should I be angry with you?”

“…” Mu En opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything.


I’m afraid that saying those three words would only make Celesia dislike him even more.

Originally, because of that previous incident, Celesia probably already hated him enough.

“Let’s go, Veer.”

Celesia turned around.

Without looking back.

Just as she stepped out, the bun-headed girl behind her suddenly turned her head and spat vehemently.

“Ha—tui! Scumbag!”


Mu En weakly reached out a hand, wanting to hold her back, but he couldn’t even find a reason to do so,

he could only watch Celesia’s retreating figure, feeling a twitch in his heart.

It just felt… a bit uncomfortable.



“Hmph, I told you, that Mu En Campbell is a scumbag. He clearly has such a perfect fiancée like President, yet he’s still fooling around outside.”

Back in the student council room, Veer was still angrily waving her little fists.

In her view, Mu En Campbell was completely an incomprehensible guy.

If anyone else had a perfect partner like Princess Celesia, they would probably wake up laughing in their dreams.

Yet that Mu En Campbell didn’t know how to cherish the fortune he had earned over several lifetimes, actually juggling thirteen boats; even an octopus wouldn’t be as ruthless as him!

He’s not afraid of pulling a split one day!


Veer tilted her head in confusion, as Celesia was sitting behind the desk, unusually lost in thought.

“Ah, sorry, I was thinking about something. Did you say something?”

Celesia came back to her senses and said apologetically.

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“What were you thinking about, President?” Veer asked curiously.

“…I was recalling the scene just now.”

“Eh? Just now? What’s there to think about?” Veer pouted in confusion.

“Could it be that Mu En Campbell could really be wronged?”


Celesia fell silent.

Indeed, the probability of being wronged was low, because the scene just now, no matter how you looked at it, was that of a despicable scoundrel extending his claws toward the pure, innocent, and pitiful Teacher Fran.


Setting aside the atmosphere at that moment and the subjective emotional factors, Mu En Campbell’s actions did seem somewhat unnatural.

Was that posture really the kind of gesture one would make when confessing?

And his expression at that time…


Celesia suddenly slapped her hand against her cheek, so hard that a clear, crimson handprint was left on her fair skin.

It startled Veer.

“Celesia Leopold, why are you still letting your emotions affect your thoughts? How disgraceful.”

Celesia lowered her head, her silver lashes fluttering like twinkling stars.

Maybe she should turn back and ask Teacher Fran properly.



“Sigh, what is this all about?”

After class, Mu En walked alone along the tree-lined path to the cafeteria.

There was a sense of sadness.

Not only because of being misunderstood by Celesia, but also because the first step he had prepared for so long, as a new student, had been inexplicably twisted and shattered during his very first class.

After Celesia left, the class descended into chaos, with girls screaming and boys jeering, while the only teacher who could stand up to maintain order… cowered on the podium, trembling.

Until Professor Plang returned after handling matters.

And then he exploded in anger.

He berated everyone mercilessly.

He ordered every student to submit a ten-thousand-word reflection within three days, or their credits would be docked.

Except for Mu En.

That’s right, except for Mu En.

Although Professor Plang looked as if he wouldn’t be satisfied until Mu En wrote a hundred thousand words of reflection, once he understood the whole situation, he realized…

Mu En was truly innocent.

Though he was the root cause… he really hadn’t done anything wrong.

Just wanting to seek knowledge, just wanting the teacher to start from the beginning and teach the content from the book, what could possibly be wrong with that?

This thirst for knowledge is precisely the quality that Professor Plang has always valued the most.

Thus, the usually strict and rigid Professor Plang found it hard to criticize in this situation, and could only let Mu’en leave with a look on his face that resembled someone who had just swallowed a fly.

As for Teacher Fran, after Mu’en’s explanation, she understood that it was all her misunderstanding.

But after that, her face turned even redder, looking completely unable to face Mu’en.

“It seems that it’s impossible to learn this subject well in class; I must think of other ways.”

Mu’en rubbed his face, invigorating his spirit.

This little setback was not enough to make him retreat.


After having lunch in the cafeteria, Mu’en went straight to the academy’s library.

The librarian was a beautiful senior with ample curves, and a beauty mark at the corner of her eye, exuding a hint of charm.

As Mu’en passed by, he caught a hurried glance but didn’t dare to look longer.

Study! Study! Eliminate distractions!

He arrived at the section for magical books.

The library’s vast collection left Mu’en feeling a bit dizzy, but he still managed to find the books he wanted, guided by some thoughtful little notices on the shelves.

“I wonder who wrote these.”

Looking at the gently written little icons, Mu’en couldn’t help but smile and say:

“It must be someone very gentle.”


He took the book to the reading area.

A Detailed Explanation of the Fundamentals of Magic.

This was the book Mu’en had found.

Since it was a detailed explanation, the content of this book was naturally more straightforward and detailed than what was in the textbook, making it more suitable for a novice like Mu’en.

“Since there’s no teacher to teach me, I’ll teach myself!”

Determination shone in Mu’en’s eyes.

There was nothing that could stop his learning, no one!


“Ah, I can’t do it anymore.”

Half an hour later, Mu’en gave up.

It wasn’t that self-study didn’t work, but he suddenly realized…

This method is simply too slow.

When he spent half an hour finally figuring out who the legendary archmage Meladomir from a thousand years ago was, and how astonishing her achievements were, he suddenly realized that he had only learned the prologue of the prologue.

Moreover, it was the part of the entire book that required little understanding, only memorization.

Like the biographical introduction of a mathematician in a higher mathematics textbook.

But the biographical introduction of a mathematician is hardly anything important; it’s not even something that gets tested.

What matters are the formulas, theorems, and symbols they left behind.

And those formulas, theorems, and symbols are what can drive a person to baldness from studying.

It’s not that Mu En isn’t capable; it’s just that when Mu En finally manages to digest this entire foundational magic textbook, he might look up and…

Congratulations, student! Six years have flown by, and you’ve successfully graduated! Here’s your diploma; now get lost.

Professor Plang would surely say that to him, then ruthlessly kick him out of the school.

What’s the point of learning magic at all?

“No, I still need to find a teacher to teach me.”

But who should he find as a teacher?

Teacher Fran would probably want to find a hole to crawl into when she sees him. As for Professor Plang… just the sight of him would likely send his blood pressure soaring, and with his temper, if Mu En showed up in class knowing nothing, it would either cost the academy a life or the education sector would lose a pillar.

But other magic teachers… he wasn’t familiar with any of them.

Wait, hold on.

Why does the teacher who teaches me have to be a teacher?

Mu En suddenly saw the light.

As long as they can teach him this subject, anyone would do, right?

For example…

Mu En’s sharp gaze swept across the library, finally landing on a female classmate in the corner diagonally across from him.

She wore thick black-framed glasses, her hair braided into a twist, and was engrossed in the book in front of her.

At a glance, she was the quintessential good student.

“Hmph, students like this seem more easily tempted.” Unconsciously, Mu En revealed an evil smile typical of a yellow-haired villain.

“This classmate.”

Shari Fland was deeply engrossed in her favorite book when she suddenly heard a gentle voice.

Is that calling me?

She looked up in confusion, only to collide with a pair of gentle sapphire-like eyes.

Just as she was about to be drawn in by those eyes, her gaze widened, and Shari saw the full figure of the person in front of her.

Pupil quake!

Mu En Campbell!

That duke’s son who is stepping on thirteen boats, the ultimate scumbag!

Why is he here?

Shali was momentarily stunned, then immediately stood up.

No… no way, I have to run away quickly, otherwise… otherwise…

“Wait, wait, don’t go yet, don’t go yet…”

Mu En revealed a helpless smile and stopped Shali.

“Don’t worry, classmate, I’m not trying to take advantage of you, nor am I trying to hit on you. I just have one thing I need your help with.”

“What… what is it?” Shali clutched her book, shrinking back.

“Um, it’s just…”

Mu En pondered for a moment, then cautiously asked:

“Classmate, are you short on money?”

“Short… short on money?”

Shali was slightly taken aback, her hands instinctively gripping the hem of her clothes.

That’s right, she was indeed very short on money.

After all, her family was just an ordinary one. If it weren’t for a chance encounter where her talent was discovered by a teacher at Saint Maria, she might not even have the opportunity to study here.

But Saint Maria was not an ordinary academy; even with that teacher’s support, her daily life was extremely tight.

But even though I’m short on money, what does that have to do with you, the duke’s son born with a silver spoon in your mouth?

Commoners have their dignity too.

Shali’s expression turned slightly cold.

She pushed up her oversized black-framed glasses and said:

“My… my financial situation has nothing to do with Young Master Campbell. If you have nothing else, I’ll be leaving. I have class soon.”

“No, no, no, I didn’t mean to offend you. What I mean is, do you want to earn some extra cash at the academy?” Mu En hurriedly explained.

“Extra cash?”

Shali, who was about to step out, instantly halted her movement. She turned back to look at Mu En, her eyes clearly revealing a hint of suspicion.

As a child from a poor family, who wouldn’t want to earn some extra cash to help with household expenses while studying?

However, Saint Maria was just an academy, and opportunities to make money were few and far between. Even if there were, they were mostly controlled by the upperclassmen, not something a lowerclassman like her could touch.

Yet, the rumors about Mu En Campbell still kept her on guard.

“Then… Young Master Mu En, do tell?”

“Actually, it’s not that difficult.”

Seeing the girl’s slight interest, Mu En couldn’t help but smile and said:

“I just don’t know if you have time, after school or after class, to give me some private tutoring.”

“Private tutoring?”

Shali suddenly widened her eyes,

“One-on-one? Alone?”

“Exactly, one-on-one.”

Although Mu En didn’t understand why the girl emphasized these points, he still nodded honestly.

“Then… what would the lesson content be…?” Shali asked, trembling slightly.

“Hmm, it would naturally be related to studying. Although personally, I would like to learn more comprehensively, I still need to consider you, an excellent student. I wonder if you… eh? Classmate, are you alright?”

Mu En suddenly noticed that the girl’s cheeks had turned very red.

What’s going on? Is the library too hot?

“Stud… studying… excellent student…”

At this moment, it was as if the primordial universe exploded in the girl’s mind, countless thoughts bursting forth.


The studying that Mu En Campbell mentioned… could it be serious studying?

And it’s private tutoring, after class, one-on-one?

In that instant, many unspeakable stories and picture books, such as “unintentionally,” “friends forcing it on me,” “not on purpose,” “just took a quick glance,” formed several phrases in the pure girl’s mind.

After school of an excellent student.

Secret* tutoring*

The temptation of the glasses girl.

Student uniform*

Sure enough! That Mu En Campbell has no good intentions!

“Um… if you’re worried about payment, actually money isn’t a problem.”

Perhaps feeling that his sincerity wasn’t enough, Mu En said with a serious expression:

“You can ask for any amount, as long as you agree to help me with the lessons.”


He even wants to corrupt my soul with money!

“I’m not that kind of easy girl!” Lisa shouted excitedly.


Mu En was stunned.


What does casual mean?

Is it casual to give him a lesson?

But before he could ask, Lisa suddenly lifted her foot and kicked Mu En’s calf.

“Money isn’t everything, you pervert!”


Before Mu En could react, a sharp pain surged through his mind.

“Ugh—so painful!”

“Pervert! Scum! Go die!”

After cursing Mu En a few times, Lisa hugged the book in her arms and quickly ran away.

Leaving Mu En clutching his calf, curled up on the ground like a shrimp, his face contorted in pain while a myriad of questions swirled in his mind.

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Who am I? Where am I? What just happened?

Why am I being called scum again?

What did I do to that girl? Why does she hate me so much?

Mu En’s face was blank, his eyes filled with the bewilderment of someone who, despite not even having a girlfriend, was being scolded as scum every day.

At that moment, a fragrant breeze wafted by.

A figure blocked the light.

Mu En instinctively looked up, and then froze.

A mature-looking girl stood in front of him.

Her hair, casually tied with a scrunchie, cascaded down over the magnificent waves, and her eyes were as clear as crystals submerged in water, with the corners slightly raised. A perfectly placed beauty mark beneath her right eye added an indescribable allure whenever her eyes curved slightly.

Her figure was also stunning, with a waist as slender as a snake, especially the curves of her hips hidden beneath her fitted uniform, which seemed to provoke countless fantasies.

And on the chest of her uniform, a silver nameplate read:

Anna Carberlin.

“Senior Anna…”

Looking at the figure before him, Mu En couldn’t help but swallow hard.

Although he had only caught a glimpse of her earlier, such an eye-catching beauty was impossible to forget.

She was the librarian!

“This student, loud noises are prohibited in the library, you know.”

The girl gazed at Mu En, her lips curving into a gentle and warm smile, reminiscent of a kind neighborly big sister.

In that moment, Mu En felt a bit cold.



“Oh my, oh my, so that’s how it is.”

After listening to Mu En’s story, the gentle librarian girl rested her chin on her hand and chuckled softly:

“It seems I misunderstood you, junior. Just now, I thought you were harassing that little girl, and I was hesitating whether to call a teacher over quickly or to give you a righteous sneak attack first.”

“Not at all!”

Mu En rubbed his calf, gritting his teeth in frustration, wanting to cry but having no tears:

“I’m clearly the victim here!”

It had happened several times like this; he hadn’t done anything wrong, yet he always seemed to suffer the iron fist of fate for no reason.

This was so unfair! In typical stories, aren’t the yellow-haired villains supposed to punish the innocent and pure little girls? Why was he always the one being punished by the innocent and pure little girls?

Fortunately, after taking so many hits, he had become somewhat resilient.

So what if he got kicked by a little girl? Just grit his teeth and move on.

“Eh? Senior Anna?”

While he was lost in thought, Mu En saw Senior Anna suddenly crouch down in front of him, her delicate fingers gently brushing against his calf, softly kneading the muscles there.

The exquisite sensation made Mu En feel a bit ticklish inside, and his cheeks flushed slightly as he instinctively struggled a little.

“Don’t move, okay?”

Senior Anna said softly.

Her gentle words seemed to carry a powerful magic.

Mu En immediately controlled his slightly trembling calf, allowing Senior Anna to continue her touch.

“Such a good boy.”

Senior Anna smiled slightly.

At the same time, a soft glow emanated from her palm, and a warm sensation flowed into the depths of his muscles and even into his bones where her tender hand made contact.

Within a few breaths, Mu En felt the pain in his calf completely disappear, replaced by a lightness he had never experienced before.

“What is this…”

“Just a simple healing spell.”

“Thank you, senior, but it really wasn’t necessary…”

“It’s good to take care of your own body.”

Anna interrupted Mu En’s words, her expression serious yet playfully reproachful.

But immediately, a mischievous smile crept onto her lips:

“If you hurt your body, you can’t be a scumbag.”


Mu En, who had just been smiling along with Senior Anna, immediately froze, touched his nose, and awkwardly chuckled:

“So you recognized who I am, Senior.”

“Junior Mu En is quite the celebrity.”

“I thought I was only famous in my sophomore year.”

Mu En scratched his head, and then, as if recalling something, looked at Senior Anna with confusion:

“But since you know who I am, why do you dare to approach me? Don’t girls who have heard my name run away like that one just now?”

“They certainly should run, because in their eyes, Junior Mu En, you are the quintessential scumbag. They fear being deceived by you, both in body and heart, so it’s best for them to keep their distance.”


Senior Anna sat down in the chair next to Mu En, her body suddenly leaning closer, the warmth of her breath brushing against him.

She leaned in close to Mu En’s ear, her breath fragrant, and softly asked in a voice laced with a hint of allure:

“Do you think, just based on you… that you could be a scumbag to me?”


Mu En couldn’t help but lean back, inhaling sharply.

This Senior Anna is on a whole different level!


Seeing Mu En’s flustered attempt to evade, the senior covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes curving slightly, the beauty mark on her face making her even more enchanting:

“It’s really strange, clearly a legendary scumbag, yet I always feel you’re quite innocent, Junior. Your behavior doesn’t seem like that of a scumbag at all.”

“Because I’m not a scumbag at all!”

Mu En exclaimed angrily:

“Those are just rumors spread by others! I’ve never even had a girlfriend!”

“Oh really? That’s quite a pity.”

“A pity?”

“Actually, I’m quite curious to experience what it’s like to be with a top-tier scumbag who makes half the girls in the academy shudder at the mention of his name.”

The senior licked her lips, her eyes sparkling.

“…To be honest with you, Senior.”

Mu En suddenly puffed out his chest, unbuttoning one of his uniform buttons, and with a charming smile, he said:

“Beneath this handsome face lies the heart of a beast. Becoming a top-tier scumbag is certainly within reach, so Senior, you…”

“Dream on.”

Anna shot Mu En a glance,

“I’m just teasing you. I’ve never had a boyfriend either~”

“You! Bad woman!”

Mu En wore a heartbroken expression as if he had been deceived:

“Senior, how can you toy with my pure heart like this? Is your conscience clear?”

“I am a bad woman.”

The senior supported her chin with a smile:

“Bad women have no hearts, you know.”


It’s over.

This woman is indeed on a whole different level; I can’t compete.

Mu En was just about to retreat and wait for another chance to fight another three hundred rounds, when he suddenly caught sight of those little icons on the bookshelf that had helped him find the target books quickly.

He suddenly asked:

“What are those little icons…”


“Did you stick those little icons on, senior?”


Anna glanced over casually and said:

“Just some little things I made when I was bored before.”

“You’re really gentle, senior,” Mu En sighed.


Anna looked at Mu En in surprise, “You think I’m gentle?”

“Of course.”

Mu En blinked: “You’re not only helping me, a person with a bad reputation, heal, but you also stuck these little icons on the bookshelf to help classmates find books. And… you’ve been casting a soundproofing spell this whole time just to avoid disturbing others in the library.

Can’t that be called gentle?”

“Gentle… is it?”

Anna chuckled lightly: “It’s rare for someone to say that.”

“Oh? How do others usually describe you, senior?” Mu En became intrigued.

“They say…”

Anna spoke slowly, but at the most crucial moment, she changed her words, reaching out to flick Mu En’s forehead with her finger, laughing angrily:

“Just trying to use some words from my senior, you bad junior.”


Mu En clicked his tongue in regret.

“Just a little bit more.”

“But…” Anna suddenly tilted her head and said, “Since you praised me for being gentle, I might as well tell you.”

“Hmph, do you think I would fall for that? Let me tell you, Saint Seiya…”

Mu En froze.

Because Anna suddenly leaned in close to him.

So close, so very close.

Close enough to sense each other’s breath.

Close enough to glimpse into the deep, dark corners of Anna’s clear eyes.


“They say I’m a snake.” Anna’s crimson lips moved as she said this.

“Oh oh.”

Mu En nodded dumbly, but when he came to his senses, Anna had already returned to a normal distance from him.

As if she had never been close at all.

“Snake, huh.”

Mu En nodded:

“Not bad.”

“Not bad?”

Anna showed a somewhat surprised expression for the first time: “Being called a snake is not a good thing for a woman, you know.”

“Is that so?”

Mu En crossed his arms, nodding seriously:

“But I actually think it’s pretty good, after all… snakes eat mice, and I, I’m most afraid of mice.”


Anna stared carefully at Mu En, until his serious expression left him a bit speechless, and then she suddenly chuckled.

“Mu En, you really are an interesting person.”

“Is that so? I’m so glad I could make you smile.”

Mu En excitedly rubbed his hands together, “There’s something I want to tell you, actually…”

“You want me to give you a lesson, right?” Anna said as if she had anticipated it.


Mu En was taken aback, then awkwardly scratched his head:

“Do you know, senior?”

“I’m not deaf. Of course I heard you talking to that junior, and besides…”

Anna fixed her gaze on Mu En, a teasing smile playing on her lips:

“When a man actively chats with a stranger for so long, unless he’s out of his mind, he must have some other motive, right?”


Mu En straightened his face and slammed the table, his voice booming.

“Maybe I was just captivated by your charm, senior?”

“…Mu En Campbell.”


“Maybe you really do have the potential to be a scumbag.” Anna narrowed her beautiful eyes and said this.



“So what’s your answer, senior?”

Mu En fidgeted like a schoolboy about to answer a question, eagerly asking.


Anna tapped her lips with her finger, pondering:

“It’s possible, but… I can’t just help you with class for free, can I?”

“I have money!”

Mu En declared loudly:

“One million!”

Anna was taken aback, then looked at Mu En with a strange expression:

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“Junior Mu En, do you know? The best private tutors in Beirlande don’t even cost a million.”

“Knowledge is priceless,” Mu En replied.

“Haha… I can’t believe you said something so naive.”

Anna chuckled lightly, resting her chin on her hand, scrutinizing Mu En closely.

It wasn’t until her gaze made Mu En feel a bit uncomfortable that she finally stood up and said:

“Let’s forget about the money. Since you’re already calling me senior, it feels a bit odd to take your money.”

“Well, what about the payment I need to make…”

“Just keep it on credit for now.”


“That’s right, on credit.”

Senior Anna clasped her hands behind her back and suddenly leaned down to meet Mu En’s gaze.

The hint of allure at the corner of her eyes stirred something within him.

“So, when I decide I want it one day, you can’t refuse, junior.”

Her tone was tempting, like a devil’s contract.

Yet, inexplicably, Mu En nodded.

“Alright, senior.”



“Alright, we’ve arrived.”

After the librarian finished her work, Anna led Mu En to a corner at the far edge of the club building.

Mu En looked up at the plaque above the door.

“Ancient—Potion Society? Does our college really have such a club?”

“Yes, but it’s normal that you haven’t heard of it, junior.”

Anna pushed open the classroom door.

In that instant, a gust of wind rushed in, and sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows across from them, momentarily blinding Mu En.

As his vision slowly adjusted, he vaguely saw the little devil-like Senior Anna, in that moment, brushing aside her messy long hair, revealing a somewhat desolate expression:

“After all—this club has only me.”

“Only you?”

Mu En was taken aback:

“Is a one-person club even allowed to exist?”

“Of course not, but the club has a one-year grace period. That means if I don’t find new members within this year, the club will be disbanded.”

“I see…”

A club with just one person… it felt so lonely.


Anna turned back, smiling lightly:

“Junior, would you like to join our Ancient Potion Society?”


Mu En was momentarily taken aback, but soon, her expression grew serious.

“Is this the payment that Senior asked me to provide?”

“No, this is a choice.”

Anna’s rare serious demeanor locked onto Mu En’s eyes as she said:

“Even if the Ancient Potion Society is on the brink of dissolution, I will not force anyone to join. So, Mu En Campbell, experience it for yourself, and then make your decision.

Will you join our Ancient Potion Society?”



“The Ancient Potion Society, huh?”

Walking along the path back to the dormitory, Mu En sighed softly, cradling her head.

“I have no idea what it’s about.”

Due to time constraints, Senior Anna had only taken her to see the location of the Ancient Potion Society, and as for what the club actually did… Mu En had yet to find out.

Just from the name and the precise instruments in the classroom, she could roughly guess it was a club focused on brewing ancient potions.

Quite serious.

“But clubs and such aren’t important for now.”

What mattered was…

“I finally found a teacher who can teach me the basics of magic!”

If it weren’t for the other passersby along the way, Mu En would have been unable to contain her excitement and cheer out loud.



After struggling for so long, she had finally resolved the biggest obstacle on her path to becoming a good student!

From her subsequent conversations with Senior Anna, it was clear that even in her fifth year, Anna was among the top students. With her as a teacher, how could Mu En possibly worry about her grades?

The only concern was that Senior Anna was so beautiful, it might distract her from studying.

“But for me, Mu En Campbell, that’s a minor issue.”

Mu En couldn’t help but smile confidently:

“A man who truly loves learning could never be distracted by mere beauty.”

Just watch me remain unperturbed in the face of temptation.

“Heh heh~”

With that thought, Mu En hummed a tune as she made her way to the dormitory.

Today, I am truly happy.

Nothing can stop this joyful heart of mine.


“Please, Mu En Campbell, report to the student council.”

“Repeat, please, Mu En Campbell, report to the student council.”


Hearing the voice from the magical broadcast, Mu En was instantly stunned.

The joy vanished with a snap.

“Being called to the student council at this time… It feels like it’s not a good thing.”

Thinking about what had happened earlier today, Mu En suddenly had a bad premonition.



“I’ll get straight to the point.”

In the student council room, Celicia sat behind the desk, her hands folded under her chin, looking at Mu En, who was trembling not far away, and asked in a deep voice:

“Mu En Campbell, do you have any idea about the recent reported s*xual harassment incident?”

“No! Absolutely not!”

Mu En firmly denied: “I spent the entire afternoon studying hard, completely unaware that such a terrible thing had happened.”


“Of course it’s true!”

Mu En nodded vigorously, then indignantly said:

“In broad daylight, under the watchful eyes of everyone, to actually harass a little girl! If I were to witness such a thing, I would definitely make the perpetrator experience what a righteous fist feels like!”

“Is that so?”

Celicia’s tone suddenly became somewhat meaningful.

“It’s truly delightful to see you have such a spirit, Mu En Campbell.”

“Haha, it’s only right…”


Celicia stared at Mu En, her expression turning slightly cold:

“Did I ever say that the victim was a little girl?”

“… No, was it not?”

Mu En’s expression froze as she asked.

“Of course not.”

Celia tossed a document onto Mu En’s desk. He turned to look, and to his surprise, it detailed the recent string of underwear thefts occurring in the boys’ dormitory.


Underwear theft?

Why do those two words sound so jarring together?

“I thought you lived in the boys’ dorm, so you might know something about it, which is why I called you over. But now it seems…”

Celia narrowed her eyes, her gaze scrutinizing Mu En:

“Mu En Campbell, it seems you’ve been up to some other mischief as well.”

“…No, of course not.”

Mu En shook his head vigorously, then forced a smile:

“How could I do anything wrong? I’m a good student now.”

“Good student?”

Celia raised an eyebrow, “It’s quite rare to hear that term associated with you.”

“Not rare, not rare, haha…”

Mu En chuckled awkwardly, but then saw Celia suddenly leave her spot and walk toward him.

This made Mu En’s body tense up involuntarily.

What’s going on?

Has she discovered my lie?

Is she finally going to take action and tear me apart?

Help, I’m being framed by my own wife…

“What would you like to drink?”


“What do you mean, ‘eh’?”

Celia passed by Mu En, casting a cold glance at him:

“I asked what you want to drink. By the way, I don’t have any black tea here.”

“…That’s fine, I don’t drink black tea either.”

Mu En forced a smile: “Coffee, just coffee is fine.”

“Alright then.”

Celia nodded lightly, then moved to the side, skillfully preparing the coffee.

Before long, two steaming cups of coffee were placed in front of Mu En.

Mu En took a cup, and the aroma wafted towards him.

“It smells so good.”

Mu En said in surprise:

“I didn’t expect you could brew coffee?”

“It’s just pouring boiling water over ground coffee beans, anyone can do it.”

Celia stirred the coffee while adding a large amount of sugar cubes that made Mu En’s eyelids twitch.

“What, do you want to add sugar too?” Celia asked.

“No, no, no.”

Mu En shook his head vigorously:

“I prefer black coffee.”

“Is that so?”

Celia continued to add sugar to the coffee.

Once Mu En felt that the coffee Celia was stirring had become somewhat thick, she finally picked up the cup and took a small sip.


In that moment, Mu En saw genuine pleasure in Celia’s eyes for the first time.

So you like your coffee this sweet, huh? The original book never mentioned it.

Mu En thought, silently lifting his coffee cup, but just as he lowered his head, he heard Celia’s words:



Mu En looked up in surprise: “What did you say?”

“I said, sorry.”

Clearly, she was apologizing to someone she had once looked down upon, yet Celia showed no sign of emotion or shyness. She stared seriously into Mu En’s eyes.

“I didn’t listen to your explanation this morning, and I’m very sorry.”


Mu En was somewhat taken aback; he hadn’t expected Celia would apologize for this matter.

“It’s… it’s fine, I didn’t take it to heart at all.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you took it to heart or not. I did something wrong, so I have to apologize.”

Celia sat back down in her chair, “Earlier, I went to talk to Teacher Fran and Professor Plang again, and learned the truth from them. You were indeed not at fault today; on the contrary, you were also a victim. The reason for all this was simply the prejudice that has always surrounded you.”


Mu En smiled wryly.

He didn’t even know when he would be able to shake off the “scum” label.

At the very least, he didn’t want a little girl to see him and run away.

“So, regarding this, I actually have a proposal.”

“Hmm? What proposal?”

“It’s quite simple.”

Cecilia set down her coffee, gazing intently at Mu En, and said earnestly:

“Mu En Campbell, would you like to join the student council?”

From noble mtl dot com

Mu En was taken aback: “Is this an order?”


Cecilia replied:

“This is a choice.”

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