It's just that Meng Ao was a little worried.

"The king's body of ten thousand gold, how can he be caught in this chaotic battle, I will go to meet the king and protect the king's safety!"

"Wang Jian, no matter what, you have to contain the army of Zhao State for the king, and there must be no accident on the king."

Meng Ao and Wang Jian were very worried about Ying Zheng coming to Zhao State.

After all, in this era, Zhao State is still powerful.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so uncomfortable under Zhao Jun's pressure.

But with Ying Zheng's personal expedition, all the Qin troops became excited.

To be able to die for King Qin is the wish of all soldiers!

Meng Ao didn't want to stop at all, and after passing the order, Bai Feng went to the position of the black armored cavalry led by Ying Zheng.

With Baifeng guiding them in the sky, they naturally wouldn't be too slow.

As for Wang Jian, he has already begun to dispatch troops.

"The Daqin army has been here for so long, and it's time to follow the king and show the might of my Daqin army!"

"Isn't it Li Mu!"

"In a real fight, you are destined to be defeated by Da Qin's Tie Ge!"

Wang Jian is very confident about this.

After all, half of the current soldiers have changed to iron weapons.

With this kind of weapon already extremely advanced, if he still can't defeat Zhao Jun, he should kill himself by wiping his neck!

Of course, the morale of the army at this time had increased to the extreme with the arrival of Ying Zheng.

Many Qin soldiers made promises to the King of Qin at this moment.

"See you at Handan City!"

The Qin army, who was guarding in many cities, all roared at this time.

"See you at Handan City!"

As for the enemy strategy, there is no need for any strategy at all!

"See you at the foot of the city of Handan", has already made the [-] Qin army restless like a beast smelling blood!

Many Zhao Jun felt a deep sense of unease on this day.

Their intuition told them that the storm was coming.

Text Chapter [-] The Shadow on the City of Handan

See you under the city of Handan.

This is the promise made by all Qin soldiers to Ying Zheng.

While the Qin soldiers were wiping off Changge's armor, the five thousand black-armored iron cavalry led by Ying Zheng had already fought against the Zhao army!

They encountered a Zhao army of only [-] people, and under a wave of charging, these Zhao army all discarded their armor and fled.

The smile on Ying Zheng's face grew stronger.

"As long as we don't attack the city, no army can defeat us from the front."

The smile on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth became stronger.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also found that there were not many defenders in this direction.

Even if they encounter the defenders, they will be charged by a wave, and they will lose their armor and discard their armor.

This military situation also quickly reported to the direction of Handan and General Li Mu.

Because Li Mu had already directed his direction to the south of Handan, he was the first to get the news.

"5000 cavalry, easily defeated [-]!"

"What kind of army is this?"

"The most important thing is that this army is behind our defense line. If they attack our defense line rashly..."

Thinking of this, Li Mu's sweat has already left.

If this army attacks, it will form a very uncomfortable situation for the Zhao army.

It was just the next two reports that made Li Mu's eyes extremely solemn.

"The goal of this army turned out to be Handan!"

"Go deep alone!"

"Who is it that dares to go deep alone with 5000 cavalry! Do you want to attack Handan?"

"This is so stupid! Sima Shang."

Sima Shang immediately handed over.

"The end is here."

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