"When Da Qin was still there, he didn't make a statement because there were too many famous officials and generals!"

Chapter 1 Civilization Leaps Forward! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"When Da Qin was still there, he didn't make a statement because there were too many famous officials and generals!"

"It wasn't until after Qin's death that Zhang Han became famous. He led the Shaofu of the Qin Dynasty and still fought for Daqin!"

"Zhang Han is undefeated, and Da Qin is not perished! This is the evaluation of him by later generations."

"It's a pity that Zhang Han was killed by Zhao Gao in the end!"

Ying Zheng did not expect that he would see Zhang Han so early.

Zhang Han fell to the ground when he saw Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty called Zhang Han to come, I don't know why."

"I want you to help me make paper and pens."

"What is paper and pen?"

"Of course it is used for recording. Paper is lighter and more convenient than bamboo slips. A small copy can record hundreds of thousands of words!"

Zhang Han was shocked.

"Only the scriptures can do this, right? Does the king make the scriptures?"

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "The widow calls him paper and pen, you can't understand it, it's normal, and now I'll find some craftsmen to make it."

It is not difficult to make a writing brush, it only needs to be processed with vellus hairs, and finally bundled on the pen barrel. It was made by the craftsmen in less than an hour.

On the contrary, the papermaking process has become somewhat difficult.

Just when Ying Zheng was thinking about this, the Qiangu Yidi system sounded.

[Ding, the craftsmanship subsystem has been opened, and the system will give the host an opening reward. 】

[Ding, the system detects the papermaking process required by the host, and the papermaking workshop is delivering! 】

[Ding, the system delivery is complete, please check the host. 】

Ying Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and saw that there was an additional drawing of a papermaking workshop in the system.

"The delivery is the blueprint? Do you want a few people to build the workshop?"

Just when Ying Zheng was thinking about this, Zhang Han slapped his head abruptly.

"Your Majesty, the little minister suddenly remembered that a craftsman in the young mansion made a useless material, which is very similar to the 'paper' you mentioned. Would you like to take a look with the little minister?"

Ying Zheng was overjoyed immediately.

"It seems that this system is really powerful, let's go and see!"

And when he walked to the place where the craftsman was, he saw the prototype of the paper workshop.

"This is it!"

Ying Zheng was very excited, only he knew best that once the paper was finished, he would lead the entire Great Qin Kingdom to make a civilization leap!

The culture of Daqin will also become more prosperous because of the advent of pen and paper!

This kind of credit, the credit goes all the way!

Chapter [-] This is also called steel?

The appearance of paper and pen brought Da Qin to a new level.

And when Ying Zheng wrote 'Eternal Emperor' on the paper, the system's voice sounded again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side quest, creating pen and paper, and leaping forward in civilization! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward package! 】

Ying Zheng did not expect that a small action of his own would actually be rewarded by the system.

"Open the package."

[Ding, congratulations on getting the steel forging blueprint!Congratulations on getting two crops of rice seeds and congratulations on getting potato seeds! 】

Ying Zheng was taken aback.

He didn't expect that he actually got what he wanted most.

"It turned out to be the steel forging blueprint that the widow wanted most!"

Ying Zheng's saliva is about to flow out.

He directly handed the blueprint to Zhang Han.

"There is no shortage of blacksmiths in the young mansion. Once the steel weapons are installed, the bronze weapons of other countries will be slag!"

Ying Zheng is very excited!

The young Zhang Han was even more obedient to Ying Zheng's words.

And just when Ying Zheng and the old blacksmith started to build iron and steel weapons, the matter of paper and pens had already been circulated by the Shaofu.

And this legend is getting more and more mysterious!

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