The maid slowly raised her head, a little shy in her eyes.

Her face is very delicate, her eyes are very clear, even if it is Yan Lingji, she does not have the lightness of her body at all.

She stood there, involuntarily giving a sense of tranquility, letting people let go of all irritability.

At the same time, a young figure in the deepest memory also overlapped with it.

"A room!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but read her name, and there was a touch of unspeakable friendship deep in his heart.

A Fang was a native of Zheng State. After Zheng State was destroyed, he went into exile with his parents in Handan, Zhao State, and became acquainted with the proton Ying Zheng at that time.

And Proton Ying Zheng made a promise to marry Ah Fang.

It's just that even though Ah Fang is beautiful, he is still just an ordinary person. Ying Zheng has become the King of Qin, and she has no chance to marry Ying Zheng in this era!

Ying Zheng had to admit that Guo Kai really worked hard to please himself.

If it wasn't for Guo Kai, Ying Zheng probably wouldn't know that Ah Fang really existed.

A room...

Afang Palace!

Ying Zheng couldn't help but begin to suspect that the Epang Palace, which was also the number one palace in the world throughout the ages, was built for the fundamental purpose of Ying Zheng's memory of a woman.

"Is that really true?"

Ying Zheng looked at Ah Fang's face, and a different feeling rose in his heart.

It's quiet, comfortable, and even a little obsessive.

It will make people unable to help forget all the troubles and worries, just want to quietly let Ah Fang sit beside him forever!

Even Ying Zheng himself was a little surprised by this feeling.

Facing Ah Fang, he didn't even have the slightest evil thoughts.

Maybe it's because of his young age!

Ying Zheng looked at Ah Fang's weak body and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If you want to collect all the beauties in the world, it will take a few years for the widow's body! .

Text Chapter 2 The Gift of the Moon God (8/[-])

Ying Zheng felt that although he was young now, he should start from a young age when it comes to accepting sister papers!

This girl named Ah Fang is a beauty embryo, and has a lot of room for development.

"Since then, you will follow Yanling Ji and widowhood."


Afang nodded slowly.

She felt that the young Ying Zheng had changed a lot from that year, perhaps because he had become the king of the Qin Kingdom!

Half of the entire China is his land, and half of the people in the world are his people.

She is also a subject of Ying Zheng, and she can only look up to Ying Zheng.

After many days of battle, Ying Zheng was extremely tired, so he was ready to rest.

The quilt was stained with Ah Fang's breath, and it smelled fragrant and very good, which made him feel at ease.

Tonight, the fifteenth day, the moon hangs high in the sky, very beautiful.

Coupled with the elegant palace and handsome beauties, Ying Zheng felt that he would sleep very sweetly tonight.

Just in the middle of the night, outside the palace, there was a sudden wind.

Ying Zheng, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, then sat up and looked outside.

The door of the palace was opened with a bang, but there was no one outside the door.

Ying Zheng had already stood up and grabbed the Tianwen Sword.

A white shadow flashed by, and the next moment, a woman appeared in the center of the hall, bowing slowly to Ying Zheng.

"The right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the moon god, pays homage to the King of Qin."

Ying Zheng's gaze also completely fell on the woman in front of him.

She was covered in a light blue short robe, with a navy blue wide-sleeved long skirt and a moon-white cross-collar midi.

Her long purple hair was coiled on top of her head, showing a hint of elegance, but her eyes were covered with light blue gauze, as if there were some secrets hidden in them.

The position she stood in was well chosen, the full moon in the sky was behind her, making her look like an expert in the world.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but yawned and looked at the Moon God lightly.

"You came to the widow? Why?"

In fact, Ying Zheng had already guessed seven or eight points in his heart.

Moon God said slowly: "King Qin wants to rule the world, the Yin and Yang family can be driven by the king."

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