Qi country!

The Seven Kingdoms can be said to be the most fertile place in the Qi Kingdom.

Back then, Qi and Qin were even called the Eastern Emperor and the Western Emperor!

Although it is weak now, it still has a strong heritage.

"The state of Qi was a superpower in the beginning. Although it experienced several failures later, it did not hurt its vitality."

"Furthermore, there has been no war in Qi for so many years, and it has been [-] years of cultivation and recuperation!"

"They have built an extremely strong fortress on the border. No matter how powerful the army is, it is difficult to attack the interior of Qi from the front..."

"If the other six countries are likened to war games, then Qi is obviously playing a game of farming."

When Ying Zheng said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just that although Qi State is powerful and even stronger than Qin State, the biggest problem is that they have cultivated for too long and the people are too rich."

"This has completely wiped out the soldiers' spirits. They haven't experienced war in [-] years. I am afraid that when they encounter war, they will be apprehensive."

"In this way, the Qi army is destined to be no match for my Daqin army.

Ying Zheng is full of confidence in this.

At the same time, he also opened the map.

Through Qin Envoy's crutches, Ying Zheng also saw that Li Si and others had already stepped on the land of Qi.

The entire country of Qi has been completely reduced to a battlefield for competition.

Strategists from five countries are showing a wonderful struggle within Qi.

And through the envoy staff, Ying Zheng can see many things.

"Nowadays, the scheming men who have entered Qi from Daqin have gone to hundreds of thousands of people."

"They all have Daqin token, so the widow can thoroughly see the state of Qi through the system."

"It's just that when the envoys stepped into the territory of the Qi Kingdom, the envoys of the Great Qin Kingdom had already murdered eight people by Secret 2.0!

Its body was transferred away by the wolf, and the whole person seemed to have evaporated from the world in an instant.

If Ying Zheng didn't own the system, he probably wouldn't even know which country killed these people.

"The Yan people killed two people, the Wei state killed two of my Daqin envoys, and the Chu state killed four!"

Ying Zheng had some experience with observing assassins.

After all, these people were born in different places, and their lengths and the means they were good at using were different.

Although a lot of people died, there were still people who saw the fat Qi Wangjian.

However, how many people know that this King Qi, who is in his thirties, is only a puppet for others to play with the power of Qi!

ps, sleepy, I first sleep for three or four hours, wake up and then continue to write, will not write less. .

Chapter [-]: Qian Ketongshen!

The ancestor of Qi State was Jiang Taigong Jiang Ziya!

After he was enfeoffed, his descendants, Duke Huan of Qi, relied on the sea to become the leader of the Five Hegemonies in the Spring and Autumn Period. Everyone called Qi the Principality of the Sea King.

Among them, it is powerful and naturally extremely terrifying.

But later, Tian Jia, a minister of Qi, exiled the king and established himself as the king of Qi.

Although the ministers are still those people, the monarch has been replaced by the Tian family.

Today's King of Qi Tian Jian, in the eyes of outsiders, apart from being a little fatter, is a pretty good king.

He easily listens to the advice of others.

Actually, that's no idea!

If you get to the bottom of it, you will know that this is because he is not in charge at all, he is just a puppet.

"The real person in charge of the state of Qi is Tian Jian's mother, the Empress Dowager Jun."

Empress Dowager Jun is easy-going, but she is a woman after all, and her character is a little weak.

Otherwise, with the national strength of Daqi, it is impossible not to participate in the battle of the Seven Kingdoms, but to recuperate for decades.

"The Qi country of the Tian family no longer has the domineering it once had."

"When the current state of Qi is strong, we specifically pick strong countries to fight 19!"

"When the state of Wei was strong, the state of Qi was defeated by the state of Wei!"

"When the Yan Kingdom was attacked, it took only fifty days to occupy the Yan land."

"The country of Chu is strong and prosperous, and it's even more important to beat the country of Chu again."

"Back then, Daqin endured humiliation and took a heavy load, and finally recaptured Hangu Pass from Wei State, but he didn't expect it to be taken over by Daqi State before it was warmed up..."

"As for any strong country, Daqi has never beaten it! And he also chooses the strongest to fight!"

"After all the powerful countries were offended, Qi Kingdom naturally felt uncomfortable later, internal rebellion, and finally caused Qi Kingdom to go downhill."

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