"And if there is a problem with the food supply, there is a good chance that there will be a rebellion."

When Ying Zheng heard Meng Ao's words, he couldn't help but nodded.

"You're right, but you both think you shouldn't do anything in winter."

"But the widow thinks that even if the weather is cold in winter, it can't stop the widow's empire from becoming stronger!"

"Each of them can't eat plain rice!"

ps, eight more to continue, do it! ! ! .

Chapter [-]: A game of chess in the whole country, all in the palm of the hand

Plant in spring and grow in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter.

This is the law of nature followed by countless feudal dynasties.

In winter, everyone will pack up their things, stay at home and make children with peace of mind.

In this environment without any entertainment, this may be the only thing that makes them happy.

However, Ying Zheng planned to let these laborers sit idle.

"We don't need to rely on the weather to make armor and strong crossbows for the young mansion."

"But Shaofu can't use [-] people."

"The widow is going to expand Xianyang City, so naturally they need to build a palace, and some people can choose to cut wood for the widow."

"Even if the Shaofu adds the expansion of Xianyang City, it will not need 20 people."

Ying Zheng shook his head.

"You underestimate the ability of the Shaofu."

"I am in the Shaofu of Qin Dynasty. I have the best craftsman in the world, the most knowledgeable doctor, and I have mastered many advanced technologies."

"Since it has such advanced technology, it is natural to mass-produce it to benefit the people."

"Of course, the proceeds can fill the treasury and increase the country's wealth."

Ying Zheng knew very well how important business was to the country.

For Shaofu, Ying Zheng wanted to use it as the prototype of a national enterprise.

Although government-run enterprises do not follow the laws of nature as privately-run enterprises, the biggest advantage of government-run enterprises is the concentration of resources!

In a game of chess across the country, Ying Zheng decides how he wants to move.

Today's Ying Zheng is even more focused on manpower, taking advantage of this winter to vigorously engage in domestic construction.

As for the war, that is after the spring of the coming year.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also began to feel that since he was in a high position, any decision could be related to the life and death of many people.

It's just the things he said, but Meng Ao can't understand it.

"The old minister is a warrior, and the king's words are too profound, and the old minister can't understand it, but since it is beneficial to the country, the king can do it anyway 〃々!"

"If there is a traitor, the old minister can still put on his armour and mount a horse to clear the enemy for the king."

When Ying Zheng heard Meng Ao's words, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Mengao's words sounded really heartwarming.

It is precisely because of such courtiers that Ying Zheng was able to build an extremely powerful country.

Ying Zheng no longer thought about the labor service, and instead asked Meng Ao: "The general thinks, when will Wei and Chu attack me, Da Qin?"

Meng Ao's eyes lit up, this question was within his field of expertise.

"Back to the king, it is winter now, and it is not suitable for combat. There are many things that are important to combat. Whether it is morale or logistical supplies, there is a unique system."

"And in this solar term in winter, the weather is cold and the ground is freezing. The soldiers may freeze to death before they die in battle. If the road is blocked by heavy snow and the logistics cannot be guaranteed, then the front-line soldiers may be completely lost because of this."

"Among the seven countries, few countries want to fight in winter."

"Then the time to fight can only be the beginning of the spring next year."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

"The old general is right, so this year, the widowed army will be replaced with iron weapons to improve its combat effectiveness."

"In addition, food, grass and other items can also be stored in Xinzheng through Chidao, which will be more conducive to attacking Wei!"

Chapter 1 A game of chess in the whole country, all in the palm of your hand -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"In addition, food, grass and other items can also be stored in Xinzheng through Chidao, which will be more conducive to attacking Wei!"

Meng Ao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"The king's energy is too directed at Wei Guo."

Ying Zheng said calmly: "Yes, the country of Chu is so vast that it is not suitable for attacking. However, there is not much land in the country of Wei. As long as the Wei army is defeated, the Wei country will be completely destroyed, so that we can free up our hands to deal with the Chu army with all our strength."

Hearing this, Meng Ao smiled even more.

"By that time, Wei State had been beaten all the time, but Chu State had not been attacked at all. I am afraid that Wei Guouo would die of depression, and the alliance between them would probably have more cracks. The king is really a good strategy!"

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