"Leading three thousand cavalry alone dares to enter my Great Chu. You are definitely the most arrogant king in the Seven Kingdoms. You won't live long like this."

Ying Zheng smiled and said, "The widow is younger than you, and naturally lived longer than you. It's just that the widow came here today to give the King of Chu a gift."

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he had already asked the black armored cavalry to take out the skins.

Inside the skin, it was the fireworks that Shaofu had spent countless efforts to create!

As Ying Zheng nodded lightly, someone lit the fireworks.

huh... bang...

The fireworks exploded in the sky, emitting a beautiful light, and the defenders on the city wall couldn't help being a little obsessed when they saw this.

Even the King of Chu had some doubts in his heart.

He originally thought that what Ying Zheng brought out was a siege weapon, but he didn't expect it to be such a beautiful thing.

This thing, even if he is the king of Chu, has never seen it!

Chapter 114 The real goal is achieved, Chu State is powerless to attack Qin! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

This thing, even if he is the king of Chu, has never seen it!

So beautiful!

No one can resist the temptation of fireworks, and the mood will also bloom with fireworks at this moment.

Even the king of Chu and the ministers of the state of Chu were puzzled.

Could it be that Ying Zheng fought from Qin to Shouchun just to put this thing outside Shouchun City?

Why is that?

From the beginning to the end, Ying Zheng's things are very fascinating!

Three thousand black armored iron cavalry attacked the state of Chu, and there was no danger at all under the siege of the Chu army.

This is the state of Chu after all.

Could it be that Ying Zheng was trying to disgust the state of Chu?

But for the sake of disgust, why should such beautiful fireworks be set off outside Shouchun City?

Many people do not understand why Ying Zheng did this.

Looking at Ying Zheng's figure, they felt that there was a big generation gap...

Huaou Yingzheng knew that he came here with all his strength, just to set off fireworks outside Shouchun City!

Of course it's not just fireworks, it's a signal!

Ten miles away from Shouchun City, there was a place where the army was stationed. There was food that the State of Chu had just prepared to send to the front line, but at this moment, it was ignited.

In the dry winter, the grain and grass are not easy to be extinguished when they burn.

A black figure showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, then hid in the darkness.

As the thick smoke billowed from here, there were successive fires burning around Shouchun City, and the thick smoke rolled.

This kind of situation actually spread out along Shouchun City, and happened one after another in various parts of Chu State.

When King You of Chu saw this scene, he immediately understood what Ying Zheng was going to do.

".〃The burning places are all the food and grass of my great Chu!"

Chu Jun, who saw this scene on the city wall, became distorted when he learned of this scene.

Fireworks and fireworks, there is smoke and fire, this fireworks event all over the country of Chu has suddenly hurt the vitality of the country of Chu!

Judging from the thick smoke rising in the distance, [-]% of Chu's food and forage had been wrapped up by Ying Zheng.

The corner of Ying Zheng's mouth showed a deep smile.

"Do you really think that the widow came to Chu country and only brought these three thousand feather Lin Wei?"

"The widow's shadow guard is not free after all."

In the distance, Xiang Yan had finished resting and was about to attack Ying Zheng when he received news that the grain was burned.

Xiang Yan's face was already pale.

"It's hit!"

"King Qin Yingzheng used black-armored iron cavalry to attract the attention of all the troops of Chu State, making me lose my mind and pursue Yu Linwei."

"But his fundamental purpose is to feed the country of Chu!"

"If there is no food and grass in the state of Chu, the army will not be able to get sufficient supplies, and it will not be able to attack Qin!"

"Even if we have an army of [-] people, it's useless at all!"

"At such a young age, he possesses such a mind. If Ying Zheng is not eliminated, our country of Chu will surely perish!"

Although Xiang Yan's heart was dripping blood, her eyes were finally on Ying Zheng's direction.

"Although the army of the state of Chu is unable to attack Qin from the north in a short period of time, there is still hope."

"As long as Ying Zheng is captured, the Qin state will be self-defeating!"

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