The black armored cavalry had come behind Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, do you want to pursue the victory?"

Ying Zheng slowly shook his head.

"Xiang Yan was hit by a few arrows. Regardless of life or death, he can no longer lead the state of Chu to attack the state of Qin."

"Since the purpose of the widow has been achieved, there is no need to stay."

"Pass the widow's order, go home for the New Year!"


Meng Tian followed suit.

At this moment, the arrows on the black armored cavalry had all been shot in the air, and there was no need to continue to fight.

On the way back, Meng Tian also began to count the battle report.

There are only [-] Yulinwei, so it is not difficult to count.

"Your Majesty, in this trip to Chu, we injured 231 people lightly, 82 people were seriously injured, and 65 people died."

When Ying Zheng heard the battle report, he couldn't help but nodded.

This battle, at a small price, achieved a huge achievement, enough to record in the history books.

Perhaps because of Xiang Yan's relationship with the arrow, even if they encountered the Chu army on the road, the Chu army could not form an effective resistance.

The black armored cavalry galloped all the way, feeling relaxed.

As for the seriously injured, they have already been taken away by the shadow guards on the road to recover, and will return to Qin State later.

In addition, it is located in the south, and the two days are sunny again. The snow on the ground has disappeared, and the war horse can naturally run at full strength!

Under the constant rushing day and night, Yu Linwei is enough to return to Xianyang City during the Chinese New Year!

At this time, in Xianyang City, Lu Buwei and his ministers were still worried about Ying Zheng.

"Knowing that the Chinese New Year is approaching, the king actually went to Chu country, can he return to Chu country in time for the year?"

"I heard that the king killed Xiang Yan's son in Chu State, which angered Xiang Yan. Xiang Yan is leading an army of [-] people to encircle and suppress the king... I don't know if the king will be safe and sound."

"According to the information from the Shadow Guard, the king went to Chu State. Although he only led Yulin Guard and Shadow Guard, he directly burned [-]% of Chu State's grain. I am afraid that Chu State will not be able to attack for a period of time. Qin State."

"This matter has already been spread in Xianyang City, and the people are celebrating it. There is even a grandfather holding a banquet in the restaurant to celebrate for three days. Anyone who comes can let go of the belly and eat."

"The ridiculous Wei-Chu-Yan coalition has now been destroyed by the king!"

"Without the containment of the state of Chu, the state of Yan and the state of Wei are nothing to worry about."

Daqin, singing and dancing.

Many people were shocked that Ying Zheng went to the state of Chu and made great contributions.

Some old Qin soldiers were even more embarrassed.

What kind of experience is it to have a king who can fight?

Chapter 118 Xiang Yan hits the arrow, Ying Zheng returns home! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

What kind of experience is it to have a king who can fight?

What an army of hundreds of thousands of Lao Qin, like a soy sauce!

Some old Qin soldiers couldn't help but sharpen their knives at home at this time.

"The seven kingdoms are going to be destroyed by the king himself, where are we going to get the title!"

"In the spring of next year, we must kill the enemy well and strive to get the title as soon as possible."

Even during the Chinese New Year, the entire Qin state is murderous.

All the generals of the Qin army were even more eager at this time, preparing to make great contributions to Da Qin and Ying Zheng in the battle in the coming spring.

It's just that compared to these, more old Qin people are looking forward to King Qin's return to Xianyang during the Chinese New Year.

After all, Ying Zheng is the symbol of the whole country!

Without Ying Zheng, even in the New Year's Eve, the Qin Kingdom would not be too festive.

And this kind of expectation, how could Ying Zheng refuse.

On New Year's Eve, perhaps because of the absence of the King of Qin in the highest palace, the entire Xianyang city did not appear to be happy.

Many Qin people were even more worried on their faces.

"Isn't Wang Shang going back to Qin during the new year?"

"It's really a little uncomfortable without the king's years!"

"Yeah, every time during the New Year, the king will give us rewards. This rule has never been broken, but this time, it seems to be an exception..."

"Shut up, I just hope that the king can return to Xianyang safely. After all, the king ran away from the state of Chu!"

The people in Xianyang City were not in the mood to celebrate the New Year at all.

This wait, until the evening of New Year's Eve.

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